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So you'll notice this Chapter has been marked as WIP, which is a first. It's also not something I plan on doing again (not cause it won't happen, but cause if it does it will definitely unplanned).

A lot of people though, have commented on how much they enjoy seeing the writing process of these chapters, and something happened with this chapter that I thought at least those people would be really interested to check out. 

This scene... was not intended to be in the book. I was planning to time skip a few hours to the afternoon where a certain character isn't speaking to another character (different pair this time), and kinda retro-explain. I wanted to get the story moving a little quicker. 

Then though, I sat down, and just... felt like the squad was emptier for not having had this conversation on paper, and I just couldn't connect with them and their feelings because of it.

So... I started drafting out the convo, and before I knew it it was all on the page.

I'm really glad I did it. I think it adds to the dynamics of the squad we haven't seen too much of just yet in book 3, but since it wasnt intended for the book I wanted to pop it out for you guys early so you can see what the rest of the chapter looks like once it's done, and you can decide for yourselves how the dynamic of their emotions would have changed if you hadn't actually seen the exchange.

If you want the full finished chapter without reading, that's still aimed for Friday so long as writing goes as planned!


A few rules & reminders:

  • Chapters will be dropping as Bryce completes them. That means anywhere from every 1 to 2 weeks on average, though sometimes waits may be longer.
  • Recall that these are rough chapters, with no editing other than a single pass-through as Bryce writes.
  • On a similar note, we are not asking for advice or corrections at this time. If Bryce wants feedback, we will certainly reach out, thank you! If you want to voice concerns or complaints about the chapter, you may now do so over on the Reddit discussion thread below! Notifications are turned off on those conversations, so they're a free-for-all now (within the rules of the subreddit, obviously)!



Michael Katz

Honesty, i kinda love the way the chapter unfolded, it fits perfectly imo? Ty for the chapter!


Loved that conversation. Thanks for writing it. FWIW, I think that skipping it would have actually harmed the book. That sort of thing needs to be shown, not told.


Wonderful chapter. I have been waiting for the chapter where he explains it all. I would have felt cheated if it had been left out. It definitely adds to the dynamic of the team to see how they all took the news.

Devin Jaros

Yes definitely feel like we needed to see this conversation played out!


Continuity issue here I think Logan and Chancery should know about the sponsorship. Logan comments in shock about how unheard if it is for first year's because he did the research. They didn't know the details of the sponsorship but it did some up.

Thomas Lewis

I like it …. Picasso


I think it works nicely. Good read.

Todd Smith

I've been worried for days (yes, really) about how this was going to play out. I'm also oddly concerned with how Viv is going to feel about missing out on everything that's happening. THANKS for the update.

John Cooke

I always find the "behind the scenes" content interesting, even if (or especially if) that content does not make it into the final edit of the book. Whether it is a short chapter about a character who otherwise gets no page time beyond a mention, or a bit about why they behave in a particular way. A short story about a day in the life of Matron Kast, or about the early interactions between Jasper and Hiroto, maybe Viv's parents getting the news about her being in hospital and having "that" discussion with Rama Guest, or even a bit to explain why Selleck is such a tool (beyond the introspective from Grant in book 1). I do not think we will ever refuse more Stormweaver content :)


What a tease to drop this on a MONDAY! I enjoyed the little back n forth between Rei and Aria, I was hoping before I read this chapter that Rei would stand his ground a bit and not shrivel under Aria, and he came through better than I could have hoped.

Iron Akela

Yeah I thought Rei told them about the offer during the big heart to heart at sectionals

Iron Akela

Very nice! I hope this makes it into the final edit, as it’s something everyone needs to see! Didn’t go quite how I’d expected it to, but I’m glad we’ve seen it!


I would have been depressed if you left this conversation out. Just one question will they discuss the upgrades from Shido too? I hope so….


Yes this Definitely needs to be in the book. I loved all of it!


He at least told them he was offered one in Chapter 8 of book 2. He only told Logan and Chancery in so far as he got an offer and nothing beyond that. I don't recall if he ever went into more detail.


Squad already knows about TS. The LINK Rei and Aria by orders can’t directly talk about though maybe once they find an awake Viv she lets it slip


Correct, Book 2, Chapter 8, page 29 of the 8.5 PDF. Right after everyone demands to know what is going on because Viv went crazy during practice.


Glad you decided to add it. I agree this conversation had to be seen

Ryan Anderton

I feel like that was a fitting reveal to the offer and to his family connection. Great chapter! I am excited for Viv to get back on her feet, rei to meet his family and preparation for the next tournament, detailing all of the training and advancements that Rei and all of the group will get before the next real challenge begins.

Dougie Mitchell

I liked this chapter and the dynamic between everyone involved. Good job Bryce 👍

David Carpenter

Oz, thanks for letting us see behind the creative curtain. I'll echo the other comments. This is a delightful surprise and should have its place in the story. It gives it a richer feeling.

