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Grimmlord 2

T.G. Cooper

Copyright © 2021 T.G. Cooper

All rights reserved.




To all my readers, past, present and future! Thanks for joining my dream!


Welcome, dear readers! The saga continues, as the Grimmlord finds himself reshaped into a young woman and rebranded as Danger Kitty! Determined to regain his identity and his name, the winsome lass now finds himself seeking clues as to who changed him and why!

Grimmlord crouched in the brush on a hill about a mile from his mansion. Scanning the perimeter, he saw armed security guards now patrolling the perimeter. These were not his security people. Whoever had locked him out of the mansion’s security systems had also replaced his people. He’d checked his accounts at LeeCorps, and he’d been likewise locked out of all of them as well, plus his bank accounts, credit cards.

He’d been erased, and not just as an entity, he thought, looking down at the swell of his breasts. They’d taken his face and body, his costume, turned him into a woman, and a hero no longer named Grimmlord, but Danger Kitty.

He could have been crushed by it all. Hung his head in shame, but that was what they wanted. So, he’d embraced it, gone on television and declared that he was a woman, and he was proud of that and would hunt down the people who’d done this and bring them to justice. He needed information. But where to get it? Grab one of the guards? They would know nothing. Low level grunts.

He turned his eyes back to the mansion, scanning the windows, looking for any signs of occupants. There were lights on in various rooms, pouring golden light into the darkness, but he saw no evidence of people. Crouching, he prepared to descend, meaning to try and sneak into the mansion— then, a sudden breeze, and he felt arms wrap around his waist-

Spinning, he tried to drive his elbow into the face of his attacker, and it felt like he’d slammed it into a brick wall, only to hear laughter as he was lifted off his feet and fingers began to run along his ribs— tickling?

“Hey, Kitty!” Apex laughed, turning Grimmlord around so they were face to face, lifting Grimmlord in the air.

“Get your hands off me,” Grimmlord said, hating how much he sounded like a flustered woman.

Apex set Grimmlord down, but let his hands linger on Grimmlord’s wide, soft hips. “Relax,” he said. “I’m just messing around.”

Grimmlord stepped away. He knew he now gave off powerful pheromones that drove men crazy. “Just keep your distance,” he said, not liking the way Apex was looking at him— his eyes were hungry, and it unnerve Grimmlord to be the object of male desire. He turned his attention back to the mansion. There wasn’t any new activity, so at least the little incident hadn’t alerted the guards.

Apex let his eyes drift down from Grimmlord’s back to his tiny waist and plump, firm behind. Grimmlord could feel the other man’s eyes taking in his curves, but tried to just ignore it. “What’re you up to?” Apex asked, his voice going deeper.

“Breaking into my mansion. Looking for clues,” Grimmlord said. “If you would excuse me.” The wind tossed the long braid that came out of the top of his mask.

“Breaking in?”

Grimmlord, accepting he wasn’t going to be able to get rid of Apex very easily, explained how he’d been locked out of his own mansion, his security system.

“Let me help,” Apex said, his mind swimming with confusion. He knew this gorgeous female was his old friend and ally, Grimmlord, and yet she was so beautiful, alluring, he had never desired a woman as intensely as he wanted and needed her.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Grimmlord said. “You’re not exactly known for your stealth.”

“No. I’m known more for bold, decisive action,” Apex said, putting his hand on Grimmlord’s back.

“Come on,” Grimmlord said, exasperated, shaking the hand off. He turned to face Apex. “Please. I’m a man in here. I’m still Grimmlord.”

Grimmloard’s eyes burned with anger, and seeing those big, pretty eyes turn hot fueled the flames of Apex’ desire. “I don’t care,” Apex said. In a flash he had once more wrapped his arms around Grimmlord, pressing his hard chest against Grimmlord’s soft breasts and planting a kiss on Grimmlord’s full, soft lips. Grimmlord put his hands on Apex chest, shocked, appalled, trying to push the other man away, making small, angry noises. Finally, he pulled his head back and slapped Apex across the face.

The blow did no damage, but it shocked Apex enough to make him push Grimmlord away, sending him tumbling to the ground even as Apex rose into the air and back struggling to regain control of himself.

Grimmlord, laying on his side, pushing himself up with one arm, his long legs stretched out, rubbed his forearm over his mouth. “What the hell?”

“I lost control,” Apex said. “I— I’m sorry. Are you okay?” He flew back down, reaching his hand out to help Grimmlord back to his feet.

Grimmlord batted the hand away and popped back to his feet. “I’m not helpless!”

Apex pulled back again. “Sorry. Sorry,” he said. “It’s just…”

“Just go away,” Grimmlord said. “You can’t control yourself!”

“I think you’re right,” Apex said, rocketing straight up in the air and vanishing into the clouds, a sonic boom shaking the trees and echoing throughout the mountains.

Grimmlord looked at the mansion and saw the security now scrambling. So much for his sneaking in now. “Apex!” He cursed. It was probably just as well. His mind was racing, shocked by what had just happened, and he was in no state to focus and work. Apex had kissed him! He felt suddenly hyperaware of the wrongness of his body— the femaleness of it, which he’d been able to ignore, but now he felt not just the weight of his chest and the sway of his wide hips, but a keen sense of being treated—no— mistreated in a way only a woman could be.

Nothing like this had ever happened to him in his life. He retreated from the mansion, trying to calm his mind, to process what had happened. Things were much more complicated than he’d thought.


Once he’d gotten sufficient distance from his mansion, Grimmlord pulled the hover board he’d borrowed from Danger Cat off his back and hopped on, skating his way back toward New Rotterdam. His mansion was a few miles outside the city, so he had time to think, which was not necessarily a good thing. In addition to turning him into a woman, his new costume was also feeding his system chemicals which increased his anxiety and made him more emotional, so as he whizzed along Old Mill Road, his mind raced:

I can’t get into my own house, my own lair. I can’t use the Grimm Wagon! I can’t use my own name! In fact, as long as he wore this costume, whenever he tried to say his name, the voice modulator changed the words. He tested it again, meaning to say My Name is Grimmlord, but what came out, his squeaky, high-pitched little girl voice, was, “I’m Danger Kitty!” He’d lost his voice, his identity.

And the worst part was he had no idea who had done this, who could do this? In fact, Simulata, the Artificial Intelligence that worked with the Justice Collective, had found not a single suspect in her databases. No one, to her knowledge, could do this to him, and yet— here he was, a woman now. And, due to the influence of his suit and hormones, he was as emotional as any highly wrought teen-age girl.

Right now, that teen-age girl was seething at Apex. It was not the first time Apex had crossed the line. Grimmlord had woken one morning right after becoming a woman to find Apex spooning him! It was creepy and weird and made Grimmlord feel something he had not felt since he’d been child: vulnerable.

Reaching the city, Grimmlord used the overboard to rise up above the rooftops, skating his way through the air back to his favorite spot: The Old Rotterdam Church. As he glided along, people sometimes spotted him, and to his chagrin he heard them call out, “Danger Kitty!” As they pointed.

Have they already forgotten my true name? He wondered, his long ponytail whipping in the wind. Climbing onto the ramparts, between two learning gargoyles, Grimmlord out his hands to the small of his back and arched his back, rotating his shoulders. He was getting back aches— the weight of his breasts. Noemie, aka Danger Cat, had advised him to wear a support bra under his costume, but he’d refused. It was too— feminine. But he was rethinking that decision now. His suit provided some support, but not enough.

He remembered that morning. He’d stayed the night at Noemie’s. The two of them had revealed their secret identities to each other some years ago, and they’d become friends and slept together regularly, but with neither desiring any sort of marriage of exclusive commitment.

Keith had woken to find his long hair in his mouth, and pulling it out of his face and tossing it back over his shoulders, he’d decided to cut it off. Long hair was impractical and pointless, he’d decided, especially for a man who didn’t want any more attention than his bombshell figure was already attracting. He’d done to the bathroom off the guest room where he’d been staying looking for scissors or clippers, and not finding any had wandered downstair, still trying to get used to how jiggly and fleshy his new body felt.

Noemi had been curled up on her couch, iPad in hand, reading. When she looked up, she’d smirked and said, “Morning, sugar tits.”

