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Do we have any stories or ideas we'd like to see in a short smut comic for October? Any stories you'd like to tell? Maybe one about a werewolf or a vampire since it's October 😁😁

Comment them below! I'll pick a random one and update you on the progress. ❤️❤️



Ok I been having this story in my mind about a guy who regrets his life and goes back in time to meet himself and ends up getting really close to the younger him. I want the guy to look like maybe Chris Harmsworth if you can


How I'm picturing this, it's a large project but, if I choose this I can probably work something out and make it a one shot.


A nice, hot encounter in the early hours of the morning always works well for a brief tale and since it is halloween...well there is a good selection of monstrous fellas to chose from for such a tale.


You're right, I do enjoy the idea! So many options, werewolves are my go to though.