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  • RiftersBaeuKang.mp4



Hi there! :D again, I hope I'm not boring you by spamming you with another post sorry :s

As mentioned in my news/update post below, I will be working on a new series that will have both a novel release and comic releases for certain parts. This series has been something I have been working on for years and have waited until I had improved my storytelling skills to create.

What is the title of this series?
For now, I am thinking of naming the series Rifters because it has to do with psychic powers and multiple realities.

What is it about?
For now, I can only say that the series is probably going to be my most ambitious project and I will be working on it with a lot of care.

The basic premise is that everyone has psychic abilities and is interconnected through the cosmic thread but, there is a world/dimension closely connected to the main character's world/dimension that is incredibly developed with these abilities.

When will we see more?
This project won't start until I have completely closed and been satisfied with No Homo, a comic series I will say goodbye to this month. So expect to hear more in the coming weeks but, release wise, probably not this month.

This project will probably be my main focus for some time to come, and will be the only comic I publish for a while aside from short comics/quick reads. I will try to engage my fans by keeping a steady flow of content from one series to see how that works out because I've noticed too much at once can probably be a lot for not only you as readers but me as a creator 😅😅 .

Main Character Number 1

"Beau Kang"
Byeong Yun Kang / Kang ByeongYun
Age: 18
Blood Type: AB
Height: 6'0 (182cm)

Personality/Traits: Quiet, Good, Studious,  A+ Student, Posh, Picky Eater, Airheaded


🌠Beau is one of the most popular kids at Garwood High School.
🌠He is the captain of the basketball team "Titans"
🌠Beau leads the school's leaderboards with the highest grades.
🌠He comes from an incredibly wealthy family and is an internet celebrity on the app Clik-Clak.
🌠You will always see him in expensive clothing, driving expensive cars, and going on expensive trips.


🌠 Beau retreats often to be alone and gets angry when he gets his alone time interrupted.
🌠 He can treat people differently because of how much money they have.
🌠 He Likes to drive the same car to school on the weekdays and a different car on the weekends, he owns 3.
🌠 Beau records himself dancing often.

There's a small video of him dancing attached below cuz I thought I'd do it as something cute >.< don't judge me please.




Intriguing..., looking forward to this involving plot! :D


I’m so glad 😁I hope you enjoy it as much as my other works


I’m already in love with him I wonder how his love interest looks