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  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.

  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.

  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!





Alan Zhang



Lennon incoming. Gonna be doooooope

DeadKing Valas

Another Lasher training session? Oh yeah I'm stoked.


Oh hell yeah. Lennon is gonna get brought in, isn't he? And that's great for him too because he'd benefit from getting to also train with S Ranks!


Great chapter! I hope they are talking about Lenin. I would love to see him train with them.

Jacob Clemens

WHO THE HELL ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT DAMMIT!!! Next chapter today please, I need to know who they are talking about.


Hey Lennon, wanna train with Firesong again? - . - The Ivory Shield is their trainer ! . ! Also Rei's a B0 X . X

Jacob Clemens

Lennon huh? That seems like cheating, he's an A8 or 9 if I remember right.

Andrea Busato

Is it Lennon? or Valera herself?


I would guess Lennon first but dent would be second. Only because she’s a higher rank


And then Dent started to laugh. Oh that is fantastic! 😂🤣😂🤣😂


This friendship with Lennon is so great. They already have mutual respect, and now the gang can give him a little recompense by giving him *3* S-Ranked users. Love seeing things come full circle like this


She asked for one of their level, or able to reduce their abilities to match their level. Lennon did a good job bringing himself down to *just* above Ward in their 1-on-1 training


had to stop reading to laugh at How odd.” Jasper smiled teasingly. “The sergeant major managed to avoid getting hit, somehow"


Also Lennon we’re training with another S-rank Atypical with a mutating weapon!!!


Thanks for the great chappie Bryce. Was hoping for one other thing but will post the thought to reddit as prescribed.

Iron Akela

I thought maybe this would be a good opportunity to inject Sarah into the mix, but Lennon is most definitely a better option! He’s familiar with Firesong, AND getting him in on this may well help him too!! I can see it now! Catching the eye of the Ivory Shield AND Jasper, he gets sponsored too. And Grandfather’s favour as one of Rei’s true friends. And Lennon showing up at Globals as a Pawn-class bad arse. This is gonna be EPIC!!! And gotta say, I LOVE von Bor!! Can she be my grandma please!


I wonder how the adult group will react when they start referring to The Lasher as "sir" while training 😆 loved the chapter, Mr O'Connor. Looking forward to the next

Brandon King

Loved this! Was a tad disappointed he didn't evolve here but I guess we gotta save that for a more dramatic moment! Still, loved it!

Babasola Osikoya

Christopher Lennon 🥳🥳🥳🥳

Devin Jaros

Oh gosh the more time Viv spends in the hospital bed the more insane her evolution better be! I’m going to need her to have a damn external in recompense for us not getting answers for this long! 😂

Tim Drury

When in the training simulator and they are getting rained on, when the simulation ends, are they still wet? Or does the simulated rain disappear from their hair and training uniforms? This is important stuff...

Christine Stewart

I’m just going to guess Christopher Lennon is the person Aria/Rei suggested…loved this btw, great chapter.

Devin Jaros

Oh oh oh could the link with Rei work like Exp Share in Pokémon? That way Viv won’t be left behind at all with all this training they are doing while she’s recovering!

Josh Offsie

I really like this because it shows the team's loyalty to each other and those who have helped them. This is finally a way for them to pay Lennon back for his "investment" of time and support in a way he may never have gotten.

Iron Akela

One could argue Lennon’s investment was repaid by Dent, but I totally agree with you. Lennon (and Dice) have shown true friendship to Rei and Firesong. Plus, this way, Galen’s gets an Inter-System champion 3 years in a row! I’m sure Guest will be happy with that outcome

Machina Ex Deo

Lennon makes sense. But I wanna point out that Dent is also a dual-wielder with sufficient skill to stand in for Arada haha

Iron Akela

Indeed. It could be her, though I think Aria and Rei would think of Lennon, since he’s a cadet. Asking for Dent would maybe not occur to them as an option because… she’s the Iron Bishop. I’m fairly sure the dictionary definition of pedestal is along the lines of “the things the Iron Bishop and Ivory Shield stand upon” :oD From a pure logic standpoint she’d make more sense, since Lennon’s whips give him reach and asking him to fight as a Duelist might be difficult. I don’t doubt The Lasher could do it of course. Dammit, now I’m seriously considering Dent!!! :oD

Iron Akela

That’s a very good question! Also, would the simulated rain wash away their sweat…?

Iron Akela

Hmmm, that could be interesting to see! In my head the link is a way for the child device(s) (Gamela in this case) to ‘borrow’ some S rank growth as a sort of parallel processing type situation. But your suggestion also makes a lot of sense! And would be SUPER cool if it were the case!

Iron Akela

I’d be happy for her to have evolved into a full body CAD like Rei’s. She has to have more coverage than Aria that’s for sure! An external would be bloody awesome though! I also expect Rei to get one at his next evolution.

Iron Akela

Given his stats, I’m somewhat surprised he didn’t hit B1 to be honest. I’m expecting his next evolution to be B1 or maybe B2. Definitely don’t disagree with you though, an evolution now would have been sweet!

