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Reassigning gender as a solution to gender imbalance and sexism in the military. Subject 7.

Author: Earth Force Department of Advanced Biological and Behavioral Research

Abstract: The Trellian Bio-Wars have left the galaxy with a severe shortage of fertile females. Of those fertile females most choose to have only one or two children. With males accounting for 83% of the total population, statistics show the human population will die out without the influx of a large number of fertile females. Our study will explore whether males, re-assigned as females, might make suitable breeders. Our approach will involve both physical and psychological tailoring in an effort to create bespoke females eager to have and mother many babies.

Subject 7

The following report focuses on Subject 7, detailing our observations, excerpts from her sessions with therapist and testimony from associates. Our intent is to paint as complete a picture as possible of how her gender transformation impacted her psyche and to offer speculation as to the utility of deploying mass transformations.

Test subject: Seargent Errol Barker.

Height: 6’ 1”

Weight: 95.2 kg.

Profile: Errol Barker scored a perfect 7 on the Masculinity scale, indicating an aggressive male who retains what are known as “Ancient Earth” attitudes towards females. These attitudes can be summarized best as the belief that males are superior to females, that the primary purpose of females is to bear children and that females are psychologically inclined to serve dominant males, who in turn protect those females and their offspring. Such males have been shown to be more likely to feel obligated to adopt female roles after a forced gender change (Meire, Cosmo, 2033).

In addition to his generalized sexist attitudes, Sgt. Barker has a fetish for Asian women. He believes Asian women as the most ideal wives and mothers due to what he perceives as a greater inclination to feminine passivity.

Based on our previous experience with Trial 5, we believe we can use this personality defect to break down his self-image and instill in him the respectful attitudes toward all women. Consequently, Barker’s new body will be designed using genetic material sourced from East Asia, resulting in him becoming his own fetish. During the gender wars of 2042, men who reported becoming their own fetishized females were 73% more likely to accept their new bodies within three years and expressed higher levels of self-love (Fevre,, et al. 2051). Cavanaugh speculates that due to their attraction to female of the type they now embody, they fall in love with themselves (2049).

Report: Subject’s initial confrontation with breast development. Narrative and reaction.

Over the two weeks since his first dose of nanites, Barker has experienced tenderness in his breasts. His nipples and areolas have expanded, and he eventually developed small breasts consistent with a girl in early adolescence. Typically, during this time in a man’s breast development, he enters into a state of denial and repression (Paulson, 2039). All observable indicators suggest Barker did just as he continued to dress and behave in a manner consistent with his pre-feminization masculinity as if unaware of his “tenting.” Subject did, however, seem aware of the increasing sensitivity of his breasts as well as their maturing value as sources of erotic pleasure. He could often be observed squeezing them or playing with his nipples while otherwise distracted—for example, watching television.

Men in the early stages of girlhood commonly exhibit these contradictory behaviors, both playing with their new assets and pretending they don’t exist. In addition, the nanites have been shown to affect cognition, leading to loss of focus, an inability to sustain coherent thought and a deeper than normal susceptibility to denial and impulsive thinking. The mental state of the male during this stage of development strongly mirrors that of a tween female (Quill, Gannon, 2045), and they are often described as “scatter-brained.”

After a long weekend, Barker returned to active duty and reported at 5 am for a run with his unit. During the course of his two-day leave, Barker had experienced a growth spurt he remained unaware of until the following events:

Upon arriving at the designated gathering point for the morning run, Barker approached Private Kim Foundry, a resistant target of his advances. He invaded her space, standing only inches away. “Hey, beautiful,” he said.

Private Foundry stood her ground, looking up at him and responding, “I told you. I’m not interested.”

“Your lips say no, but your eyes say yes.”

“You’re the worst,” Foundry responded, now stepping away and returning to her stretching routine, which Barker had interrupted.

It is customary for the male soldiers to run shirtless in Earth Force. Research suggests males engage in this practice both as an attempt to display their physical worthiness as mating partners as well as to assert their dominance over the females, who are still required to cover their chests during exercise routines (Welsh, et. Al., 2032).

Barker, displaying his continued state of denial, pulled off his shirt, putting his arms behind his head and arching his back. “Feels good.” His nipples were clearly raw, likely from contact with his clothing as well as excessive self-pleasuring. In the cool morning air, his nipples immediately went erect. Foundry stared, then giggled.

“What are you laughing at?” Barker said, now crossing his arms under his budding breasts, which actually lifted and pressed them together, enhancing his cleavage.

Foundry, knowing that it was not proper to comment on a superior officer’s appearance, stifled her laugh and stood at attention, her face blank. “I apologize, sir. It was nothing.”

