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Hi! How are you doing? I hope you're doing amazing <3

My homo erotic NSFW book "The Informant" a prequel to my movie "Scared Straight" is now complete with the latest 4th chapter.  PDF attached below.

I'd love to hear your feedback on this complete version so that I may give you something better with my next book. I really do love writing so I'd appreciate it sincerely from the bottom of my heart if you can help me improve my story telling!


Chapter 4: Betrayal

The men who were arrested came out, led by the police, walking towards the police cars. From afar, Chase and Butch observed cautiously, making sure they weren't noticed. Even though they had nothing to worry about since they weren't at the property, their instincts had taken over.

“Why haven’t you said anything” Butch asked, “You snitched didn’t you?”

“S-Snitched? What are you talking about Butch?” Chase responded with hesitation.

“You’ve been acting strange Chase, and no one knew about this meet up but, the guys who were invited, me, and you.” Butch argued. “Also, why are you here? You knew this was going to happen?”

“I swear I didn’t tell anyone a-about this Butch” Chase responded.

“SO THEN, WHY ARE YOU HERE!?” Butch yelled.

Chase was incredibly nervous, and Butch could see it across his face. Even though Chase had not told the police department this was going to happen, all the information he had given them probably led them to this. Chase couldn’t stop shaking his legs when he reached out to Butch to pull him closer.

“Get off!” Butch yelled as he turned away and started walking towards the cops. He wanted an explanation of what was going on. He felt that if he asked, he could see how much perhaps the police actually knew about everything.

Chase anxiously watched from a distance as Butch questioned the cops. One of the officers kept gesturing for him to leave, clearly signaling to Butch not to interfere with the unfolding situation. Butch opened his hand in desperation as he took a few steps back and sat down on the pavement. He scratched his head with both of his hands and stared at his sneakers.

After a few minutes, Butch stood up, glanced in Chase's direction, and walked away from the entire situation. Since the police officers showed no signs of leaving the scene anytime soon, Chase decided it was best to head home as well...




I read this at work despite you saying its nsfw lol. Where to begin! I couldn't tell this is your first book. There are some parts that felt like you could have dove deeper into but, overall I found it really enjoyable and hot. I'm not really a reader like that and I saw others say the same thing before but, its true that this kept me reading for the plot. Its bittersweet.


Just finished it and thought it was really good, made me wanna watch the movie again to see if I pick up on anything extra. I’d really like to see Butch! Side note if you want to learn more about writing and such I think reading a lot of books help and I searched on google and a few people have on there some videos on how to write and stuff. I honestly can’t give you any advice except for my opinion that it was good and engaging. Really liked the main character and even more the detective


I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you for the feedback ^^


I've watched a few but, I'll definitely research more on youtube, there's probably tons of videos out there.