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Finished 31 the way I wanted to, I realized most of the new ending fit better as a (very) short additional chapter. Sooo... Here you guys go 😁

33 still planned for Friday right now! Enjoy!


A few rules & reminders:

  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.
  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.
  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you!

That's it, so without further ado... Enjoy!


Temp One

Wasn't a big fan of this chapter. Like wasn't Firesong regularly trouncing both the other Galens teams at once in their training leadup to the competition? When a third team, subpar to Galens, shows up, suddenly all of Firesong is doom and gloom about their prospects? As soon as I started reading about Rei fumbling over himself my anticipation for the fight scene started deflating. Usually they're exciting and engaging to follow, but with this it was like the story telegraphed the team was going to fail. Rei contributed like, what, two kills to the fight? And spent the rest of it moaning it seemed like. It was a wincing series of mistakes on top of a team resigned to lose. Wasn't very fun to read.

Hammertime Gunzablaze

Me personally I cannot wait for someone to lose it at the other Galen's teams and just be like it's ok. You do know for the next few years we will beat you all of you at school and out of school. Shit Rei won't even need to call to beat most of you soon and will show you your true worth


They won against them in training, yes, but it's a big difference if you're fighting 1:2 odds versus 1:3. Even if the last team was slightly worse, they still weren't bad.