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Chapter 10

Nikki decided to make a fuss over his big day. After checking with Vanya first to make sure it was okay with her, and then he ordered flowers, balloons, catering. He scheduled professional photographers to capture his special day. Thank goodness sales had picked up and he had a little money now!  He sent GIF invitations to Sam and Dan, and then he just had to order some old fashioned paper ones on off-white paper with gold lettering. He was so excited! He even invited a bunch of the new girls he’d met, some favored clients. Everyone was used to the idea of his magical changes, and he just wanted everyone to be there when he became a woman, fully and true!

Oh! And he would need a new dress, heels, maybe a purse and some special jewelry! The days leading up to his change party were a frenzy of anxiety and worry as he shopped relentlessly. There were so many pretty dresses! So many were almost perfect!

But Nikki needed the perfect dress, and he found himself crying as his special day approached. He couldn’t settle! He must be perfect! Everything had to be perfect and he couldn’t– Wait! Then, there it was.  Omigod! Yes. Feminine. Pretty but understated, with a plunging neckline that would celebrate his magnificent breasts. Sleeveless, it would show off his pretty, feminine arms! Short, everyone would see his tone, sexy legs!

Nikki clapped and giggled. It was like winning the Oscars or something!

Nikki’s anxiety, of course, only came back stronger. He was so worried about his hair and makeup! Of course, for such a special occasion, he made an appointment at Baba Yaga for the morning of, but what if something happened? What if his hair was ruined?

And what if all this worrying damaged his skin? He needed to glow!!

Nikki switched from coffee to chamomile tea, sipped a special herbal tea at night before bed to help him sleep. Took coconut oil and biotin supplements. There was just so much to worry about as a girl!

He had his whole outfit delivered to Baba Yaga. He would change there. So,, the morning of he put on a peach track suit and a pair of white sneakers. He fixed his hair and checked it twice, switched his purse three times to find one that looked just right with this outfit. Nikki wouldn’t leave the house unless everything was on point. Other girls could be so judgy, and even though he was just walking to the salon, he couldn’t stand the thought of any other women looking down at him as– shabby.

Vanya greeted Nikki with a hug and a smile when he showed up for his make-over and blow out. “How do you feel?” She asked as she led him by the hand to the salon chair.

“Terrified!” Nikki admitted. “I just want everything to be perfect! My friends will all be here, and there will be pictures and…” He started to hyperventilate.

“Relax, sweetie,” Vanya said, seating him, then massaging his shoulders. “Mama Vanya and her girls are going to take good care of you!”

The sound of Mama Vanya’s voice was so soothing, her hands working the tension out of his shoulders, Nikki sighed. This salon?  It was just so special. He couldn’t imagine what his life would be like without it! It was like– heaven!

Once more, Vanya and her team did not disappoint, and when Nikki looked in the mirror after they’d finished, he squealed. “You are a magician!”

“Sorcerous,” Vanya corrected, “and it’s easy to work with a girl who has such a perfect face!”

Nikki giggled.

The caterers had arrived and were setting up, the balloons and flowers had been delivered, crowding the room with pretty. And, almost just right? Nikki almost bit his nail, but pulled his hand away at the last second. His nails were perfect, and he didn’t want to risk ruining them, but he couldn’t resist the urge to fuss over things.  “Maybe those flowers over there, and more balloons on that–”

“Go. Change,” Vanya said, putting her hand on the small of Nikki’s back and steering him away. “Mama Vanya will take care of everything.”

“But, um…”

“There’s no need for you to fuss,” Mama Vanya said, amused and pleased. “You know I have perfect taste. I always take care of you.”

“Thank you! Thank you!” Nikki said, finally able to just let it go. I mean, if she couldn’t trust Mama Vanya, who could she trust?”


Danielle, Samantha and all the guests arrived. The room filled with small talk, idle chatter. Vanya pulled Danielle aside. “Did I not tell you Nick would come to understand what a woman goes through?

“You did,” Danielle said. “But I never expected it to go this far. Nikki is more feminine than I’ll ever be now, and he fusses over his– everything.” Danielle frowned. “I still wonder if maybe it was too much?”

“And yet?”

“And yet… I like Nikki better than I ever liked Nick? And, I think he’s better off like this– we all are. I mean, that girl can sell some shit. Maybe I’m just rationalizing because he doesn’t steal my yogurt anymore.”

“Nick was just another underachieving, entitled and insensitive male. Nikki is a light in this world! People feel happy just to see her pretty smile! Do not feel conflicted. Good work has been done.”

Nikki finally made her big entrance. Everyone stopped and started. His dress, his hair and makeup? It was all on point. He’d never looked prettier, and he was so happy as he made his rounds, greeting everyone with hugs and giggles and air kisses.

“It’s time,” Vanya said, taking him by the hand and leading him to a private room. It would be unladylike for him to let everyone watch as he got his vagina, of course. As he was about to pass through the door, he looked over his shoulder and smiled, almost wistfully, then waved and disappeared.

When Nikki emerged after her final transformation, everyone clapped. Camera flashed. Blushing, Nikki did a ballet bow, then ran to Danielle and Samantha and gathered them in for a group hug. “”I’m a girl!” She said, struggling to keep from crying tears of joy, failing, her mascara running down her cheeks. “My makeup!”

“It’s okay,” Samantha said. “You even look pretty when you cry.”


“I have to get to the salon,” Nikki said, plucking at a strand of her long, golden hair.

“Split ends?” Danielle asked.

“Hate,” Samantha added.

“Yes!” Nikki said, allowing herself a rare frown. “Plus, I am so overdue to have my nails done!”  He held up his hands, showing off what looked to Sam and Dan like perfect nails. They had no idea how he managed to always look so put together. Who had the time?

Samantha and Danielle exchanged an amused glance. They were both still enjoying seeing Nick obsess about everything– just like a girl. Well, he was a girl.

“It’s just so much work!” Nikki went on, fishing some hand cream out of her purse and rubbing it on her hands. “And my boyfriend doesn’t even notice! Men! They have no idea.”

No, they certainly don’t, Danielle thought. But now you sure do.

The End


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