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Sentenced to spend a year in the service of Queen Omphale, Hercules finds himself transformed into a lowly serving girl. Who's behind the once mighty hero's fall? The complete story. All 12 illustrated chapters.

I am trying this now where I create these folders in Mega and share all the chapters rather than placing one giant file on Patreon. Let me know what you prefer. I am to deliver the content in the form most appealing to my supporters. I feel like this could be more doable for people with slower internet speeds, especially.


11.53 MB folder on MEGA

12 files



Mega folders work better IMO than big pdf. Also it makes you less depending on Patreon, particularly if you have some local auto backup of your Mega files. From a user point of view, it would be nice if we could navigate through all the content you made available on Mega. For now on, the links you provide us drive to a specific folder, with no connection to the others.

Taylor Galen Kadee

Thanks for the feedback. I have a plan to one day organize everything inside a primary folder and put all the completed works in there, similar to what another creator, Emory Ahlberg does. Maybe I will at least do that with the new things as I go. Thanks, again.