“Does that have to be my nickname?” Keith had said.

“Oh, yeah,” Noemi said. “Either that or sweet cheeks.”

“Where can I find some clippers?” Keith had said, pushing his hair back over his shoulders. “I’m gonna cut all this off.”

“Not too practical for fighting,” Noemi agreed. She had a pixie cut.

“Or, anything else.”

Noemi told him where to find the clippers and went back to reading. She heard the clippers buzzing, and was surprised a few minutes later when Keith walked back into the room, long hair flowing down his shoulders. “Change your mind?”

“No,” Keith said, sourly. “I cut it off. And it just grew right back. Like, that fast,” he said, snapping his fingers.

“Nanobots,” Noemi said.

“I figured the same thing.”

“It’s so puzzling. I can’t get fix on exactly who is doing this and why/. I mean, could it just be some sort of sadistic payback?”

“Maybe,” Grimmlord said. “I can’t figure it out, either. I feel like I need more information.”

“Well, come on, then,” Noemi said, getting up. “Let’s go.”


“To my bedroom.”

There was a time that phrase promised kisses and caresses, the greatest sex. Grimmlord actually felt his body tingling at the invitation. “Bedroom?” He said, his little voice getting higher, a rush of anxiety coming over him as he wondered what it would be like to sleep with Noemi as a girl, both of them women, would he be able to please her? Would he be the aggressor or— submissive? Noemi was walking in front, leading him to her room, and he let his eyes caress her long legs.

Noemi glanced back, saw Grimmlord’s cheek flush, his pupils get fat with lust.

“Um, not for that, sweetie,” she said.

“Not for— what? No. I didn’t think—“ Keith sputtered, blushed more, embarrassed not only at what he’d been thinking, but that, of course, she was rejecting him— he was— a woman.  He couldn’t please her.

Noemi could see the shame in Grimmlord’s big, pretty eyes, and she wanted to re-assure him. “Keith, I don’t want you to feel bad or anything. It’s just— maybe one day? But I am not feeling it right now. But I need you to believe I don’t think any less of you because of — you know.”

“Okay,” Grimmlord had said, wanting to melt away. It was so humiliating, and he did feel like she thought less of him. Or, was it that he was less or believed himself less? “Yeah. Of course, but then- what?”

Noemi nodded. “I need you to just deal with this,” she said, sitting him down at a mirrored dressing table and shoving a brush into his hand.

“With what?”

“A crash course in hair care,” she said. “If you’re going to be stuck with all that hair, you’re going to need to learn to take care of it.”

Grimmlord had frowned, a feeling of disgust and self-hate coming over him. Not only did she not want to have sex with him, but she was reaching him— in his mind— how to be a girl. It was like having another piece of his masculinity cut out him, but he pushed down the torrent of emotions and the threatening burn of potential tears— he’d been crying a lot since becoming female— and said, “What do I need to know?”

“I’ll show you,” Noemi said. “But just some basics. I have to head into the office in a couple hours.”

“Hours?” Grimmlord said, eye going wide.

“Hair like this is no joke,” Noemi said, digging her hands into his thick, soft hair, mussing and fluffing it. “Let’s start with basic brushing.”

It had been shortly after that and as she was rushing to get off to work that Noemi had made the suggestion about the bra. Feeling already feminized enough as he tried to get used to the feeling of the long ponytail swishing down his back— the one he’d learned to do under Noemi’s sisterly tutelage, he’d immediately refused. “I’m not wearing a bra,” he said. “No way.”

“Okay,” Noemi had said, but he could see from her facial expression that she was pretty doubtful he’d be able to stick to that pledge. “We’ll see.”

Maybe, he decided, he could get some and wear them without Noemi noticing. It felt like a further surrender of his masculinity, a giving in to this new body and this new sex, and besides he didn’t want to listen to her crow.

Just as he was thinking about finding a good bra, Grimmlord heard a scream and sprang into action!


Grimmlord had heard a woman’s scream coming from a block over, so he leapt onto his hoverboard and darted over, looking down to see three thugs surrounding a teen-age girl. He recognized the thugs right away— low level hoods from the Zeppelin gang, and he hopped off the board, dropping down to land on the head of one of the thugs, even as his modulator once again screeched, “Kitty Kat Attack!”

The thug he’d landed on crumpled, while the other two pulled out their energy weapons, the air crackling with the smell ozone as they charged. The men’s eyes prowled over Grimmlord’s curves, and he saw each of them smirk as dark thoughts filled their minds. The teen girl fled the alleyway.

Grimmlord clenched his fist, a smile crossing his face as his whiskers wiggled. He was in the mood for a good old-fashioned street brawl. Beating up these thugs was just the thing to relieve some tension. One of the thugs started to raise his gun, and Grimmlord could see it all in his mind- just how he would take him out with a kick, then drop low, knock the other off his feet and…

There was a whoosh, a powerful wind, and then the two men were disarmed, tied together with a steel cable, and then Grimmlord yelped as he felt a slap on his ass. He spun. “Pronto!” He shrieked, wishing he didn’t sound so much like a munchkin.

Pronto, the super speedster, leaned against the alley wall, a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. “Figured I’d jump on and lend a hand,” Pronto said. Like the thugs, he couldn’t resist the urge to give Grimmlord a once over, sending chills through Grimmlord as he found himself being ogled. “Looked like you were in a little trouble there.”

“I was fine,” Grimmlord said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I was looking forward to kicking some butt.”

“Well, hey, you know, don’t bother thanking me.”

“For what?”

“Saving your ass.”

“I can take care of myself. I’m still Grimmlord.”

“Oh? I thought it was Danger Kitty now?” Once more, Pronto’s eyes enjoyed a glance over Grimmlord’s shape.

Grimmlord shivered. “By the way, keep your hands off me,” Grimmlord said, feeling like he needed to set some boundaries, as much as it annoyed him.

“What?” Pronto said.  “Just a friendly little slap on the ass between bros. Back when I played football we did it all the time.”

“I said, keep your hands off me.”

“Okay. Okay. I will keep my hands off you.” With that, there was another whoosh, and Grimmlord suddenly found himself being kissed by Pronto, who even tried to slip him some tongue. Grimmlord overcame his initial shock, making a quick karate move and throwing Pronto to the ground. “Jerk!”

Pronto laughed. “You wanna play rough, eh?”

Just then, another male voice called out, “The lady told you to keep your hands off.”

“Marksman?” Grimmlord said, surprised.

“You okay?” Marksman said, stepping between Grimmlord and Pronto. “I decided to check in and make sure you were safe. Looks like it’s a good thing I did.”

‘Oh, you think you’re gonna shoot me with one of your little arrows?” Pronto said.

“Guys,” Grimmlord said, shocked and worried to realize the men were fighting over him, trying to seem like the most protective alpha male. “Guys, just stop.”

Pronto tried to quick strike Marksman, but he had some sort of apparatus to counter, a flash sending Pronto flying back and slamming into a wall. Marksman quickly hit him with an arrow that covered him in clumpy goop. “Speed advantage neutralized,” Marksman laughed. “What else ya got?”

Pronto started to vibrate, slowly shredding the goop. “You’re about to find out.”

“Don’t worry,” Marksman said, looking over at Grimmlord. He knocked another arrow. “This will take him out.”

“Just stop!” Grimmlord said, grabbing Marksman’s arm. “You’re acting crazy!”

You drive me crazy,” Marksman said, leaning down, clearly intending to kiss Grimmlord.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Grimmlord screamed,. “Men!” He decided he had no choice and went into action. Moments later, Pronto and Marksman each found himself hogtied, laying on his belly on the street. “Think about how you’ve behaved!” Grimmlord said, fists on his hips. “I’m outta here!”

“Don’t be like that!” Pronto shouted.

“I love you!” Marksman shouted. “I need you!”

“Ugh!” Grimmlord summoned his hoverboard, jumped on and took off, leaving the men there.

The repeated advances from the men had Grimmlord’s head spinning. It was all so wrong. These men had been his comrades, his brothers in arms, and now they couldn’t stop trying to kiss him, ogle him…. And he had never experienced the male gaze before…. He’d given it a bunch of times, but his body reacted when they looked at him like that, mostly in being grossed out, but was there some other part that was…. Interested?

