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Illustrations for selected scenes.

Many years ago when I first discovered the growing and already vast troves of TG fiction online, I stumbled upon a story called Team Spirit by Janice Dreamer. This story immediately became one of the favorites, and it has stuck with me all these years as I find myself re-reading it again and again.

I had thought at one time to make a comic book adaption of the story, but I was never able to contact the author to secure permission. So, I decided to create this little document with illustrations for some of the most memorable scenes from the story.

You can find the full story here: https://www.fictionmania.tv/stories/readtextstory.html?storyID=2978025147484784

This little project is an homage to one of my all-time favorite stories, and I do hope you enjoy. It is and will remain an exclusive for my Patreons only.

Also, if anyone knows how to contact Janice Dreamer, please let me know. I would like to share a copy of this with the author who inspired me not only to make these images, but to begin writing my own TG stories!



Adore all the changes! Love the cute drawings!

Robyn Hoode

'Team Spirit' is one of my all-time favourites. There's also a continuation by Meps98 called 'Team Spirit - the second half' also on Fictionmania.