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Hello everyone and a happy start to your week!

I'm sending an update on what I'm working on:
1. Commissioned No Homo Pin Up of Nick & Oliver (+gif)
2. September's short film is 60% complete and should be done by the end of the month on early access for Ultra tier, Mega tier 10 days later. View Trailer Here
  I've been working on this for about 3 weeks now and the name of the shortfilm is: Daughter's
and has a somewhat simple plot, I'm aiming at a 8-10 minute run time and I'm
   looking for voice actors!! so if you know any, please recommend! More info coming soon <3.

I'm going to do a short comic of this for other tiers!

3. [Comics] No Homo ch. 11 issue two, should be out this week and there will be an update for Daddy Babysitter as well!



Lena Blazes

Awesome! I would love to see a short film of No Homo for Christmas or the New Years


A few people have requested this as well, so I've been drawing up the storyboard for that. :) I assume you wanna see the main characters?


Not the maga hat hahaha, I'm so excited for this one! The dad is so fucking sexy. And Oliver and Nick are so cute I wanna see a video of them too.