No. No, he decided. He was Grimmlord. In his secret identity he’d slept with super models. He was all man— or, at least, inside. He was sure of that. He needed time to clear his head, to process, to try and get the thought of the guys kissing him out of his mind, so he wan back to Noemie’s place, got out of his costume and into more ill-fitting sweats, fixed his ponytail and—— cried?

The tears came , a mighty flood, seemingly out of nowhere, just pouring out of him as he lay down and buried his head in his pillow. He wasn’t even sure why he was crying; it was all just so unfair and so wrong. He wasn’t supposed to be a girl! He wasn’t supposed to have to deal with— men! The torrent of tears slowed, started again, got worse…

Just as they seemed to be slowing, starting to subside, he felt a gentle hand on his back, and looked through tear blurred eyes to see Noemi. “Oh, great,” he said, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “Of course, you catch me crying like a little girl.”

Men and their insecurities, Noemi thought. “You know the transformation made you more emotional. You probably need to cry now, honey. It’s healthy.”

“That doesn’t make it less embarrassing,” Grimmlord said, fully aware that the woman he’d made love to was now talking to him like he was just another female.

“Did something happen?”

Grimmlord shook his head. There was no way he wanted to tell his former lover how he’d been freaked out by guys hitting on him. “No. It just— happened.”

Noemi, however, knew better, and she gently drew it out of him, getting Grimmlord to confess to what had happened and how confused and grossed out it made him feel. Finally, he finished with, “I don’t know what to do. How do I get them to stop coming on to me?”

“Hmmmmn,” Noemi said, brushing a loose hair away from his face, then cupping his smooth, soft cheek. “There is actually a simple answer to that.”

“What?” Grimmlord said, excited.

“Get a boyfriend.”



Meanwhile, on the Justice Collective Satellite….

Spellbinder had laid out the parts on an examination table in the Justice Collective satellite. Gears and sprockets scattered over the table, along with bundles of wires and motors. At the top of the table was the robot’s head— looking exactly like Shenanigans (For full story, see last issue!). Spellbinder carefully removed the face plate and began to examine the “brain.”

“I’ve never seen anything like this,” Spellbinder said.

Simulata, the Justice Collective’s AI, scanned the hardware. “I also have never seen anything like it.”

“I wonder if there is a way to search the memory? Find out out what’s stored in there?”

“I would say that we do not have the technological no how to interface with a computer we do not even recognize, if not for the fact that you are able to function outside the normally recognized parameters of science.”

“We call it magic,” Spellbinder said.

“I refuse to use that word.”

Spellbinder laughed. “Still?”

“Magic is just phenomenon that science has not yet found a way to explain.”

“Keep telling yourself that.” Spellbinder was a tech witch, a kind of quantum steampunk hero. She possessed multiple degrees, was a genius inventor who had built her own high tech armor, and yet at the same time she’d also become a master of the mystic arts. It was actually confounding even to her that she was often able to do things working in a realm of pure intuition, where she didn’t cast formulaic spells as was often seen, but simply invited things to happen.

Now, trusting that intuition, she found an input on the electronic brain. She wired it up, and then, knowing that she couldn’t use conventional means, asked it to talk to her. For a moment, nothing, and then the lights and diodes began to flicker and come to life.

Simulata took a step back. “Caution is advised.”

“Of course.”

The hands and feet of the shattered simulation on the table began to shake. Spellbinder focused on the brain, a screen floating in the air in front of her with lines of code scrolling down…. “I see time stamps in here from 2048…”

“Yet, the other components do not seem advanced,” Simulata said.

“Whoever sent this knew if would be destroyed and examined,” Spellbinder said. “They probably hoped a cursory examination would suggest it was made in this era. And, if anyone did look at the brain, it would be beyond them to open it.”

Simulata processed. “Doubtful.”

“Why do you say that?”

“In the future they would no doubt be aware of you and your abilities.”

“True,” Spellbinder said. “But then, they could have left a…. Trap!”

The hands and feet that had been trembling sprung to life, one of the hands flying right to Spellbinder’s throat, locking on, squeezing. The other pinned her arm to the wall, while the feet slammed into her stomach, driving the wind out of her. She saw stars, struggled, but the robot had caught her off guard, and the world was rapidly growing dark.

Simulata yanked the wires Spellbinder had attached from the brain, then brought a stainless steel fist slamming down on it, shattering it into dozens of pieces that scattered all over the lab.

The hands and feet went dead, dropping to the ground, and Spellbinder fell to her knees, gasping for air.

Simulata scanned her. “You have suffered no major injuries. I am happy for you.”

Spellbinder started to laugh, gasping and choking as she tried to catch her breath.

“Did I commit a faux pas?” Simulata asked.

“Pretty much.”

“I am socially awkward,” Simulata said. “It seems no amount of intelligence is able to save me.”

“Said every nerd ever.”

While Spellbinder and Simulata plot their next move, a sinister selection of conniving cretins congregates….

Daughter Despair, Shenanigans, Datastream and Zeppelin!

“I thought this meeting was supposed to start already?” Zeppelin grumbled.

“How ironic that a time traveler should be tardy!” Shenanigans cackled. “The irony!”

“Do you have to laugh like that?” Daughter Despair said, holding her aching head. “I had a few too many last night and that high-pitched noise is like, not something I want to deal with.”

“Oh, druggie need a huggee?” Shenanigans said.

“I will knock you out if I have to, so help me God,” Daughter Despair said, preparing to gas the cackling clown.

But, just as she was about to do so, a light started to flicker in the air, and a hologram appeared. It was a shadowy figure, a burning cigar clenched in its teeth.

“Finally!” Datastream said.

“Adjust your tone,” Holo said. “I will tolerate no impudence.”

The villains all grew silent. Holo looked them over. “The plan is working perfectly. Danger Kitty is distracted and confused. Now, while she still reels from her transformation, we must put her under duress.”

“Why can’t you just send more robots?” Datastream said.

“Yes,” Zeppelin grumbled. “I do not see the need for more risks.”

“You do not need to think,” Holo said. “I will do the thinking for you. However, let me say this much— I am also sending robots!”

“And what is the goal? The endgame?”

“All will be revealed in due time,” Holo said, blowing a shadowy cloud of smoke into the air. “But, here’s one part of it.” He whispered something to the group.

There was silence. Then, Daughter Despair began to laugh, and then Zeppelin, Datastream and finally Shenanigans, his high-pitched cackle filling the room, until Daughter Despair shot him with a tranquilizer dart.

“His laugh is so annoying,” Holo said.

And then they all laughed some more.


Let us return now, reader, to Grimmlord, the now winsome lass. When last we saw him, he was struggling with the fact that the male heroes he once counted as manly comrades have now taken to hitting on him.


Grimmlord shook his head. There was no way he wanted to tell his former lover how he’d been freaked out by guys hitting on him. “No. It just— happened.”

Noemi, however, knew better, and she gently drew it out of him, getting Grimmlord to confess to what had happened and how confused and grossed out it made him feel. Finally, he finished with, “I don’t know what to do. How do I get them to stop coming on to me?”

“Hmmmmn,” Noemi said, brushing a loose hair away from his face, then cupping his smooth, soft cheek. “There is actually a simple answer to that.”

“What?” Grimmlord said, excited.

“Get a boyfriend.”


Noemi shrugged. “Get a guy.”

“If you aren’t going to take this seriously, forget it,” Grimmlord said, tossing his long hair. He started to get up and storm off, but Noemi put a hand on his arm. “Hold on. Sorry. I was teasing a little.”

“It isn’t funny.”

“It is what I did, myself. Especially back in high-school. A lot of girls did. I got tired of guys pestering me, so I got a boyfriend. Brad.” She sighed as she remembered her younger days.

“I don’t like guys just because I have this body now.” Grimmlord felt more than ever that he needed to assert his manhood, especially given that he was not only a female now, but had a bombshell body that would make most women envious. From the time he’d started changing, finding himself with an impressive bust, he’d felt that his physical emasculation demanded an ever more aggressive demonstration of the true self he felt inside, which was all man.