“Oh, no, private. You found something amusing. I like a good laugh, myself. Share it with the group.” Foundry once more attempted to decline, but Baker cut her off. “Tell me. That’s an order.”

“As you wish. With all due respect, sir,” Foundry said, losing control and laughing openly, “you have tits.”

“What the hell are you talking—about?” Barker looked down and seemed to recognize his breasts for the first time. However, he attempted to retreat into a deeper state of denial, thrusting his chest out and saying, “Did you just say I have tits, private?”

“Yeah. I did,” Foundry said.

“That’s an act of insubordination, private, and I could--”

The attention of other company members had been drawn to the confrontation between Barker and Foundry, but the focus of their attention had rapidly shifted to Barker’s new grown breasts. “Holy, shit,” another male, Carson said. “She’s right, bro. You have little titties.”

General laughter ensued. One of the women whispered, “Oh, my God.”

“That’s enough out of all of you,” Barker said, sensing he was losing the respect of his troops. “I’m your commanding officer and you—”

“You’re not my commanding officer,” Staff Sargeant Reggie Balls interrupted. “And you do have tits, Barker. The first step to change is admitting you have a problem. Give me fifty push ups right now and lay off the pizza.”

Clearly embarrassed and ashamed to have another male and his superior suggest he had female breasts but always obedient to the chain of command, Barker dropped and began to do pushups. On the first descent, his breasts pressed into the dirt, and he clearly winced. Barker then started to stop his pushups short, ceasing his downward movement just before his breasts brushed the ground.

“All the way down, Barker. No Goldbricking on my watch,” Balls shouted.

“Yes, sir!” Barker responded, though clearly suffering shame and discomfort as his already raw and sensitive nipples bounced against the dirt with each pushup. When he finished, he started to pull on his sweatshirt, but once more Balls intervened. “You a female now?”

“No, sir, I just—”

“The men in this company run bare chested, Barker. No one ever solved a problem by hiding it. You need to work those titties off, boy, not hide them.”

“Yes, sir.”

His state of denial violently broken, Barker became hyper conscious of his budding breasts. Barker exhibited extreme discomfort throughout the run as his chest jiggled and bounced. He adopted a running style consistent with young female runners, holding his arms close to his body in order to stabilize and manage his bouncability.

During the run, Barker’s chest drew a great deal of attention. Other members of his company frequently glanced back to catch a glimpse of what to them was a novel sight, while others would speed up or slow down to pass Barker and glance at his breasts. The attention paid to his developing bust will in all likelihood facilitate his psychological adjustment serving to both undermine his identification as a masculine male while also acclimating him to the inordinate amount of attention his breasts will command throughout his life as a female.

Note: In addition to the predictable amusement, Foundry exhibited acute signs of arousal at the sight of Barker’s breasts development.

See images captured by remote cameras on the following pages:



I like it. The idea of a reluctant transition. I had an idea about writing a tale set in a future where anyone can transition and where the process is much more refined. The idea was that the protagonist was going to transition into her ideal female self, but then there's an error related to her file, and once the process is completed she ends up looking a bit different from how she expected. I didn't make up my mind about how it would be, but I liked one idea about the protagonist wanting to be more petite and instead becoming more of an Amazon, really tall and muscular. Or maybe that she wanted to just be a woman like any other, but because of the aforementioned error she comes to as more of a stereotype, like a busty blonde with an exaggerated body and curves. Or maybe even something more exotic. And the process would be more sci-fi, like either that there would be a body cloned and the consciousness transferred, or that it would be accomplished with nanites. And because of the process being costly it would only be available once, or once in ex number of years, or something like that. The appeal to me is kind of the idea of getting more than you bargain for, as well as being able to identify more with the protagonist, since I do want to be female, yet with some reluctance thrown in. Somehow it's more exciting than someone just getting what they want and everyone being happy. And maybe also exploring different kinds of beauty.

Taylor Galen Kadee

Sounds intriguing. I agree there is more excitement/interest when there is some conflict., which is part of why I end up writing mostly forced femme type stories. I did write one story about a character who got what they wanted and was happy, and it was one of my least popular stories of all time!

P L Richards

This looks like being another very good, enjoyable series, and I look forward to finding out what Sgt Barker is like as an East Asian female. Where forced feminisation is concerned, it's always best to be made into your own dream girl or fetish object! I wonder what happened to Subjects 1-6?

Taylor Galen Kadee

I've always found the idea of someone being turned into their own fetish interesting as well. I don't know if we'll ever know what happened to Subjects 1-6, sadly. Their files seem to have been lost!