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Surprise! Didn't expect this didya! This chapter wrapped a little earlier in the story than I expected (might change with a reread), so I thought I'd get it out while US readers hopefully have the day of for Juneteenth!

Enjoy, and I'm gonna try to have 18 out for you guys next Friday!



  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.

  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.

  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!



Jason Bradford

What an amazing, welcome, lovely, etc etc surprise!!!!! Made my morning, brother!


Smiled hard when this notification popped up. Nice!!


The one time I was supposed to get a chapter on my birthday and you had to go and be an overachiever and get us a surprise early chapter! *rabble rabble rabble*

Kory Leach

Bonus! Vacation starts tomorrow evening, so now I’m not reading a chapter instead of checking out the mountains!


Having a rough week at work, thank you for this!

Timothy Anciso

Ha! Nice end to that chapter!

Jacob Clemens

Fanominal chapter, seriously one of the best of all three books so far.


Is the post a cyberpunk reference or am I just making random connections?

Amanda Jones

Ah fuck yea!!!! Hahahaha 😆


this chapter was totally kickass!!!


Bonus chapter!!!….but that cliffhanger though. 😭😭😭🥰


Hot damn that gave me chills! What’re the chances of ANOTHER surprise chapter on Friday? I’ll pay in cookies!😂😂 In all seriousness, I love the banter between Rei and Laurent. I’m so waiting for that awkward “so you’re dating my sister, huh?”conversation between them🍿🍿🍿

Gabe Yohn

Oooo that ending! Love endings like that! Just makes you want to read faster and faster!

Janet Beane

What a nice chapter. Kalus is a nice guy doing his job. And Rei is impressing him with how well he is using what he has learned. However, how am I going to be patient while waiting to see Kalus' reaction to Rei's last surprise?

Devin Jaros

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh oh now this was good!

Kory Leach

Great chapter, I am looking forward to the conclusion of the fight and to see the feedback and the boost to the stats, presumably to everyone as “this is when they all START TO GROW” per Cashe’s quote in Fire and Song.


That Cliffhanger ist just Not fair




Ooh tasty fights and a new Atypical description!

keshav aghera

I can't believe I completely forgot about temporal step. That was insane


I saw where it was likely to end and was still mad lol Very good fight and I really like the description of Kalus and his armor. The mention of looking like a sort of knight was making me think back to some of those more fantasy concepts just a bit (I know it seemed we were moving away but I did like them). My guess is that the staff is actually one of those three-section staves that separates and it changes up his fighting style in a move that would surprise others. I imagine it may have started out as a regular staff and then started displaying signs of changes like Lennon described with his whips. I hope we get some gains here for Rei's parameters and that would also be a good demonstration of his growth speed to the instructors.

John Cooke

Ahh, so Kalus is going to get a "brown trousers" moment, and Rei will end up in the infirmary again under the care of Ameena Ashton, because Kalus is so surprised that he forgets to regulate his strength? Then cue the "younger sister dressing down older brother, who put her boyfriend in the hospital" scene :D Or that might be a little close to the bone, given where Viv is at the moment. Nice to see my favourite Mama Bear, Valera Dent, looking after her protégé though :)

Linda Thompson

That was totally awesome, Rei learning something new about his HUD and that he was actually able to impress Kalus with the diversity of his transformations between types. Can’t wait to see their reaction to temporal step and I want to know how the others faired… Keep them coming! 🌟😁


Yay! lol I want to read the next chapter so bad now

Tiffany Miller

No that cliff not fair not fair foul I say!!! Jk but great chapter


“Rei couldn't help but think he'd do well to actually learn to fly one day before he hit a second tree, slamming to a stop back-first, blasting into it so hard that bark and splinters of shattered wood went flying in all directions.” …he foreshadowed Temporal Step in the same way…I can’t wait for Rei to max out the number of externals ever seen then surpass them all!!!

Tiffany Jewell

Fighting staff, amazing choice! Was wondering since book 1 what his CAD manifested as. Anyone else miss Viv though? Ready for her to return and see how she and Gemela have grown!


Nice chapter, I am really happy that you didn’t go with the „trainers hired by/from the evil overlords need to be young masters / resolutely unapproachable / massive dicks“. One thing that threw me a bit is that in the aftermath of the arena hack, Kalus destroyed Salistas trigger on the vysetrium edge of his weapon (I can‘t recall the exact phrasing and looking it up is a pain on mobile, but something with edge or even blade). That doesn‘t exactly mesh well with my mental image of what essentially seems to be a quarterstaff.

Jeff McClure

You, sir, are the evil itch in the middle of my back that I just can’t seem to scratch! I liked this introduction, eager to see the aftermath of this reveal.

Dorian Grey

YOOOO this chapter was LIT!!!! I need more!!! I have loved this series since I was introduced to it by my ex. I waited a WHOLE YEAR for Firesong to come out and then decided I COULDNT wait anymore and got Patreon just for the sneak peek! NOW I AM VERY UPSET!!! I am an impatient person and the sneak peeks are definitely (not) helping!!!! Keep being fantastic!!! You're my absolute favorite author and I am totally loving it! Rough or not these chapters are amazing!!!

