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Hey guys! First, yes there IS a new chapter in this release! I just decided I agreed with a number of the comments from the last leak that the previous chapters worked better as one, so I've combined the (and added a little to them) for 14 v2. This chapter 15 is a totally new and hefty chunk of writing that has us getting into the meat of this Book 3 ;)

Second, sorry this is late in the day! I had a business trip last weekend and I spent Mon to Wed catching up on work, so I only had yesterday and today to get on the grind. Definitely going to be doing some cleanup on this Chapter 15 as a result, so look forward to that!

 Cheers all, and happy early Memorial Day for my fellow 'Mericans!



  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.

  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.

  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!




Yay, thanks for the new chapter and have a great day!


Im stuck at work until 10 but totally going to use my lunch break to read this, cant wait


Yay! More fun reading.


WOOOOOOO Kalus, Von Bor, aaaand... Gate Manhandler?


Thanks for all your hard work

Linn G

Gonna read this before bed now so I’ll spend the night theorizing about the story instead of sleeping, as it should be🙂 Edit: oh man, that cliffhanger again! I’m sure their battle will be legendary.

Darren Dyke

Thank you boss man!


Looooove it!!! So excited to see how it goes!

Christopher Generazio

oh man.... great new chapter, and excellent cliffhanging the chapter end. I can't wait for the next chapter and see how this continues!

Iron Akela

That merged chapter is great! Just right! And 15… well if that don’t set the stage


AWESOME NEW CHAPTER I LOVE WHERE THIS IS HEADINGGGGGGG Also side note you had Dent say Sb7 instead of 6 where it was the rest of the chapter. Nonetheless, loving this!

Jeff McClure

Brother, I haven’t even read the chapter, just your note. NEVER APOLOGIZE for releasing it late in the day. You’re awesome and we just like when you release it! THANK YOU! Starting my vacation off Right!

Devin Jaros

Ahhhhh that was fantastic!!!!


I think Bryce should keep that but maybe have it be they just were so nervous they got it wrong

Shreyam Kumar

LETS GOOOO. This chapter heralds so much. I love it!

Jamie McKean

Great chapter. 👏


Mr O'Connor... Bryce... Please don't apologise for having chapters out late because of your time needing to be spent for things like business trips or other admin work. We know you're busy, and we're also aware that you're trying to churn out chapters as much as you can. I think I speak on behalf of all of us that we all appreciate your work, and thank you for sharing it with us all. Looking forward to the next one!


Cliff hangers are mean Bryce

Zach Herrod



O my that was lovely

Craig Bentsen

Fantastic Chapter. Loved it! Also, cliffhangers are mean Bryce. Just saying.

Amanda Jones

I feel like a giddy school girl after reading that lmao 🤣


Really liked the extensions to combo ch14 - especially Rei attending to the frozen Aria which led well into the start of 15. Fully here to “not hear” Rei shifting under mental command. “Shido I thought Brawler not Bawler - stop misting my eyes!”

Heather Herren

Great chapter!! I keep hoping there will a calus vs lasher fight.. is that wrong..:-D.


Heh - Lasher showing up in a week, “Hey Rei, remember how I gave you those lessons that helped you last semester?!? Us A-types have to stick and train together - speaking of which…”


Once the full book is assembled these will just be great next chapter hooks - unlike the 8 cliffhangers that ended book 2 and are just now getting resolved into the narrative. I think this chapter by chapter reading means we’re all cliff-junkies (without the literal vertical danger). What we truly need is Luke to read these chapters to us with added AM radio noise and opening/closing theme music each release.


I was half expecting the chapter to end on "“For day one, yes. I’ll be observing.” Then she grinned outright. “Like I’d miss that for the world.”" or just after even that but was very happy that it extended.


Wainwright , who is not Gatebreaker/crasher because he is O'Rourke.


And SB7 has bad memories for Rei because that's where he was ambushed.

Ridayah Ahnkhuatra

I feel like the next Kickstarter should have a bonus option of a shirt that says "Cliffhangers are mean".


Fire song thinks they are surprised right now? Can't wait for the trainers to see him temporal step

Linda Thompson

Awesome chapter 15 and great revise on chapter 14. Also realised, these aren’t really cliffhangers because they lead from one chapter into the next chapter. The storyline is continuous, not a stutter start.


