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  • MDB3Trailer.mp4



Hey Y'all Sorry it's been a minute! I hope you've been great ❤️ I've been really focused on completing this atm and dealing with my sound designer who I had to fire and a voice actor I had to replace :/.
This kind of work as you can imagine can sometimes be unpredictable because of me, or those who I collaborate with and for that I want to apologize on my half-assed communication of this to you guys.

The movie is done, I'm just waiting on my new sound designer to finish up and my new voice actor to record his lines for one more character (they both say they'll be ready by the 30th so if that's the case I'll just add the stuff in and upload it for you guys!)

This time there's 4 voiced characters!
I had a voice actor for Brianna but, she backed out halfway through the month because of personal reasons. I wanted to voice some really important parts but, such is life.




Its okay Eyecy we know how challenging it is to make all this amazing work! I’m so pumped for this when it releases !

Carlos Franco Bracamontes

Don't worry, I think all of us understand, it's not easy your work and less if you're team make it even harder, I think we all catch u. Take you're time bro, love u


Thank you Carlos your support and encouragement is very appreciated seriously thanks you lifted up my spirits ❤️ you too!


Thank you Gumball seriously appreciate you guys! 😭❤️