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Okay, folks, here it is-- the September Calendar! A few notes. Allmyth reached the end of the first season. We will be back with Season 2 toward the end of 2022, beginning of 2023. That opens up for me to begin posting Honey Pot, a steamy new undercover as a female TG story. Masculinity 2033 continues as well, and I will be starting a new feature on Mondays called TG Captions.  Think traditional captioned stories with a pic and some text, though the pics will all be original artwork rather than borrowed media. 

The Spidey story will end Monday 8/29. However, for those of you who love superhero TG as much as I do, some of the TG Captions will be superhero related.

Thanks, everyone, for your support, and I am looking forward to spending a fun September TGing with you all!



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