Bryce you son of a gun... that was brilliant. The new Chapter 14 is great and the Docter getting to know more of the fool of his spawn makes his rage on it so much greater. And with 15... the spar with Imala was just pure fun. Rei having new moves doesn't automatically means wins all now. And the ending... PURE JOY


It would be entertaining if Shido becomes obviously sentient and able to communicate like Dent’s and has a humorous streak.


We are eating GOOD. Bravo Bryce, bravo.

Cynthia L.Lara

You are awesome and don't apologize for being on your time! You are NOT a slacker. On another note thank you for having Rei forewarned of a sister..... unlike most my feeling of her "I'm going to kill him" when Jasper told her about her little brother was not a warm fuzzy of her talking about her parent. We will see.... although he (Rei), is so shell-shocked he might not have tracked that other than he has a sister. ... Great job!

Robert Smart

I know the sister is going to be a (big?) part of the narrative but I still find it surprising that Rei mentioned her as the second thing from the meeting to Aria. Not that his parents are scumbag dilliantes or their names or that they faked his death. But that he has a sister. Felt, strange. I guess it was one of two major discoveries from the conversation though. One that Hirahoto wasnt his father and hence wasnt the scumbag he assumed he was. And then that he has a sister. Idk just feels weird.


So good!! I keep on thinking of Sarah and why Hiroto chose to get Jasper to inform her she had a brother the way she did. They must have anticipated some positive result for Rei. Also I think he will pivot strongly toward his grandfather. He’s waited a long time and Hiroto is a good guy.

Ryan Anderton

I have read the updates and added on chapter and it leaves so much open. I truly think the gate crasher should make an appearance if not now then later on for sure. As well the Lasher and Calus in the same room would be awesome, just saying! The new progress in character 15 really hit the spot. Now we just need Viv to fully recover!


Could be just that the relevation form Hiroto derailed Rei so much that the fact he has a sister seems like the least shocking thing.


Loved the new chapters! I'm really excited about Rei and Sarah's first meeting. I don't get the vibe that Sarah is bad news. I feel like Hiroto is her most stable parental like relationship and I just get the sense that she is also close to Jasper. If Jasper has been training with Hiroto for decades then I think it's possible she's known Sarah her whole life and they're close. I also would love is she kicks Sidirov's but.

Emma van Wijngaarden

So satisfying, even the ending of the chapter doesn't really feel like a cliffhanger, but just enough to tease at the next one. I only recently got on-board Patreon here but man am I glad I can follow the story until its official release. :)


I have worried about that too. A lot depends on the relationships she has with her family.


I didn't get the impression that Hiroto told Jasper to tell Sarah. My impression was that she did it on her own initiative.

Cynthia L.Lara

Not a good one with her parents… they couldn’t go to her inter schools competition. My fear is from a Harpie of a mother is born a harpei of a daughter. She is thinking she ALONE is the one to inherit and now…. Does she share well?

Rusty Barnes

Tease is definitely the correct word. 15 pages leading up to that! Ugh. Glad now I forgot to read the chapter a few days. Less of a wait for the next chapter.

Nicole Hicks

No, I think it would be more fitting if Sidirov fel madly in love with her and she absolutely ignores him. But how a self-centered, vainglorious, narcissistic asshole he is, his type of personality is incapable of true love to anyone but himself.


I absolutely concur that Sidirov is incapable of loving anyone but himself. However, if he was going to fall in love it would be with Shido.

Josh Nastri

I think the third is going to be a woman. Went back and read when Rama was talking about the deal and he said the head trainer had “her own ideas”. I can’t think of anyone mentioned in the story so far who fits the bill, so I’m excited!


I'm sure Von Bor will definitely be the head trainer, she is a former champ and probably the most senior of the trio by far. She fits the bill.

Aerial Assault

Can we get an updated art of just Rei's CAD

Candida Hudson

These books would make such an awesome anime

Nikola Vadim

I'm confused I just re-read the "chapter" 16 release this is just 14 and 15 rewrite?


The pinned post is not always the newest post, and sometimes the chapters get squeezed down.