“I know. I know. I didn’t actually like Brad. He was pretty boring. But, once other guys knew I was going steady with someone, they backed off. Still, that may not be for you.”

“It isn’t. So, what can I do?”

“Get used to it?”

“No way. Why should I have to get used to guys being a-holes?”

“Because guys are guys. You’re a hot girl now, and you have those crazy pheromones.”

“They should show some will power.”

Noemi shook her head. “You sound like every woman I know.”

“I am NOT a woman.”

“You’re going to just have to keep fighting them off. As long as you have that body, I doubt guys are going to stop hitting on you.”

“Great. Good talk.” He got up. “I’m going to go workout. I need to figure out my next move. Once I get back to my real self, I won’t have to worry about— guys— anymore. And I do my best thinking when I’m sweating.”

Noemi watched him go. He was wearing sweats he’d borrowed from her. They were baggy in some places, tight in others. Watching his hair sway, his wide hips, she felt for him. He’d been such a badass, actually as aggressive and pushy as any man she’d ever known, and for him to be trapped in such a curvy, female shape had to be hard for him. Having all these guys treat him like a female? She couldn’t even imagine.

Grimmlord took the elevator down to Noemi’s training room. He’d hung with her a lot back in the day, and he knew his way around. She had money and was not afraid to spend it. Her gym had everything— dead weights, machines, squat racks. Looking around, he decided to do some lifting. I need to find out what this body can do, he decided, looking at the rows of dumbbells, the stacks of heavy steel.

He soon discovered that this new body could not do anywhere near what his old body did. He started off trying to pick up a 50 pound dumbbell, but his skinny little arms shook, and as he pulled the weight off the rack, it immediately yanked itself down, and he found he could barely even hold it, yet alone lift it.

His heart sank as he had to use both hands and strained to put it back on the rack. He worked his way down until he found he could only lift a 15 pound weight. He did some curls, some presses, ashamed, glad that no one could see how weak these tiny little arms really were.

Putting down the ridiculously small dumbbells, he got down and tried some pushups. He couldn’t even do one. Even as he got into position and started to lower himself to the floor, his arms trembled and burned. He felt his breasts swaying from his chest, and then as his arms gave out and he collapsed to the floor, his soft breasts were crushed beneath him.

He rolled onto his back and cursed at the sky. Not even one pushup?

Fortunately, his costume- even the new one he’d been stuck with— enhanced his strength. But without his costume, he was weaker now than many women— even teen-age girls.

His head swam with anxiety. His new body chemistry had been altered to make him highly emotional. What if I am stuck like this? What if this is for the rest of my life? He looked at his tiny hands, his slender wrists and those thin, pretty forearms. It was one thing to go out into the world as “Danger Kitty” with enhanced abilities, but what about the rest of his life? His real life? How was he supposed to face the world like this?

I’m not safe. The thought hit him like a hammer. I can’t protect myself.

I’m helpless.

He felt tears coming, which only filled him with more self-loathing, his heart racing. I won’t cry. I am not going to cry!

He fought back the tears.

Start where you are, he told himself, remembering his days as a young man, when he’d first started working out. Start where you are to get where you want to be. Taking a deep breath, he got on his knees.

It was humiliating, but if he couldn’t do a traditional push-up, he would have to start with what were once called and which he still thought of as girl pushups. Knees down, he put his little hands on the floor. The pushups were still hard. Even girl push ups were hard! But he did as many as he could before rolling on his side, breathing, calming.

Pushups done, he got up and took a bar off the rack. It was a smaller, lighter bar of the type used by women. I am not a woman, he reminded himself as he took the cold steel in his hands, feeling the gnarl against his soft skin. He gripped and did some deadlifts with the empty bar, warming up. Then, not wanting to set himself up for another embarrassment, he put a ten pound weight on each end. Gripping the bar, he lifted, pleased. The deadlift mostly used the legs, and he knew that women had strong legs. He added some more weight, and did a few sets, feeling a little better. More capable.

Once he’d done the deadlifts, he looked over at the punching bag hanging in the corner. He found some gloves. Got in position. He punched the bag as hard as he could, and while the action of punching was the same as always the sensation was not— his whole body jiggled. He felt his breasts bounce, the soft swell of his behind bounce.

The sensation was so wrong, he stopped, annoyed. He did a roundhouse kick, and once more felt his new body bouncing and swaying and jiggling. Just ignore it, he told himself. Power through. He hoped and expected that eventually, once he got used to it, he wouldn’t be so aware of the soft, bouncy nature of his new shape. He punched and kicked, his ponytail flying, punched and kicked until his heart rate rose, and he felt a good endorphin rush.

Breathing hard, breasts heaving, he sat on a weight bench, peeling his gloves off, throwing them on the ground. I can do this, he told himself. I can get stronger. But there was something new. He arched his back. His breasts ached. Too much movement.

Once more, he found himself thinking he needed a bra.

“I’m Grimmlord,” he said out loud, the words not carrying the gravity they once did when he’d had a man’s voice. “I don’t wear a bra.” And yet, it seemed his breasts had a much different idea. He’d heard women talk about needing support, and now he understood. It just went so against every idea of being a man. And yet, if guys had melons like these, he thought, they would wear bras.

But what if the other guys found out? He wondered. What would they say? Did it matter? Was he going to put up with pain and discomfort just to try and prove what a man he was?

An alarm sounded. He looked up. The intercom crackled. “Come on, Danger Kitty,” Noemi called out. “We’ve got action!”

Grimmlord smiled and raced toward the elevator, one arm over his aching breasts to try and keep them from bouncing. “Yes!”

Grimmlord raced to the nearest costumator, stepping into the tube, which immediately transported him to the Catcave, now squeezed into his new curve-hugging costume. He ran toward DangerCat, who waited next to the Cat Car. She couldn’t help but notice that his run had changed— with his wide hips and generous chest bouncing, he’d started to run with his arms lifted out to the sides— in fact, looking very much like the stereotypical and usually inaccurate vision of someone running “like a girl.” The way his pony tail swished from side to side did not lessen the impression.

“I’ll drive,” Grimmlord chirped excitedly, completely unaware of how feminine his body language had become.

Men, DangerCat thought to herself, mildly amused. But, when they climbed into the Cat Car and Grimmlord grabbed the controls, they both heard a voice say, “Negative, DangerKitty. You are too young to drive.”

“Too— what?” Grimmlord said. “How old do you think I am?”

“You are a sixteen year old female,” the AI responded. “Who has yet to pass her driver’s test.”

Once more, Grimmlord felt himself diminished, being treated like a child, a girl? “I’m a man!” He screamed at the AI, slamming a tiny little fist on the panel. “I’m a groan man!”

“Okay,” Danger Cat said. “Listen, we have a crisis. I’ll drive. And don’t hit my car.”

“Listen to your mother,” the AI said.


DangerCat fired the thrusters and the car lifted off, rocketing into the sky. She’d received an emergency call from Apex— the message had been garbled, but she’s zeroed in on the location, and she knew she needed to get there— fast.

Grimmlord, meanwhile, felt himself getting all emotional— his hormones were out of control, and he couldn’t seem to help himself from ricocheting from one intense emotional state after another. “What do you mean— mother?”

“Are you suffering amnesia?” The AI asked. “Commencing scan to determine wellness.”

“I’m fine,” Grimmlord said as the scanner projected across his body. “I’m just not her daughter.”

“Why are you arguing with the AI?” DangerCat finally asked.

“Because I am not your daughter!”

“No injuries identified,” the AI said.

“This is all part of the mind game that’s being played with you. Just— don’t play. Focus on the mission.”

“But… well… um….”

“Listen to your mother, Jeanette.” The AI said.

“Jeanette?” Grimmlord struggled not to punch to control panel.

DangerCat reached over and took his wrist, lowering his fist to his lap. “Hey, hey,” she said. “Don’t give in. We have a mission. Focus. I need you to be Grimmlord right now.”

“Mission,” Grimmlord said. “Yes. Focus.”

He took some deep breaths, calmed himself.

“You good?”

