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The Iron Prince will claim his crown.

Reidon Ward’s first semester at the Galens Institute hasn't been without reward. In just over half a year he’s gone from the weakest cadet at school to one of the strongest in his class, and there’s no one left who would argue that his Device, Shido, isn’t the most terrifying CAD they’ve ever laid eyes on. Still, Rei knows that his climb has barely begun, like he knows that the true fight is only just starting.

After all… The Sectionals tournament has arrived.

Rei, along with Aria, Viv, Catcher, and a couple unexpected squadmates, are about to face the first real battle of their careers. Squaring off with some of the best Users in the Astra System, they’re going to have to put everything they have—as individuals and as a team—into their coming fights if they want to ultimately end up standing at the top. As ever, though, their journey is hardly bound to be a smooth one. Especially not when Rei and Aria begin to suspect that Shido may be even more formidable than it appears.

And much less as the powerful entities who've already taken notice of the ‘Iron Prince of Galens' begin to make their moves, some casting their hands in his favor, others very much against…



Buddy Wooten

Arsenal shift is the manifestation of the weapon only into a couple of different shapes or forms like a sword to an Axe. Type shift is a complete change to a different type altogether like his Brawler mode to a Sabre mode. Everything changes with this his specs and all evolve to the new mode he shifts to. Hope that simplifies it.

Nicole Campbell

To me it always seemed that the advantage of type shift is that it is a complete overhaul. That the stats that you have in brawler mode are completely different than the stats that you have or could have and saber mode. And in Reiden's case they are. Where is arsenal shift only allows the device itself to physically change its shape. This is how I'm interpreting it. By the way, this is giving me a really great idea for a defensive weapon. I'm a physicist.