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Two ultra-short chapters meant to wrap up this initial early-book conflict! Now we head into the high-octane stuff.

Also I 100% lost the thread on Chapter 15. Had a really good idea and it just didn't come together in the way I wanted it to in the draft, so a fleshed-out version of that will be the next thing you guys get I think. Need to sit on it and come back to it to find where I was trying to go with it initially. Yay the wonders of writing with ADHD... 😅



  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.

  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.

  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!




Sorry we ever doubted you!

jacob shlagel

When will you do a story so far? At 20 I don’t remember if they were every 5 or 10


Forgot to compile THE STORY SO FAR! It's added now! -Bryce

Todd Smith

And now we know how the sister is aligned. :D

Jason Bradford

Awesome…. More please. I feel like Oliver Twist right now with my empty bowl…..

Jake Creates

I know there’s probably more to Hiroto than we’ve seen so far, but chapter 15 was cathartic for me.


Ah the ending is Perfect! This was perfect! I can’t wait for more!


I love chapter 15 at the moment. Great to see the counter to Rei's cold anger to his grandfathers white hot and decisive action.


I have a feeling I know where Sarah applied a transfer to and also that catcher is gonna fall for her

Maria Klein

Ohhh man. I can’t wait to read it all fleshed out! Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s mean to tease? Seriously though I’m really looking forward to the fleshed out chapter/s

Linn G

That ending is so satisfying. Looking forward to the conversation between Hiroto, Keiji and Samantha.

Christopher Generazio

oh man! Both of those chapters were awesome, shorter than I'm used to, but very powerful. And the end of Chapter 15... definitely strokes the vindictive asshole part of myself.

Dalton Coady M Eaton

Yes yes wait what it's over nooooooo can't wait for the fleshed out chapters but I'm looking forward to It


Really liked 15. Not sure what else I wanted from 14. Maybe Aria to princess carry Rei back to the dorm. 😜 well not that - but some callback that he realized he had wished she was there.

Joanne Hans

Great Chapters!!!!!!.......Need a bigger fix though, lol


I really hope there's some reconciliation between Rei and his grandfather. His parents deserve nothing but bad, but it really seems like they're the exception in the family, and Rei deserves the chance to get to know the good parts of the family they denied him.

Jeremy Jensen

Really liked everything and worried at all about the chapter lengths! I'm dying to hear more about his sister and really hope to see her a bunch coming up!


I am praying his sister doesn't fall in her parents' footsteps and turn out to be a jerk

Kush Kumar

This should be just one chapter. But I very much enjoyed the last bit

Gregory Moses

They finally reap what they have sown. Better than what they deserve.

Shan Sharif

idk ch 15 definitely feels tied together, maybe a bit better to put the 2 together but definitely feels to pull the string together from the prev chapters.


Wait wait, mentally exhausted but physically capable Rei notices Aria’s feet getting blue and princess carries her back to East Center! When Bryce said he can move onto the good stuff he meant more princess carrying I’m sure of it!


hmmm - i dont know. I could still see sis going either way. You feel its locked in now? Which way? why?

Todd Smith

It was purely a gut reaction: only Mom & Dad are being cut off. I may be a sap but I want to see Rei's sister as an ally, not an enemy. Hmmm. We're going to need to see a love interest for Catcher one of these days...

Riyon Hutton

I understand why however people are asexual and aromatic. It’s a brand new world and I feel that it’s not just about having an intimate partner. People who are ace date but it’s not the first thing on their minds

Riyon Hutton

Looks great! Rei is definitely going to need some time to help the news settle

Iron Akela

Or Chancery maybe? Or someone decent but a lower tier like Sense?

Iron Akela

Personally I’m 99% sure Sarah will end up being a solid person and a credit to the Kamiya name. I’m also 99% certain there’ll be rough patches first, especially once Viv gets out of the hospital

Iron Akela

Well damn! Those are powerful, and a good length. I can see why some are suggesting they should be one chapter, in fact personally I’d probably lean that way myself if pressed. I am surprised Rei didn’t take his jacket off and give it to Aria, and I’d be happy with princess carrying there (either way works!). But yeah, powerful. As for Kamiya… now we know where Rei gets it from. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say all the Kamiya Users have that same ice cold yet hot like the fury of a thousand suns rage! Im looking forward to meeting Sarah even more now! And Keiji and Samantha… holy crap! They’ve been living off of 36 million a year?!? While Rei had to work his whole life and now is making 40k (it was never spelt out but we were told in book 2 the million offered was X times and I think I calculated it to 40 thou)… that’s… boy

David Mcniel

One chapter and then transition into Keiji’s perspective of them finding out. The chapter 15 focusing on Keiji confronting his dad or something like that.

Lyn Shirley

Short but fun. I liked these chapters very much, especially the severance pay for Reidon and Sarah’s parents.

Teri k

Those are two very powerful chapters as they are and will be an addictive page-turner for fans wanting more ……brilliant!

Jeff McClure

I was about to get on the road when this dropped… I was delayed from my road trip for a few minutes, sir!

michael pigott

We're 80% sure that the last time we saw her shed started planning patricide when SHE got told/ figured out about Rei so.... probably fine

michael pigott

Oh man "viv reunites with the squad lacking context and sees Rei's sister with the team" would be a social situation and a half


I remember her saying she would kill him but I was unsure who she was talking about her father or her brother😬😬😬

Linda Thompson

Awesome chapters, thanks 😊

Dawson greene

I want more, I want all of it

karl sperl

I fell in love with your Story over here in germany. It is good to read from more and More people that say do awesome things especially when doing creativ work with adhd . It makes me hopefull for my 15 year old Boy who also struggles sometimes in school with adhd. Best whishes and can‘t wait for the next chapter!

chris kizziah

The grandfather should have come with a node upgrade for Rei as a gift. I want to know what type the grandfather is. I’d like to see him in action.

Thomas Verjans

Hey there, Belgian guy with ADHD and autism here. I’m a ‘95 kid, and I’ve been trying to help the younger generation learn the lessons I did in a way that doesn’t involve quite the amount of suffering I went through. Feel free to send me a PM or something, maybe I can help with something :)


15 is pretty coherent and straightforward, though maybe it could go before the Aria POV, especially if a Sarah POV is telegraphed for the next chapter like the endings of both the last chapter and Aria POV are suggesting. I really enjoy Kamiya POVs in general though.


Kamiya is such a generous soul... Giving them roughly 5 years to get a plan in place... Hmm... I wonder if they'll reach out to Rei directly before this book ends... And I wonder if it'll be an assassination attempt or as a"we were so young and scared couple can you forgive us?" kind of thing. ❤️ this. Thanks B

Al Parks

I don't think Aria would allow that, I can see the jacket giving over though

Robert Smart

Wow. Grandpa is angry! Rightly so.

Aubrey Listi

Same here, but I have a sneaking suspicion he's either an A-type manifesting as or is flat out a Saber. His personality screams Saber to me.


Definitely her father, not Rei. It’s kinda implied after Jasper shows that Keiji hid Rei from her.




The sister was in a 2nd year tournament in book2 so a user school year older.

Ricky Peterson

That’s what she said….. I apologize it had to be done. Thank you Michael Scott.

Kory Leach

They are “Irish twins” two children born less than a year apart. Bryce put that out a long time back, but it hasn’t been touched on in quite (or quiet, ;) Lol) some time.