“Yes,” he said, feeling himself growing centered. “I’m— I’m myself.”

DangerCat smiled to herself. “Good girl.”

“Don’t start,” Grimmlord said, closing his eyes, continuing his breathing. “I’m just getting myself to my calm place.”

“Oh,” DangerCat said, touching his cheek. “You know, I always did want a little girl.”

‘I’m not listening,” Grimmlord said. “I am not listening.”

They cleared a row of skyscrapers, and looking up at Millennium Tower they saw chaos. Apex, floating about 20 feet above the famous spire, fought against a swarm of drones— thousands and thousands of them all firing hot blue lasers at him, smashing into him— they didn’t seem to be doing much damage, but he was harried, blinded, battering them and bashing them but completely occupied while a crew of Datastream’s minions climbed around the spire, attaching cables and wires, boxes full of flashing lights.

Datastream’s Mobile Attack Unit hovered near by. It looked like a hard drive— rectangular, silver…

“This looks like another distraction,” Grimmlord said. He was remembering the series of villainous actions that had kept him busy while his suit transformed his body into its current voluptuous shape. “Something to keep us busy.”

“I can’t disagree, but let’s end it. I’m going to dive toward the MAU. Get ready to eject. I’ll follow.”

Grimmlord smiled. He loved action, and distraction or not, the chance to break some skulls appealed to him. DangerCat dove, a series of tiny missiles laughed from the MAU— they imploded against her shields, but the CatCar shook and rattled, the engines roared— Grimmlord ejected, plunging toward the MAU, which started to pull away, trying to evade him. Using his boot jets, Grimmlord angled toward it… the ship moving away, fast…. He thought for a moment he would miss it, but he stretched out as far as he could— claws emerging from his gloves and just managing to dig into the alloy, his body slamming against the MAU— ow! His breasts were very sensitive and the impact hurt like hell, but he ignored the pain, climbing onto the surface of the reeling ship.

Using his claws and grateful for the extra strength his suit granted him, Grimmlord worked his way toward a hatch. He heard a motor, and saw a canon rise from the ship, spitting at him, hard projectiles striking the MAU and cutting grooves into the steel.

Grimmlord began to execute cat like hops, digging into the steel each time, dodging the gunfire until he reached the canon and shattered it with a pair of viscous kicks. “Rarrrwww!” He heard his voice modulator shriek. He hopped into the hatch and ripped it free, tossing it off spinning into the air.

Dropping into the MAU, Grimmlord immediately found himself swarmed by a squad of Datastream’s robots. He spun, kicked, punched… one of them managed to slash his side, cutting right through his armored costume, and another blasted him in the leg. Both areas flamed with pain, and he could feel blood seeping from his side, but he was Grimmlord, and he gritted his teeth, loving the pain, the action, viciously attacking and destroying the bots until he finally smashed his way through the door that led to the bridge.

“Digits,” Grimmlord said, looking over to see Datastream’s partner. “Is that really you, or are you another robot?”

“Oh, its me,” Digits said, giving Grimmlord a once over. “I must say you look scrumptious.”

“Save it,” Grimmlord said, advancing, meaning to take her out and question her later. “I don’t have time for your monologue.”

“Oh?” Digits said. She was not wearing her armor. Yet, she seemed strangely confident, and it should have given Grimmlord pause, but he was hot with adrenaline and violence. He strode purposefully toward Digits rather than pouncing.

“Now switching to helpless mode,” the AI announced, and Grimmlord heard the sound of his systems powering down.

“Helpless mode?” He said, now attacking Digits with a sudden sense of urgency. But, as he swung his fist, she caught it, effortlessly stopping the blow.

“No, no,” Grimmlord said. He meant to try a sweep kick, but his suit refused to cooperate. Instead, he sank to his knees while Digits twisted his arm behind his back. Grimmlord cried out in pain and shock, horrified to find himself powerless, weak, helpless.

“A pretty little girl like you,” Digits said. “Why aren’t you out chasing boys?”

Grimmlord strained, but his suit was now confining him, preventing him from even using his combat skills.  And then, the voice modulator began to cry out, “Apex! Save me!”

In his mind, Grimmlord raged. No. No.

Digits tied and gagged him, then sent the MAU into a cataclysmic dive toward the earth. Grimmlord struggled, and even though he was gagged, his modulator kept crying out “Apex! Help me!”

Apex heard the cries of the female he’d become obsessed with. He saw the MAU lurch and then start to dive toward the earth. DangerKitty! He thought, enraged to know this female was in danger. In a surge of rage, his heat vision flared and melted the drones, smoldering lumps of plastic raining down on the streets below.

Then, he launched himself toward the MAU, determined to save Grimmlord, his damsel in distress.

We cut now back in space and time to the Justice Collective Satellite, where Simulata and Spellbinder had just managed to survive an attack from one of the robots that had been sent against Grimmlord (last ish!).

Simulata, who’d gathered the shattered remains of the bot in a steel mesh bag, hurled the wiggling, writhing mass into the incinerator, the robot making a horrible shrieking noise as it was utterly destroyed.

“It looks like the robots are going to be a dead end,” Spellbinder said.

Simulata did not believe the statement necessarily derived logically from what they had experienced, but having committed numerous faux pas and determined to be more “social” she demurred. Nodding.

“So, what next?”

“Perhaps you should select one of the numerous other leads?” Simulata said.

“Smart ass,” Spellbinder said.

“I do not believe my ass capable of sentience.”

“Okay. Agreed. I know Grimm scouted his mansion, but the security was too tight. Maybe if we can get in there you can do some hacking. They have taken over all his systems with some kind of software, so there has to be a trail, right?”

“It is likely that they penetrated his software systems externally and if so I could seek to trace their location.”

“Can you try now?”

“I can,” Simulata said. She connected to the satellite systems and then to the WWW. Searching, locating nodes, she found the security protecting Grimmlord’s network — “exquisite.”


“Any attempt to tamper from the outside runs the risk of a total system wipe.”

“From the outside?”

“Yes, but getting inside would require—“

“Magic?” Spellbinder said, tossing a ball of eldritch energy from hand to hand.

“There is no such thing.”

“Right. Let’s go.”

While the Grimmlord’s systems were secure, scans of the mansion showed grocery deliveries being made from the nearest Whole Foods.  Simulata easily penetrated the network, and they found out when the next delivery was to be made.

Soon, Simulata and Spellbinder were making their way through the warehouse, dressed in Whole Foods uniforms, nodding as they passed workers. Spellbinder had cast a spell on Simulata to make her look like a crunchy hippie chick, with dreads and tattoos. “Have you located the driver’s phone?”

“Got it,” Simulata said.

The van was at the door, and the workers had just finished loading it. The driver was heading toward the door, when his phone rang. He heard his boss telling him to come by the office before leaving. Grumbling, he headed back into the warehouse, while Spellbinder and Simulata casually climbed into the van and drove away.

“Stealing is fun,” Simulata said, barking out an electronic laugh. “Ah. Ah. Ah.”

“We should have been villains!” Spellbinder said, pulling her hat down lower on her head. Spellbinder then conjured up a joint, lit it and took a toke.

“As a hippie chick, should I not also partake?” Simulata asked.

“Dude!” Spellbinder said, handing Simulata the joint.

Simulata took a toke, then scanned the web for an appropriate response. “That is what might be called good shit.”

Spellbinder laughed.

“Did I express the right sentiment?”

“Oh, yeah, you did.”

They both laughed.

When they arrived at the gate to Grimmlord’s mansion, they got serious and tried to act natural. Both tensed, ready to attack if there was a problem, but much to their surprise the gates swung open and bored looking guards waved them into the grounds. It seemed that the security looked much more fierce than it functioned.

They pulled around to a back entrance, where a couple guards leaned against the wall, smoking. Spellbinder and Simulata climbed out of the van and went to the backdoors, swinging them open. “Hey!” Spelllbinder called. “Can you help us? There’s a really heavy pallet.”

The guards looked at each other, uncertain. Simulata decided to help out. “You males are most masculine looking, and your muscular frames arouse me.”

The guys laughed.

Simulata felt very proud of herself. “I am feeling a growing sense of warmth!”

