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Hey guys! Quick new WIP from Tom Jilesen with more flat colors! Gonna lighted Rei's skin a touch, but otherwise I like the direction!!

Also, I wanted Chapter 1 out this morning, but I just cannot get the engine started without reading more of Book 2, which I am going to spend all day today and tomorrow doing so that I can get the ball rolling Sunday hopefully. Like I said, please be patient with these early chapter rollouts. I got the MP3s about 2 weeks later than they were promised initially, I'm sorry 😭




The man is giving us previews and working his ass off to write part 3 of his amazing series and says sorry when it's not his fault for a little delay on something he's working on in the moment...... Welp this man is loyal to the community that's for sure! Welp I ain't gonna be mad especially when there is more art to drool over


Does anyone know if Bryce mentioned he will add Cashe Cad desc in book 2? Or will we get this info through this (and other) art completion? Or is this a book 3 info detail? Just curious 🙂


Haven’t seen anything here or Reddit with Bryce detailing any book 3 directions but there have been requests for both art and a detailed fight from Cashe’s perspective. Maybe with the incoming art he could create “trading card” like cards or bookmarks with specs for at least Fire Song members for the upcoming December KS.