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Chapter 4 coming Friday!

“Oh!” Rei said in realization even as he automatically shook, then started to follow the woman—Kent—when she promptly turned and made for the same corner of the chamber she’d appeared from. “I know who you are! Aria’s told me about you.”

That drew a smile from Kent, looking back over her shoulder at him as she moved. “Is that so? Good. I would have felt bad being the only one in the know. I heard you two had quiet the first date over the weekend…”

“Ah… Uh…” Rei felt his ears grow hot, recalling the incident with Jay Taylor again. “Yeah… that was… definitely something.”

The woman laughed, looking forward again as she brought him around a well-disguised wall behind the kiosk where a smaller open space led to a set of stairs standing beside of bank of elevators.

“Don’t worry, it was mostly good things,” Kent teased as she opted for the elevators, swiping up on a small pane of smart-glass between the nearest pair to summon them a car. “Though she did mention some disappointment about a… pink hat?”

Rei finally cracked a smile at that, deciding it was alright to relax a little in front of the woman.

“Oh, yeah. That. I thought she wasn’t going to let me leave the store without trying it on. Not my color, regrettably.”

Kent snorted, giving a nod of understanding as the quiet sound of the car reached them just before the doors opened silently. “Good for you.” She stepped in and to the side, immediately swiping at the inside panel. “I’m glad she’s having fun, but don’t spoil her too much, you hear?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Rei answered, following promptly and claiming the back of the small compartment. “How did you meet Aria, though, if you don’t mind me as—?”

The words, however, caught in his throat just as the doors shut behind him, closing him in. It had just struck him, as he’d asked the question.

The question he already knew the answer to.

Yes… Yes. He did know Maddison Kent. “Maddie”, Aria always called her. “Maddie”, the one person on campus she teased that she liked more than him. “Maddie” who she’d encountered through Aria’s uncle, as the man’s chief assistant.

Aria’s uncle, who was none other than…

“Well… shit…” Rei muttered, feeling the car start to rise beneath them, zipping them upwards at breakneck speed.


Amanda Jones

Woo! what a sheer cliff to hang on! That's a sadistic tease if I've ever seen one. I love it 😅🤣🤣


I'm so pumped!!!!!


I’m just glad to see I’m not the only one that types “quite” and “quiet” wrong! The only reason I notice is because I do it wrong half the time.


I am so ready for Rama Guest to (hopefully) go full overbearing uncle on Rei then follow up with plot! Friday cant come fast enough

Charlie Staner

Totally excited for Aria’s surrogate father to put the smackdown on a new boyfriend


Can't see that as a reason for Rei to get pulled out early for that after Maddie just got a scene in there


Still thinking we are going to see Rei get asked to transfer schools. Changes in the format for Sectionals doesn't feel right after the conversation with Maddie


I'm not a fan on prologue. I thought he would change it in future, but if he is embedding it in other chapters than not likely.


Might not be the final product. It's always possible for things to change until publishing. Only the last month before publishing is everything written in stone.


Why spend the money to do it? From the human perspective how well do you see any teenager getting pulled into the principles office and told "hey you are rich, and this is your grandfather". The most likely reaction is it blows up in your face. The grandfather is not military and has to still contend with his kid and spouse to move forward. Not saying Grandfather can't meet him without telling him. But a multi-galaxy CEO would have to explain to the board as well as to Rei why he shows up. Boards meet 4 times a year mandatory and changing a meeting almost takes an act of God to do in today's world. And board meetings that get canceled or rescheduled by CEO is news. You or I may not read that article but companies do. Which can send people selling off stocks and creates more speculation. That kind of volatility investors and boards hate. And with a child behind you who would dump his own child as an orphan would you give them any chance for using it as leverage against you? And your grandson you don't how he will react with any of this. As a grandparent you want your kids and grandkids to succeed. But would you waltz up to a kid who you don't know and lay out that he comes from a rich family but his parents dumped him? And we don't know if Rei's has any more siblings or aunts and uncles or even cousins. Rei is an uncrowned "prince". That will impact the family fortune and all of his "unknown family" will take it differently. How much chaos that creates is unknown. But his grandfather certainly knows what they will do or can speculate well enough. Grandfather will want order not chaos. And he knows he will have to fight Rei's parents at least for acknowledgement of Rei legally. Granted all of this is based off of real life knowledge. But you can look up speculation on the Princesses Anastasia being alive. Even with knowing that she was dead. People got conned into believing that she was still alive. And the end results of that. And that was a speculative heir to the Russian Throne. And you can see the kind of chaos a real live heir can do. All of which leads me to believe that Grandfather will have a complicated entrance. As well Rei only later finding out that he is an uncrowned prince


Yeah, the prologue will hopefully be updated. I really think most authors can have higher expectations for the readers for the sequels and cut down on the recaps.


He has a sister “Sarah”, Hitori mentions that they shouldn’t disturb her since she just finished her own infra school tournament. I’m wondering if Hitori would start with a sponsorship for Rei to break the ice and get to know him before he let’s him know he is family. That would also prolong that story arc.


I could definitely see Grandfather sponsoring Rei. And getting to know him that way. Even today most sponsors have access and can meet their sponsors pretty easily. Can't see a short arc to the family situation. It's a weird family set up. So making it short wouldn't work. Though how "Sarah" reacts to her Grandfather spending time with a competitor and sponsoring them will definitely be interesting to read about. The story arc leads to a ton of drama and conflict. Rei goes from the "Uncrowned Prince" to "StormWeaver". The snippets we get from journal entrees and history accounts and interviews lend it to a long and convulted story. Which is nice. No simple arcs. Messy history and interesting history in the making

Harry Vermeulen

I hope he is summoned to hear they are putting him in 2nd year class to speed up his growth. So he can chase those 2nd years like he chased the first years in book 1. Or getting a sponsor that pays for a private tutor that will train their whole group and make them all advance faster. Just like what happend with Lasher.


Why would he need to chase the 2nd years? He unlocked Saber Mode. Which is different than Arsenal Shift. From the sounds of Arsenal Shift it goes into 2 or 3 variation. And with Saber Mode it's totally different than his initial set up as a brawler. Pushing Saber Mode to branch out to different kinds of modes like Lancer Mode or Duelist Mode or any other should keep him pushing forward just fine. Even working on just being a better Saber should be enough. Switching specs and making him fight differently will definitely keep his growth going wild. Sponsors I can see only focusing on Rei unless they sponsored them as a team. For team competitions.

Harry Vermeulen

I agree with you but to take most advantage of his growth spec he needs to fight people stronger then him. Only Aria seems to be 1 lvl above him but that gap should be closed soon. That’s why I thought there is a possibility they will let him fight 2nd years. They could keep him in first year ofcourse but then they need to fight him 2vs1 or more at some point. He grows the fastest when pushed. Rei himself wants to push his limits and so should the school as they probably want someone from their school to win the tournament.


I think Dent plans on pushing everyone in fighting. Probably see them fighting like Grant did in the end of Iron Prince, fighting multiple opponents and Classes. Galens only took the top 100 users. So they are seeding the top spots to begin with. Doesn't mean other schools didn't do similar things. But from the clip we got from Dent when looking at Rei admission into the school. Galens sounds like one of the big 10 schools that we talk about for colleges.