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Hey all. I'm pretty sick, so I'm not sure I'll get this finished chapter to you guys in time tomorrow or not. Wanted to get you this at the very least though so I didn't completely leave you hanging after the Sneak Peek.

Cheers all. Feeling better today than last night so with luck I'll be on my feet tomorrow.



Fun chapter, great twist. You almost feel sorry for Salista. At worst, she’s a crazed sports-parent. Cheerleader Mom from Hell. And now Salista is the cut-out. If she goes with them, she disappears or they blackmail her. If she instead doesn’t do what they’re asking — walks up to a guard and insists that they take her to see her daughter — they expose her, and she’s their fall-person. Or she goes along and they have leverage over someone close to Rei through Aria. re: Rei, this would be a terrible way to kill him; it seems like it would be easier to blow up a shuttle than rig an ISCM match. Otoh, hurting Rei seems more like something Command would do, unless someone thinks they can intimidate Rei or use this to send a message, to control him. “We hacked an ISCM final match. We can get to you, your friends, anyone you’ve ever cared about.” That feels more like organized crime/syndicate recruiting, some boss saying, “I want him. Make it happen.” Rei fades away, just some athlete who did well in a match sometime, who resigns, and winds up working as an Enforcer in the underworld. Assuming you can take your Device with you. Perhaps military intelligence or an alphabet Agency. Otherwise, why do something so high-profile that is simultaneously so ineffective?

Nicole Hicks

Maybe it is the Mind. It told Rei it needs variables. It knew about all the shit he had to deal with while growing up and knew the kind of person he is and what all he did and endured. The Mind admits to experimenting with the CADs and the users because it needs new variables to help fight the Archons. The war is going bad and time is running out. It needs as much variables as it can possibly get and fast. It chose him for his drive to succeed, willingness to drive himself to his physical limits and beyond over and over again, intelligence, imagination, and how stable his mind is despite everything he has had to go through. What happened at the tournament would not have physically killed him and because of his experience in enduring and copping with situations that would cause mental and emotional anguish, the Mind would have calculated that the risk of the mental and emotional damage it would cause Rei to suffer through was worth it for it's variables collecting. Not to mention how that experience would push both Rei and his CAD to change and grow in strength for any other experimental situations the Mind could make happen to get what it needs out of Rei and his CAD. It is easy to come to the conclusion that the Mind is a use and sacrifice the one for the many. I also got the feeling that it has not occurred to anyone that the Mind is capable of outright lying. They know it omits info. based off of who is cleared to know what, but I got the impression that everyone thinks outright lying is beyond it. I'm not saying the mind is a "bad guy", just that it is the one entity that nobody has considered that has the access to the knowledge, power, motivation, ability, and awareness to artificially create and take advantage of anyone and anything it might need to make things happen how it wants things to happen. It also explains why Central Control has put a watchdog on him and is caught by surprise every time something new happens to him and his CAD. Then again it could be a "right hand knowth not what the left hand doeth" situation. So, that's my theory and it will be interesting to see if any part of my theory holds any water. If it doesn't it doesn't matter. I know the story is going to be great no matter what. After all, creating genius takes time and any wait for the next chapter is and will always be well worth it.