Iron Akela

Totally agree!!! Lennon, and Dice to a slightly lesser extent, has proven to be a true friend. And given Rei and Aria’s pasts, they know how valuable that truly is

Iron Akela

I initially discounted Dent as her status - as the Iron Bishop, and an officer, and chief combat instructor - makes me think it unlikely for Aria and Rei to consider her. But it totally could be her!


"doing your damndest to shove your shoulder so far up my rear I could have wagged you like a tail!" I had grabbed a beer before I started to read, and ended up spitting a mouthful on my screen... Laughing... Thank you.

Iron Akela

He’s A9, but we know he can rein himself in. Plus including Lennon feels like it’d be the right move. Could be Dent, but I’m leaning towards Lennon

Iron Akela

And we now know being seen as an ally by Shido boosts your device’s development :oD

Iron Akela

I’m 99% sure it’s Lennon. But others have made the point it could be Dent herself

Iron Akela

I wanna see Lennon’s face when Rei uses Temporal Step. I’m predicting a wry shake of the head and “okay that was a surprise” :o)

Iron Akela

For sure! Lennon showing up at the Globals as a Pawn-class will surprise a lot of people, and piss off Sidorov even more :oD

Christopher Generazio

holy crap! that was awesome! Love seeing more increases in Shido, and I feel like I know who is being hinted at right there at the end. Can't wait to see if I'm right, and if so, all the awesomeness that creates Thanks for all the awesome writing!

Lyn Shirley

Great chapter. I really like the new trio of instructors.

Florian Eggers

When live gives you Lennon's, make Lennonade!


Money 💰💰 of money.

Al Parks

Lennon would be a great fit, he already has training time with Fire Song, and he will benefit too. Working with 3 S ranks privately and von Bor is legendary. He also gets to work with an Atypical too. Can't wait to see chapter 20


i've been debating this and for simplicity I think i'm going to have them dry off, just like dust or dirt that was simulated would vanish. SPACE MAGIC -Bryce

Kory Leach

It has to be Lennon. If for no other reason than the time commitment the training requires. Dent already has a full plate as an instructor/ administrator. It also gives Lennon more training with instructors who can challenge him and THAT is in short supply for him and allows for the foreshadowing from book one where he states something to the effect of “it won’t be a complete waste of my time someday.” So Rei et al get to repay their debt!

Machina Ex Deo

Yeah, its a fun idea. But I think it makes more sense from a story/narrative structure for it to be Lennon. The only thing I think might be weird is his atypically long range for a dual wielder. But I guess he could use his Puppet skill thing to choke up on his weapons and make them artificially shorter or rigid


Lasher incoming! Love Von Bor calling bull shit on the secrecy! She’s all over the device connection with Shido. To get the most out of the training sessions the trainers should know about the S Growth I reckon. Von bor knows or guesses already. Expecting grandad to show up at the hospital with a bunch of cutting edge medical tech not generally available to hospitals that fixes Viv. I think Logan “the gatecrasher” Grant has a good ring to it. Also maybe Shido links to Von Bors CAD and she becomes a Queen rank? Or maybe links to the Lashers annd helps boost him to Pawn class? Another awesome chapter!!!


so von bor knows reis growth spec is S right?


This is another great chapter. I so thought Viv was going to walk out when Von Bor said that she was going to let Viv be the one to tell them the name of her new ability. That would have blown me away. But the possibility of the Lasher being added is awesome.


Doesn't Lennon already have a sponsor though? That could be an issue if his sponsor objects.


She may suspect but not sure if she actually KNOWS.


Gateknocker now. Poor guy, no one ever seems to get his name right consistently.

Jess A

“Gateknocker” you did that on purpose and I hope that survives in the final edit


At this point they won’t even have to call Viv a moron - just tell her everything she missed while out… and she might learn her lesson… maybe… Hope they keep the Lasher in the training group even once Viv returns… also hoping Viv returns soon… though wonder even once she’s awake what the healing time is for a blown neuroline….




And even more so when Kalus is an atypical like Rei and Chris.

Bob Wilkinson

Love the chapter and def seems that it will be Lennon based on the way Rei clarifies the requirements. Only downside to this chapter is that it means that Bryce is going to make us wait even longer to get Viv back :(!

Kory Leach

I’m not sold on the value of an atypical’s worth to another. Just because their weapon systems can be so disparate in styles. Sure, each offers a potentially unique challenge. That certainly has value, just not necessarily in any manner other than making the combatant versatile overall.

Candida Hudson

I’m sure it’s Lennon. It has to be

Linda Thompson

I know, I know. This is getting even more awesome 😎

Eric Edwards

I loved this chapter... I'm taking bets, anyone want those odds? LENNON! In 'MY' alternate timeline, Logan/Rei visit Viv to catch her up. Upon hearing Martin was going to fill in her stead, Viv in her unconscious mind has heard enough and as Logan/Rie exits, the monitors with her vitals start to spike. Plz Bryce... bring her out SOON!!!

