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New Comic: Hanging on a Thread
Chapters planned: 15 (chapters completed 5)
Theme: Boygroup (Gay)

Chapter 1 (Public)

1. Dropbox:https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7u329ljy73f2y0/Holdingonathreadchapter1.pdf?dl=0
2. (Or attached below)

Layne Seitz was an average-shmaverage 19-year-old with an unhealthy obsession for a K-Rock group (CyberPunkboyz). He was fairly content blowing the money from his part time job on Cyberpunkboyz paraphernalia and other junk until he found out his favorite boy band was looking to add an additional member!

Talented with his voice as a kid and as a teen, he was unsure whether or not he still had it in him now as an adult to go through with the initial audition. However, his mom was very pushy with him auditioning because she swore his talent was just as it was a few years ago, so he did.  And WHAM! fast forward to present day and he's part of the group and getting ready with them to release new music (and music videos).

This is until he commits a HUGE MISTAKE that puts the band on a spiral to disbandment.


Title: Backstage Dream
Runtime: 6:07

1. Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3zqj194th04fqc/Backstage%20Dream.mp4?dl=0

Synopsis: Layne is a horny virgin who's gay and has an unhealthy obsession with a boy group named CyberPunkboyz. He regularly fantasized about meeting the boys until he began having dreams where he has sex with them. Now he regularly dreams about being rammed by each one of them and his wish to meet them grows stronger.

This is a film that was supposed to be a lot longer but, I decided to scrap it and move the entire idea to a comic format. I felt artistically a comic would better tell the story I had planned so I kept this bit and threw away the rest :) <3.




I like these new characters especially Kyungho hes really hot