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Hey all! Ben got COVID, we have TWO Kickstarters launching this week, and I didn't like the direction the Chapter was headed so I scrapped about 2k words this morning, which puts me behind. For that reason, it will have to drop this weekend rather than Friday, sorry!


Ibiso Charles

Hope Ben gets well soon. Take your time and drop the next chapter when you are ready.

Devin Jaros

If you ever need to hire a part-time remote admin person I volunteer 🙋🏻‍♀️


He knows our weakness. Cat meme apologies. Well played sir.

Daylan Ethridge

Stuck between genuinely wanting to express support or making the meme response referencing South Park's BP gag... Hope Ben feels better and any delay that is in favor of giving more and higher quality products is not only excused, it is welcomed!

jacob shlagel

Every time I see delay posts I get mad then I go to the king killer subreddit and all is forgiven. I really am glad I that not only is the book great but the author is present with updates and the community is overwhelmingly positive, I’m really glad I stumbled on this book


down side ive gotta wait another day for the chapter. upside i dont sit in the gents for 30 mins in work reading and people dont think theres something wrong with me


That's a low blow... But oh so justified. Evey 2 years my intense dismay for the way Patrick Rothfuss and ol' George are treating their readers flares up for a few days before I stuff it back into the dark and musty attic of my mind...


you "volunteer" do you? as in "volunteer work"? for FREE? you heard it here folks! Devin will work for Wraithmarked for FREE! Devin, sign below please. 🤣

jacob shlagel

George is a worker he just refuses to work on the thing that made him huge. My conspiracy is that he has already finished but people hated the way the show ended and he just doesn’t know how to fix it I fully believed if everyone loved the way the show ended then winds of winter would have been announced like that week

Craig Bentsen

They volunteer to be hired for free, sure. They won't charge you for the privilege of being hired. After the hiring process is over, they'll collect their paycheck as usual :)

Dalton Coady M Eaton

it's all good your life happens and you give us updates


Bryce leaving us on a cliff, apologizing: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=stHMD5N-KPw (Jkjk)

Cynthia L.Lara

With the way you write..... Take your time, I know that it will be worth it although the wait is killing me!!!


Funny and true. I saw the email for this and was sad…..I actually met George 20-ish years ago at a book signing and was like “This MFer ain’t living to finish this series.”. He was old then.


Pitchforks, get your pitchforks here!


Where do you find these adorable cats???!!! OMG!


There is slow, and there is George R. R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, and Robert Jordan SLOW. Not everyone is Brandon Sanderson fast and there is nothing wrong with that!

jacob shlagel

Cut Rothfuss a smidge of slack he has been busy making false promises to swindle people for his dubious charity


Aw what a cute little kitty! Wait... what was that? 😉


this is where I lost sympathy personally. i still feel for GRRM personally because I cant IMAGINE the pressure he's under to write something he's probably miserable sitting down to do. but Rothfuss is kinda in the shitter for me until he proves every penny went to charity. -bryce

jacob shlagel

Not just proves it went to charity but actually following through on the promises he set as stretch goals. He would probably be in a much better place if he hired a community manager and that person had actual power to reign him in