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I promised you all something this weekend, and I didn't want to be a liar sooo... here is your 9:30pm Sunday drop, lol!

Like I said Friday, this is a scene that I just had to get out of my head. It will be a doozy once we get to it in the actual story because I can assure you a LOT will change about it, but in the meantime I hope you all have fun trying to guess where I THINK Rei's story is headed in the meantime, even if I change it before we get here ;)

Oh and ignore the "XXXXX" and "A?". Was just too tired to look up the character's rank and CAD colors. Will do so in rereads! 


A few rules & reminders:

  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.
  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.
  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!

That's it, so without further ado... Enjoy!



Thank you for the early release of this scene. I felt such a sense of satisfaction after reading about the major's public ass chewing and release! Finally.

kyle walker

Reese, makes no sense to me (although i have known men and women like him). he fears ward will become a monster, but the actions he takes are the most likely to create the monster he fears. i know he's a villain, but when i think of him he just seems not so bright.