Benjamin Hartmann

That would be brilliant, would also make up for her lacking growth spec. And Rei can connect to devices… so that would be a game changer for Firesong!


I think it’s more the experience of thinking outside of the box and learning from each other’s weird quirks to fit them into their own fighting style

Iron Akela

If memory serves, Lennon has several according to Guest. If the agreements aren’t exclusive, I don’t see a problem.

Iron Akela

Yeah I want Viv back too! But, even if she comes out the coma she’ll still need physio and stuff so with Lennon (I assume), the team can train

Iron Akela

I’m waiting for ‘Gatedude’ or something as it’s definitely a schtick at this point :o)

Iron Akela

Yeah, I think von Bor knows it’s A or higher… at her age, and with her experience, I expect her to be able to read all their specs faster than they can call their devices! :o)

Iron Akela

I dunno about Logan’s field name. He’s a stoic, stalwart, rage monster with a bloody big axe… so for some reason I think of him as a super sized fantasy dwarf. Somehow I can’t see him going through the gate… he goes through the wall!! My gut is feeling something with rock or stone in there. Maybe Stonecutter? Rock Breaker? Of course maybe once his device evolves and gets his second ability that may clue us in some. I’m sure whatever Bryce decides will be epic though!

Iron Akela

Gotta admit, while I agree with you in the combat sense, Kalus and Lennon are the same type of A-type - I believe he called himself a structural atypical in book 1. That may be where Kalus is able to help Lennon most.

Iron Akela

Okay now all I can see is Lennon’s chains being used as a blender to make smoothies! :oD

Iron Akela

It makes sense, though haven’t we seen users having to clean mud off themselves? Or am I imagining that?

Iron Akela

Yeah I imagine her recovery will be somewhat long and arduous. Though if the link works like I think, Shido will help Gamela heal Viv faster than should be possible.

Iron Akela

I just had a thought. What’s Candice Meyers’ type? I don’t think it’s mentioned in book 2… if she’s a Duelist as well, could be two third years brought in to help Firesong until Viv gets back on her feet. I don’t think we were even told her rank. Other than the fact she was a squad entrant into Sectionals, and her eventual field name, don’t think we know much about out her yet.

Shannon Bryce

Lasher will enjoy the extra time with the special instructors too.

Iron Akela

Doing another read through, cos a chapter this awesome deserves way more than two!, something occurred to me. Shido told Rei in the previous chapter that his shoulder was dislocated. So shouldn’t he have let on that was the case? I can’t imagine Shido’s ability to diagnose his injury is unique to him right?


RIP Gateguy... one day you'll be remembered correctly.

Aubrey Listi

I really hope it's Lennon too

Mike Frenkel

Its Lennon 100%. The telegraphing works though because its a great idea for them

Brandon King

When I saw everything was SEVERELY lacking I was like "Oh, SNAP! Externals much?!"


Soooo,... Sarah Kamiya...this chapter was so awesome .I can't want for the gang to be all assembled. It keeps getting better and better. Nothing but badassness.


Great chapter! Love Shido bumping up again as well. B0! :-)

Tim Kilgore

I am just curious to know if Raiden‘s weaponry is going to develop interesting quirks. :-)

Linn G

That chapter beginning had me immediately thinking of MG Raiden‘s „Pain… this is why I fight“ lmao


Lasher makes sense plus it gives them a chance to pay him back for all the training he gave them last year.

Kory Leach

Having had a shoulder dislocated on numerous occasions (one time a third degree separation) there’s little doubt anyone familiar with that injury will have difficulty knowing what it is just by seeing the joint.

Tim Kilgore

It seems though a couple chapters back, something was talking to Viv while she was still in a coma. I wonder then if the Cads will be able to communicate telepathically with their users at some point. We already know that KES talks to dint.


She only got a swollen brain I don't see how that's more than a week or two of physio. Especially with CADs


I totally agree! And it’s absurd enough of a suggestion to warrant Dent laughing. 😀


Can you have several sponsors? I remember he had several offers, but I thought you could only be sponsored by one.


He just evolved at C9 though. It usually takes him 3-5 rank ups to evolve so I don't expect the next one to be until around B3.

Iron Akela

The fact the agreement for Firesong has an exclusivity clause makes me think you can have multiple. You can today after all. I freely admit I could be misremembering or mistaken, or have misinterpreted some things. Guess we’ll find out eventually :o)

Skyler Springer

I love the idea of bringing the Lasher back in to benchmark Firesong's growth (especially Rei's). This is hype! Edit: I also think bringing in Lenin means we don't have to worry about Viv feeling like she's been replaced by one of her peers. I hope Viv's Endwalker is busted enough that she doesn't have to scramble to keep up when she's back


When I read “…I could have wagged you like a tail!” I laughed out loud and my husband gave me a funny look. 😄. Love the chapter!