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Buck experiences an erotic moment in the shower. Mission Control continues to transform him into a submissive female.

TGK Cooper and Kadee

Hey, all. Had a huge amount of fun staging these shower scenes and experimenting with the suds and bubbles FX.  Hope you enjoy. I am also becoming more and more interested in the interplay between the two agents as they toy with Buck. 

What do you think about Buck's journey?




We get a great story here. And the quality of the visuals improve from page to page. I would say it's your best comic so far. I'm 100 % hooked. But please don't be too harsh with the main character. I know he was an ashole with women, however, I can't help myself feeling some connection with him! 😊

Taylor Galen Kadee

Thanks. I am glad you are enjoying it, and I have been working on getting better visuals, so thanks for noticing. As for the main character, he- NO! I don't want to give away any spoilers!

Taylor Galen Kadee

Also, did you notice I gave you some shots of Buck with no makeup? He's so pretty he doesn't really need it!


Yes yes I have noticed and thank you for that! 🙂