Kush Kumar

Great way to end the chaptet


I was getting Igris from Solo Leveling vibes on triumvirates description

Devin Jaros

Ohh good point! Maybe the quarter staff has hidden blades he can pull out like a Lucius Malfoy wand in the cane moment!

Devin Jaros

Yeah we are going to need her back asap so she doesn’t get left more behind with all this crazy training!

Jordan Clark

I was waiting for it and was still so excited, this is too good, the move is instant so not sure if it's even possible for SGT. Kalus to react in time, but not sure if any attack rei can muster will get through to Kalus regardless.... man, I can't stop speculating what might happen, this is too good! I'm just hoping Kalus doesn't get spooked and accidentally put a hole in Reis chest lol. Also what's with Kalus's staff??? There's obviously more too the CAD than that, is it an ability he's hiding? can he alter his physical manifestation? I cant even imagine the "Tricks up his sleeve" Dent is referring to. Great work I cant wait to read the next part. I honestly couldn't care less how long it takes to pump these chapters out when they are THIS good!

Kristen Pierson

Be even funnier if he jumps to his group to surprise the other trainer leaving Kalus’s jaw on the ground as it becomes obvious his cad doesn’t just track a single target but he can jump on an enemy from across the field hidden in the forest


I want to say that's currently a limitation for TS. So far with every moment we got from TS usage Rei had to see his "halt point" or whatever Dent called it back in B2. We do know that in the future he is capable of world hopping though.


Great chapter! I really enjoy the fights out of everything in this series like some DBZ fanboy, and how long it felt. It's really been awhile since we had a long one and I want to say since you wrote Rei and Aria's fight back at Sectionals? Anyways, I love Kalus's more laid back persona. From what we seen from him in B2 I thought of him as more of a serious typa guy, but I can see how he's more of let's say a mix of Rei and Catcher to a degree? Not to forget his Staff, it reminded me of the "Playful Cloud" from JJK if you know of it. His "tricks up the sleeve" being something as lethal and abnormal among CAD weapons as that would be really cool to see. Can't wait for next chapter to be Rei waking up to Amina Ashton and Aria over his body after getting his own personal chest donut from his girlfriend's older brother due to sudden shock. Hopefully B0!? It's been TOOOO long!!!!




Yeah tough to compare Kalus (or Aria’s) persona around mother vs. all other interactions… B0? Nah, the Stormweaver defeated the Archons as a C9, Shido was such a “Chuck Norris meme” that it no longer needed to progress… 😅

Aditya Pandey

You can't end it like this! It's unfair. I want more. Solid chapter.

Big Jin

Ok. So thank you for the amazing chapter but also I hate you for the cliffhanger... Even though it was the perfect ending. One thing that has been nagging me for weeks is that the Kamiya sponsorship included top level healthcare facilities. Seeing as Viv is part of the team, shouldn't the corp have come in to take over her care as soon as the sponsorship clicked into place?

Benjamin Hartmann

Mean ending (if we have to wait 2 weeks for the next chapter 🙈), and damn am I excited for more! HYPE 🤩


Maybe it could be an overlook? or simply just a, "It happened prior to this agreement". Now I doubt they'd deny doing the favor, but it comes down to Rei actually bringing the topic up himself. With her already in good hands and with no sign of her getting worse the idea of putting her into greater care probably hadn't crossed his mind. Especially during this training session.


👀 I'm all about team fck em up! Kalus must not get it twisted. Ray won't start it... However he will finish it... Hard... with love and all - cuzzzz we family, no? Lol Thanks for the chap

Miguel Pedraza

Leaving me on the edge of my seat here! Awesome and mean all at the same time! 😭

Big Jin

Maybe someone (ahem... Bryce) hasn't thought of it as yet. However, going off the way Jasper slid into action and made all the arrangements for the trainers I doubt her character is the kind of person to leave something like the health of one of the team members (and Rei's best friend) off the list. I don't think Jasper is the kind of person who would wait for Rei to ask before taking action on something as significant as this. Stable condition or not, the whole sponsorship is, after all, a way for the family to make shit up to Rei. Curing or helping cure Viv would go a long way.


You would think we'd be use to it by now, but sadly I keep trying to turn the page every damn time. Seriously awesome 😎


I'd really love to know more about how each CAD is matched to the user and the evolution of each design manifests. Since they become self aware, are they choosing there own look? Is this the CADs unique Personality? For example Kalus's tapping staff seemed independent of his conscious action. Having the CAD personality peek out like this is 😎, seems playful and mischievous.

John Cooke

I could actually see Rei being able to do that, though. The reactions following the reveal of Temporal Step amount to the comment that it turns Shido into a hold drive that space ships are fitted with. Space sjips certainly cannot "see" their exit point in another star system, they just have to know the co-ordinates. So it may be that he only needs to be able to see the exit point while he is getting familiar with the skill, and then it becomes optional/easier for him to activate. As with a lot of other abilities, such as Chris Lennon's "Echo", the utility and flexibility of the skill probably improves as the User becomes more proficient.

Emma van Wijngaarden

Ugh... love this story so much that these cliffhangers hurt from across the planet. Cant wait for the next chapter!! I hope one day I get to meet my favorite author. In the meantime I'll be sketching Firesong :)

Tim Kilgore

Here's what's exciting. these chapters are not even edited fully. we think this is good now? I think we'll get something incredible when this is finally finished.