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Resident Piers takes place after my comic Bridges: Redfield Rescue which can be read here:

This machinima continues from that story and explores how Piers is still alive.

Title: Bridges: Codename Resident Piers
Runtime:  15:45

HD Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dd37t66lvpl79j8/Bridges%3ACodename%20Resident%20Piers.mp4?dl=0
Bridges Resident Piers - XVIDEOS.COM



marc darko

Nivanfield is the best!


@PuppyPiers69 is spot on. The land and flashback was perfect and a great balance. Agreed on the angles and close up but would like to see them move a little bit faster in the sex scenes 😉. How much more memory will Piers regain? I have other questions but I won’t ask to avoid giving anything away lol. I give it 2 thumbs up 👍🏽👍🏽