The guys started to walk over, much to the amazement of Spellbinder, who didn’t think she’d ever heard worse flirting in her life. As soon as the guys came over, Spellbinder tossed a sleep spell on them. They guards were loaded in the van, and a new illusion was cast to make Spellbinder and Simulata look like the men.

“My arm is so hairy!” Simulata said.

“Shhhsss. We need to be unnoticed until we get to a computer.”


They made their way through the mansion. Simulata had pulled up plans for the mansion from old building permits, and though they both knew the Grimm Cave and other modifications had not been on these plans, they were betting the rest was at least close. The mansion was fairly crowded with personnel, and Spellbinder wondered what they were all doing there. It was clear they were not only trying to keep Grimmlord out— in fact, they seemed to be remodeling.

There was a small office of a guest room they hoped would be empty, and they had made it all the way to the guest room in a wing that seemed unused, when a soldier happened to come around a corner. “You,” he called. “What are you doing in this wing?”

“Just a routine check,” Spellbinder said, a little surprised at how deep her voice sounded.

The man reached for his walkie talkie. “What’s your service number?”

“Um, 3478-12?” Spellbinder said.

The man frowned. “Just hold on,” he said, slipping the walkie talkie from his belt, trying to pretend he didn’t realize what they all knew he realized: that these two were not guards at all. He brought the walkie talkie to his mouth and recoiled as he felt dusty feathers against his lips and tongue. Surprised, he looked to see he was holding a father duster. “Vat is these?” He said, eyes going wide at the sound of his piping soprano voice. He looked down to see breasts swelling from the top of his French Maid uniform, wobbled on his stiletto heels, and fainted into Simulata’s arms.

“Quick,” Spellbinder said, opening the guest room door.

Simulata carried the transformed guard into the room and lay him gently on the bed. “Why did you turn him into a French Maid?” Simulata asked, smoothing his skirt.

“I guess I was thinking about Grimmlord,” Spellbinder said. “Let’s go.”

They went into the office, and Simulata sat down, plugging into the UBS port.

“Help me!” Grimmlord raged. He’d found himself bound and gagged, powerless. His suit had betrayed him, powering down and now the voice modulator that had once given him a deep, haggard voice was crying out alternating between crying out “help me!” And screaming like some ridiculous female. He’d never felt so helpless.

In the dark, Cigar Man blew smoke in the air. “Activate Phase Two.”

Hands flickered across buttons. Gages jumped. On a massive screen, the shape of Grimmlord’s new body appeared, areas lighting. Chemicals began to pour into Grimmlord’s blood stream—

The normally calm and cool Grimmlord felt his heart begin to race, his breath grow quick and shallow. Even as his masculine mind rebelled against the coming panic attack, his mind flooded with chemicals as well, triggering the fear response, and his mind filled with panic, terror, as he became consumed with only one thought- I’m going to die! Tears formed in his eyes, and years of iron willed-discipline proved no match for the chemical cocktail flooding his system forcing him to feel panicked and afraid.

Apex flew toward the plunging MAU. He might have been able to fly under the MAU, catch it, prevent it from crashing. But he could think only of DangerKitty, the former Grimmlord. As you will recall, dear reader, Grimmlord’s body chemistry had been altered so he gave off powerful female hormones that drove men wild with need— they could not stop thinking about his new body— and Apex had fallen under Grimmlord’s spell.

He tore a hole in the side of the MAU and flew into the cockpit through a wall of fire and smoke.

“Phase three!” Cigar Man shouted, and once more, lights flashed, the colors on the Grimmlord readout changing. New chemical and hormones flooded Grimmlord’s body and mind—-

The emotional turmoil surged. Seeing Apex busting into the MAU, coming to rescue him, threatened every bit of Grimmlord’s alpha male, tough guy personality. Part of him felt enraged, embarrassed, humiliated— but the chemical cocktail flooding his system sent some shocking new feelings through his mind and body— the panic, the terror he’d felt? As he looked at Apex, emerging from a cloud of fire and smoke, he felt a sudden sense of warmth, of comfort and trust… his heart seemed to leap in his chest…. And if he could have put these feelings into words, he might have cried out, my hero…

Apex swept Grimmlord into his arms. “Don’t worry,” Apex said. “I have you.”

Once more, the man that had been Grimmlord felt — emasculated. Here he was, cradled in Apex arms. It was like a scene from a romance novel, and he was the helpless maiden— no… no… no… And yet, at the same time, endorphins swirled in his brain, and he felt his body growing warm, his cheeks… the sound of Apex deep, manly voice had given him chills, and he suddenly felt so safe, so protected…. He couldn’t help but sigh…

Holding Grimmlord’s slender body in his arms, Apex flew out of the MAU just before it slammed into the Earth, exploding into a ball of fames. Apex and rose above, Grimmlord looking down to see the blazing doom he’d been saved from…. He found himself staring at Apex face, suddenly fascinated by his cheeks, his lips… those eyes!

Apex landed, still holding Grimmlord. “Are you okay?” Apex asked, staring into Grimmlord’s eyes. “Were you hurt?”

The jumble of feelings continued to swirl through Grimmlord’s brain. The caring in Apex’ voice, the concern, it just —- oh! He felt so—- he didn’t even know… He started to answer, but he was still gagged… “mmmmpppffff….”

Apex chuckled. He gently set Grimmlord on his feet…. Part of Grimmlord felt regret—- he’d felt so good being carried by Apex, cradled, protected… it had made him feel so light and small. Grimmlord’s knees went weak, and he stumbled, falling against Apex, who caught him. Feeling his soft body pressing against Apex’ hard angles, once more waves of mysterious new feelings swept over Grimmlord… it felt so good…. He tilted his head back, looking up at Apex, his pupils swelling, so fat and full of need…

“Careful,” Apex said, putting a thick, muscled arm around Grimmlord’s waist, while he gently removed the gag.

“I— I’m okay…”. Grimmlord said, his voice rising higher, sweeter… breathy… Apex had built up a little sweat during the fight, and his manly musk now filled Grimmlord’s head…. His body was doing things he was barely aware of, but which were sending him all kinds of signals as the heat built inside him…

Apex saw all the signs. He no longer saw any trace of his old friend. No. This was a beautiful female, the most desirable woman he’d ever known…. “I’m so glad you’re okay,” he said, putting a hand to Grimmlord’s cheek… “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”

Grimmlord sensed what was about to happen. His body wanted it, as did a growing part of his brain. He craved those lips, and he had a powerful urge to press his body closer to Apex, the thought growing in his mind…. Kiss me! Kiss me!

His hands were still tied behind his back, and though he wanted badly to touch Apex, to squeeze those bulging biceps, a part of him felt even more thrilled to be restrained, to feel so helpless, so dependent…. So passive…

But he was yet a man— an alpha! That part of him struggled mightily against all these terrible new needs and desires…. That part of him was terrified at the feminine desires he now felt, at the hunger he was in Apex eyes, at the possibility that he was about to…. Grimmlord didn’t even want to think about it…. He had to pull away…. He had to break this spell….

“I can’t…” he whispered, shaking his head. “I’m Grimm—-“

Before he could finish, Apex smothered his objections in a powerful kiss, tilting him backward….

“Phase FOUR!” Cigar Man called out, cackling with glee…

The chemicals surged, and Grimmlord felt pleasure like nothing he’d ever felt before… his whole body was on fire… his mind rising to a place of pure nirvana…. The incredible pleasure etched into his brain a whole range of new experiences…. Hands bound… helpless…. Being held… cared for… having a man take command, aggressively kiss him… dominate him…

The kiss went on…. He felt Apex tongue thrust into his mouth…. He moaned softly… loving it… needing it… who’d leaned Grimmlord back until he was parallel with the ground… lifted him back to his feet…. Apex ended the kiss…. Grimmlord had lost it, and he rose on his tiptoes, bringing his lips once more to Apex… he needed to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him…. Apex dropped a hand to Grimmlord’s ass, lifted and squeezed… Grimmlord lifted a leg and stared to rub the inside of his thigh against Apex…. He was all woman now… totally consumed with his need to be this man’s woman… his struggled in his bonds… desperate to touch Apex…. But loving his feeling of helplessness…. Grimmlord was panting, making little sounds…

“Um, kids?” DangerCat said. She’d been watching the two of them making out, stunned, kind of a little turned on, not even sure if she should intervene, but she could see Apex was about 10 seconds from flying off and taking Grimmlord’s virginity, and she just felt like maybe it was too soon for that. Further, seeing Grimmlord go full on horny female, she felt something wasn’t right.

