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Soooo... remember how I said Chapter 2v2 would be last week? Well... my Chapter 3 kinda got folded into my Chapter 2 😅

So yes, this IS Chapter 2v2, but I think you'll be happy with the amount of added material hahaha.

Still needs some smoothing, but I hope you enjoy!


A few rules & reminders:

  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.
  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.

On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!



That's it, so without further ado... Enjoy!


Jason Bradford

So…here’s the thing. I’m registering to Fire & Song, & specifically the MIND’s recap that a “rogue element” must have accessed the system. In conjunction with the revelation of time walking revealed in recent blurbs, I’m forced to conclude that Central had nothing to do with it. Future Rei did it. He understood its impact in retrospect, and he reprogrammed the parameter system to hammer his young self with S0’s. Thoughts?


Can't wait for Rei's sister to show up to the academy. She's a 2nd year, right? I really hope that she's the doting, overprotective type. She could be the bridge that brings Rei and Kamiya back together. It's a little annoying that Rei immediately assumed the worst possible scenario where his entire family abandoned him, so he just hates them by default. Like, it's JUST your parents man, your grandfather would literally bankrupt his empire to get to know you. And your sister threatened to kill your father when she found out you're alive.

Richard Jackway

Why would Rei think it would be anything other than his family realising he is not an embarrasment to them? Suddenly he's succeeding, and they go 'oh my Boy, we are so proud of you, here take a million credits!'....would you believe that?