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Hey, all. First, let me thank you all for your support. It not only means a lot to me emotionally, but your contributions also make it possible for me to buy the hairstyles, outfits and settings I need to tell my stories.

Now, as for the poll, I am curious which format people like best between comics and illustrated stories. Please share your preferences as it will impact the work I prioritize in the coming months.



Taylor Galen Kadee

Thanks to everyone who has voted so far. Just so people know how much this poll helped me, let me reveal I was thinking about discontinuing the illustrated stories and focusing 100% on comics! I had come to the conclusion that people really weren't interested all that much in the stories. So, the poll results certainly clarified my thoughts!


The comic stories are necessarily limited by the assets you own and the time spent to properly arrange them. With illustrated stories you have much more freedom to explore any direction you want. You can describe any setting, just using your writing skills. It's an asset you should keep and cultivate. I think you should also deliver sometime text only story with no illustration at all but the cover. Just for max freedom

Taylor Galen Kadee

We think alike! I have actually considered this, precisely for the freedom to write whatever I want without having to worry about the problems I might be creating for myself in terms of illustrations. We'll see. I would want it to be a story that needed to be text only.