Apex broke off the kissing, though he kept his hands on Grimmlord’s hips. He looked at DangerCat with a— are you seriously cock-blocking me right now? Look on his face.

“You have an audience,” DangerCat said.

Apex looked around and saw people with cellphones. “Uh, oh,” he said, suddenly a little embarrassed.

“Who cares?” Grimmlord said, trying to kiss Apex again.

Apex turned Grimmlord to Grimmlord was facing away from him, standing behind him now, still with his hands on his hips. Apex leaned in and said, “Smile for the cameras.”

Grimmlord smiled, thrilled to have Apex tell him what to do.

“We’ll pick this up later, but for now cool it.”

“Okay,” Grimmlord whispered, still in that even higher voice, loving that Apex was telling him what to do.

“Good girl,” Apex said. Then, he waved to the cameras. “Better clean up this mess, people!” He couldn’t resist the urge to give Grimmlord’s plump, perfect booty a pinch right before he flew off.

Grimmlord yelped and giggled, tossing his ponytail.

DangerCat shook her head. “I captured Digits,” she said, pointing to the bound, dour villain at her feet.

Grimmlord was in a world of bubbly bliss, his mind replaying every second of his first kiss as a girl…. “okay,” he said, playing with his ponytail, giggling. “That’s cool, I guess.”

DangerCat could see her former lover was in no state for a talking to or even to focus on anything. It was shocking, and she resolved to investigate. There was no way the man she’d known should have so quickly become such a —- man hungry girl.


Hot and bothered. Bothered and hot. Back at Danger Cat’s mansion, Grimmlord paced. He threw himself dramatically onto his bed. He tossed. He turned. He got up and paced some more. He bit his thumb. Pulled the tie from his hair and shook it loose, then gathered it and tied it back in a ponytail. He sat down at his computer and tried to go over the notes for his investigation, but it was no use.

His mind kept returning to the kiss. The warmth of their two bodies, so close. The smell of Apex. His hard, bulging muscles. I’m Grimmlord, he tried to remind himself. I am a man. I beat up bad guys. With my fists. I’m not— I can’t—-

While he recognized he was— enflamed with passion— it felt different in certain disturbing ways. His skin tingled. All over. He felt flush, almost feverish. And he felt— and this is what was shattering his sense of himself as a male— he felt an all consuming need to be FILLED.

Yes. Filled. In fact, while he and Apex had been kissing, he’d felt Apex junk press into his tummy, and though at the time it had been only one of a thousand sensation assailing his rationale mind, as he ached and suffered and hungered to be filled so badly now, his thoughts kept going back to that feeling, and sometimes an image of it even popped into his brain, all hard and ridged with veins—

“STOP!” There was no way. No way!

Hot and bothered. Bothered and hot. Grimmlord paced. Tossed. Turned. Took a long, cold shower. Nothing worked. Finally, he knew he had to find some relief. And remind himself that he was still a man.

Noemi, Danger Cat, had gone down to the Cat Cave, and was running analysis on Grimmlord’s new, curvaceous suit. What she was finding did not surprise her. The suit was rigged with many mind-altering chemicals, hormones, all sorts of things to manipulate and manage Keith’s mental state. It was no accident he’d gone all mushy and kissy with Apex. It was certainly more evidence, but what did it mean?

“Hey,” she heard a soft voice call, the new voice of Grimmlord.

“Hey,” she said, glancing, “I found something you should—“ but then she did a double take. Grimmlord was wearing a pair of her black leggings as well as one of her tank tops, a flouncy, low cut tank top that showed off a lot of skin— and cleavage. His hair was down, a halo of glossy waves around his face. “You okay?”

Grimmlord buried his hands in his hair, mussing it, then sauntered over to the desk where Noemi worked, propping himself on the desk. “I’m fine,” Grimmlord said. “Just a little— hot.” He hooked his hair behind his ear and smiled.

Okay, Noemi thought, this is a little weird. It almost seemed like, but no. “I did some checking on your suit…”

“Oh?” Grimmlord said, moving next to her.

“Yeah. You probably should stop wearing it, it has all these…”

“You’re so smart!” Grimmlord said in a breathy voice, as he put his hand on the inside of Noemi’s thigh and squeezed.

“Um, what are you doing?”

“I want you so bad,” Grimmlord said, diving in for a kiss.

Noemi was shocked and pushed Grimmlord away. “Stop! What are you doing?”

“I want you so bad,” Grimmlord said, lunging at her. Noemi dodged him, backed away, her palms out.

“That’s what I am trying to tell you,” Noemi said. “The suit! The Danger Kitty suit! It made you super horny!”

“You make me super horny!” Once more, Grimmlord lunged at Noemi, and this time she grabbed a binder and held it between them, batting at his hands as he tried to grab her.

“Down! Down girl! It’s your hormones!”

“My hormones want me to kiss you all over your body!” Grimmlord shrieked.

“You are being controlled!”

“I don’t care,” Grimmlord said, now switching from aggressive pursuit to begging. “Please! Please! I just— I am so horny right now, and it’s driving me crazy. I need relief.”

“I don’t think it would be right,” Noemi said.

“Why not? We’ve slept together. Is it because I’m— this?” He gestured at his very female body.

“It’s because you are being controlled by that suit! You aren’t thinking for yourself. You need to get a grip.”

“Uggghhhhhhh!” Grimmlord turned away, going to the computer, reading Noemi’s findings. Noemi watched him. He looked really hot in those leggings, she decided. What a perfect ass. In fact, it might be fun to have a roll in the hay with him in this body, show him how much fun it was to be a girl. But no. He was in no state to offer anything resembling consent.

“Okay. Wow,” Grimmlord said. “They totally turned me into a sex-crazed bimbo.”


Some level of rationality returned, but Grimmlord’s body was still demanding to be filled. “Then, at least, tell me how girls deal with this— “ he gestured down at the space between his legs. ‘It’s— wet.”

“Maybe we should focus on what to do about the suit?”

“I can’t think about anything else right now but— her.” He gestured once more to his thigh gap.

“Wow. You got it bad. I have an idea, but it might be a little embarrassing.”

“Anything to make it stop."

Gentle reader! Let us return now to the mansion, where as you will recall Simulata had hooked herself up to the computer system looking for clues. Initially, she simply probed, moving about various files and networks, all of which proved mundane workaday data from Grimmlord’s various business dealings. And then, she came upon IT. “Eureka.” She looked back at Spellbinder. “I am keeping my voice low for the purpose of stealth, but my state is one a human would call greatly enhanced.”

“We would never say that,” Spellbinder said, amused. “What did you find?”

“A quantum portal to a network that exists outside time.”

“The enemy?”

“Indeed. I am entering now and—-“  Simulata began to shake, to distressed electronic bleeps and boops. “Danger! Resistance!”

“What’s happening?” Spellbinder said.

“The security protocols perceive me as a virus, and they are seeking to exterminate me. I am— this not —- error— error— error I am being erased—- error—”

“We can’t let that happen!” Spellbinder began to weave her hands in the air, eldritch magic flaring, then encircling Simulata. The shaking stopped. There was burst of static.

“I am inside the system. Your undefined science provided the necessary support.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Interesting. Interesting. Most fascinating. There are some truly marvelous technological advances coming.”

“Um, Grimmlord? Have you learned anything about him?”

“What?” Simulata was making a humming noise now. “Yes. I did.”

Spellbinder waited. The computer screen in front of Simulata had gone to a swirling pattern of colors, interrupted by bursts of light. The lights on the tower were flashing frantically. “And?”

“I know who has transformed Grimmlord into a girl, and why.  It is actually both simple and complicated.”

“Who? Why? Tell me!”

