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Happy Friday Y'all, I hope you're all doing great and that a great weekend is ahead for all of you💓💓!

I saw 👀👀 that some of y'all mentioned Zander under this movie's first preview which made me laugh and think to myself that maybe some of you are catching on to the ideas in my head bahahaha🙈.

Cesar is NOT Zander, they ARE in fact related (cousins) and this was going to be a surprised for those of you that follow the comic 😏

Anyways this project is still somewhat far, I'd say maybe like 50% done? but, I hope you guys look forward to it!




they both got fat asses now i dont know whose the top or bottom


Girl I don't know who I want as bottom, I guess I'll wait for personality but they do both have fat asses


I'm kinda sad i have lost access to your future work...no longer available through gumroad and I have never been able to work the paid subs here on patreon :-(


sorry about that Rorydog, we can keep in contact through here and work something out while I find a secondary platform! Thank you