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Synopsis:  comic telling the lives of (bachelor) Terrence and (country boy) Levi and their struggles with having a long distance relationship and a family that doesn't approve of their relationship.

I'm really sorry for the inactivity this week, It's midterms week and work has sucked! But, I am still working and looking to release more pages and episode one of the movie series very soon. 

Now for this comic, I went and reworked every single page to ensure the writing was cohesive and that it matched my current skill as opposed to what I had when this comic first started releasing 2 years ago. Thanks to the voting and support of all of you it is being remastered and finished ( which is why it took so long after I started to work on it last month)

You'll find new dialogue, more character development, and brand new pages but, the story largely remains the same. The comic pages after this are almost done and will mark the end of the series.

I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day!




I really hope they dont break up

Chi Chi

Oh wow. I’m at a loss for words.


Oh no! is that bad :s? ty for reading and leaving a comment :)