Alistair Brotherton

So glad you put this in. It's these moments that will bring the team (catcher and Logan in particular haha) closer together xx


Definitely glad we got the chapter. This is something I have been wanting since we read him accept it before book 2 was out. You should definitely keep it! It’s a moment I think lots of us wanted.

Lyn Shirley

I like this. Back and forth conversation is so much more fulfilling and informative than a background catch-up by a know-it-all narration. I understand narrative uses less words, so it is over used in most books, but hearing and/or seeing the characters interact is always more engaging . The reader becomes much more invested in the story and the people.

Linda Thompson

Thanks for writing this, I would’ve been disappointed missing out on reading this. It’s a good thing I think, that Rei negotiated the sponsorship to include the entire squad. They may not have realised it yet but Viv could benefit from the Medical Care clause of the deal.


I always want more content and loved this…..but just occurred to me, wouldn’t the rest of the team need to sign paperwork and be getting contacted by Kamiya?


I love this. So much. But on an unrelated note… I just received the paperback of iron prince and I ordered the sprayed edges and I don’t know what to do… 😭


On reddit Bryce revealed the tier 3’s got a special cover, signed Iron Prince paperback (only 50 of them) completely as a Patreon reward. You’ll still get your kickstarter special hardbounds when those ship later.


Liked the WIP - liked it even more after a second read. Was originally concerned Aria was too mad, but she has so many reasons - and Rei will pay dearly for each of them. Was wondering if the conversation needed a further challenge from Rei to make sure noone had any doubts about staying with Firesong given Central’s gauntlet. But maybe that’s to come. Also noone thanked Rei for his sponsorship or asked when they should expect the million credit deposit… oh, you gave that up?!


Can confirm what gratch said! That's your Patreon book! Totally unrelated to the Kickstarter!


Amazing. I was panicked for a moment there. Though honestly, it looks very cool. It’s going on display instead of the other paperback iron prince now xD


So Catcher isn’t talking to Grant and Aria is yelling at Rei constantly? You guys did miss me! -V

Robert Smart

Goodness hope this doesn't disappear from the final book. Really liked the emotional tension and honesty that played out here.


I love that none of them dwell on the personal gains for themselves but instead focus on Rai and the team. It shows where their priorities are.


If I have a question about the Kickstart do I ask it here?

David Collins

This WIP fits so well with Book 2 Chapter 1 quote “When did I know she was the one? Easy. I knew when she was the only person left who still scared me enough to make me do the laundry and put my dishes in the—OWOWOWOW that’s my ear, my ear, Aria!” Please keep it.


Kickstarter is the best place to ask that if you need an answer from the team! Shoot them a message!

Chioke Nelson

Yeah, no, this was much needed. It grounds the hell out of the whole situationa and helps with stakes management for them all. It gives the reader a much needed reality check of Rei and Aria and how their age matches their actions. These feel like college freshman to me not kids in their ambiguously mid 20s. They feel authentically fallible in how they are reacting to such a big damned decision. Hell, even Catcher's closing statements are perfect.

Chioke Nelson

I just hope she doesn't fall into the all too real trap of "I'm too mad/ embarrassed at you to talk about how you might have been right so I'm just not going to talk at all... now it's too hard to talk because the tension...."


Awesome scene. Really really awesome. Thanks for sharing it. Even if it doesn't make the book, this gives a great look at the characters.

Jeff McClure

I love this chap, I worried that there wouldn’t be any rocky roads or relationship troubles as there are in literally every relationship. This was a great scene to kind of bring that real life into the story.

Samantha Sandlin

Will Logan be at the meeting? I thought the meeting was just for Rei, not the rest of Firesong.

Alistair Brotherton

He doesn't say in what setting the meeting will take place, just that "I want to meet them". I assumed at least one of the girls would force their way in so depends how much emotional support he needs I guess.

Nicole Campbell

This chapter you must keep in the book. It is so important that they have this conversation. And I think that the conversation needs to continue so that they can make up. Fantastic!

Jamie McKean

I think it’s great. Keep it in.

Jacob Clemens

Next chaper today, where is it!!! I need it!!!!

chris kizziah

I feel like this is something that can bring Rei closer to Grant and Chancery. They just realized that he had a great offer and he changed it to include them because he didn’t want to split the team up, going back to the quote, “ good friends can be hard to find.” I think Rei can play to curiosity about his family with Aria. For all the hurt , there’s a curiosity, at least there was for me. He also has to think that there’s always a chance that he’s wrong and that the only way to know for sure is to accept the sponsorship. He only has to keep it till the end of term. If nothing else, Kalus will beat some sense into her.

dark phoenix99

How I will feel about this chapter will be determined by how it is resolved. I was not a fan of Aria here.

Jacob Clemens

Any word on the next chapter thought it was scheduled for yesterday?

Todd Smith

I need to have Viv back ASAP.

Brenda Skylstad

I'm hoping shido becomes self aware like kestrel