“Grimmlord has been turned into a girl by—“

But before Simulata could answer, the door to the room burst open. A French Maid stood there, eyes burning with fury, and pointed at them with her duster. “Seize them!” She cried. “Theeese are ze intruders!


Grimmlord sat on the edge of his bed, legs crossed, twisting his hair around his fingers. DangerCat had promised him she would be right back with a solution to his horny emergency, but it seemed to him like it was taking forever, and his mind kept drifting back to his first kiss as a girl, the feeling of his body pressed against Apex, the pressure of the bulge in Apex’ pants pressing against his…

“Omigod!” Grimmlord gasped. “Why can’t I go more than two minutes without thinking about— that!”


“Come in!”

DangerCat walked in, and she was holding a white, rectangular box.

“What’s that? Come on. I need to stop feeling this,” Grimmlord said, grabbing at the box.

“Wow, you do have it bad,” DangerCat said, laughing.

“It’s NOT funny!” Grimmlord shrieked, desperate, grabbing for the box. “Give it to ME!”

“Okay, okay,” DangerCat said, handing him the box.

Grimmlord ripped the lid off and threw it across the room, then stood, frozen, staring, his mouth hanging open in shock.

“Do you need some help on how to use it?” DangerCat said, actually just wanting to leave the room and let him at it.

Grimmlord reached into the box and lifted out a long, thick dildo. It was one of the sleek, modernist types that looked like more like a jet plane than an flesh and blood organ, but it had a distinctive shape to it that left no doubt as to its purpose. Grimmlord slit his eyes and pushed the button at the end of the dildo. It began to vibrate. “Come on. Stop joking.”

“That’s what I would use,” DangerCat said. “If I were in your predicament.”

“Get out,” Grimmlord said, till holding the dildo, but now waving it at DangerCat. “Get out.”

“You’re a woman now, and there is no need to be embarrassed about your sexual needs,” DangerCat said.

“What is this? Am episode of The View?” Grimmlord threw the dildo across the room, sending it bouncing into a corner.

“Try it. You might like it.”

“I would not like it. Goodbye. I will find a solution of my own.”

“Good luck with that,” DangerCat said, leaving.

As soon as she left, Grimmlord sat back down on his bed, crossed his legs and put his hands in his lap. “My brain is stronger than my body,” he whispered. “I will simply will myself to stop wanting sex.”

Buzzzzzz….. buzzzzzz…. Buuzzzzzz….

He had forgotten to turn the dildo off. It buzzed away in the corner, jiggling around on the carpet.

“My brain is stronger… my brain is stronger…”

Grimmlord looked over at the dildo, and he immediately felt the increasingly familiar clench, the need to be filled. The sight of it made him drool, and seeing it moving sent shockwaves through his mind.

“DangerCat,” he cursed, getting up, grabbing the dildo. He started to smash it against the wall, meaning to break it into a million pieces, thought about tossing it out into the hall.

But his eyes began to caress the phallic shape of it, and then he ran his hand over the length of it, feeling it in his palm, against his fingers. His whole body began to tingle, and he was filled with the most delicious feeling of happiness even as his whole body heated up again and the hunger that had been consuming him invited and doubled and his knees went weak as he sighed and walked, as if in a dream, over to his bed.

He could smell his hot, wet sex now.  It was the smell of a woman, one he’d smiled many time as a man, but now it was him, and instead of fling him with a need to penetrate, he felt a need to be penetrated, a desperate urge to have this thing thrusting into him.

Hardly even aware of what he was doing, he desperately pulled his sweat pants down, pushed his compression shorts down over his soft, wide hips, lay on his back and spread his legs. Manly fear trembled to the surface as he lay back, holding the dildo with both hands, his legs spread, his sex open to the world. There was no going back after this. Even if— when— he regained his true sex, he would always know what it was to be a woman, to have a—

“Just shut up,” he whispered to himself, his needs overcoming his insecurity, and he brought the vibrating tip of the dildo to brush against the lips of his vagina. “Oh! He squeaked, a glorious new pleasure sending chills through his body. “Oh!” He played the tip along the length of his new sex, teasing himself, gasping, panting, an then he could no longer resist as he slipped the dildo between the lips of his vagina and pushed it into himself.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!”

Waves of pleasure crashed against him, a desperate hunger he’d never known, and as he worked to bring himself to climax he lost all sense of himself. There was no Grimmlord. No more Keith Lee. There was only woman,

“I believe this situation calls for the use of tactics!” Simulata shouted over the sound of incoming gun fire.

“No kidding!” Spellbinder shouted back, holding up a magical shield that caught the impact of the Gatling Blaster mounted on the tower above them. The shield shimmered and flashed, and seemed close to the point of breaking.

“I will refrain from kidding as you request,” Simulata answered, blasting one of the guards who’ foolishly run up, trying to engage her withs some sort of power blade. “Though I believe kidding to be a part of human—“

“Focus on the fight!”

Battling their way through the mansion, they’d made it to the courtyard only to find themselves pinned down. While the guards had proven no match for the two heroes so far, outside they’d faced two obstacles that had made what had looked like it would be an easy escape very challenging. First, there were extremely powerful Gatling lasers, clearly from the future, mounted above them and capable of inflicting great harm. Second, there was a robot between them and the door- shaped like a cube with hundreds of arms, it spun and fired, all the while protected by a force field neither Simulata nor Spellbinder had been able to penetrate.

“As I was saying,” Simulata said, dodging a chuck of stone. “We need a strategy.”

“And what would that be?”

“Call for help!”

“Yes. Of course. I’ve been so busy tying not to die.”

“Which I cannot fault as a short term necessity.”

“So, do it! Send out a distress signal!”

“Done. And help is arriving in 10… 9…. 8….”

Before Simulata could even finish, a streak of red crashed into the Cube Bot, sending it tumbling across the courtyard. At the same time, another streak send the soldiers manning the Gatling Laser flying off the wall, screaming as they plunged to the ground.

The Cube, sparking and smoking rose and began to pummel Apex with a barrage of rockets and lasers, driving him backward in a cloud of smoke and flames, but as the Cube focused on him, Spellbinder and Simulata attacked, shattering it into a smoldering shower of scrap.

“What the hell was that?” Apex said, looking down in shock to see that not only was his typical impervious suit torn, but his chest was bleeding. “Am I injured? No one had been able to injure me since Galaxian!”

“It is a robot from the future,” Simulata said, spraying Apex with a healing agent.

“That’s cold!”

“What are you doing here?” Pronto, the speedster who’d knocked the guards off the wall, said.

“We came to find out who turned Grimmlord into a female,” Simulata said. “And, the answer was most surprising.”

“Who was it?”

“We also found out how to change him back,” Spellbinder said. ‘I really can’t believe who changed him, though. It’s really surprising."

“But who changed him?” Apex asked, though the thought that the woman he’d fallen madly in love with might be turned back into a man unnerved him.

“We must get to Grimmlord immediately!” Spellbinder said. “Now that we know, I believe he will be in great danger.”

“Yes, but who changed him?” Pronto shouted.

“No time for that! Go with Simulata to get the transformation machine ready. Apex, you and I need to get to Grimmlord.”

“You aren’t seriously going to leave us hanging?” Apex said.

“I will tell you,” Simulata said.

They all stared at her, the sound of sparking, dying technology all around them.

“And?” Apex finally burst out.

“Just kidding!” Simulata said. “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

“Let’s go. There’s no time to waste!”

And with that, the heroes leapt into action.


Grimmlord took a quick shower. He felt so much better. Having scratched one itch, he felt like hitting the street and beating down a few thugs. He’d been afraid that giving in to “her” would radically change him somehow, make him forever something less than Grimmlord. Instead, he felt like he’d almost hit a reset button— mentally, he felt more like himself than he had in quite some time.

There was just one big problem: the things Danger Cat had discovered about his suit made any adventuring dangerous, to the say the least. It could power down. It flood him with hormones, stimulants, depressants. But, he really needed to hit something!

Maybe I can fix it? He decided. I should at least try. He went to the underwear draw and picked a bra out from the ones Danger Cat had gotten for him. Now that he’d done the nasty girl style, he didn’t feel like putting on a bra was any great danger to his male ego, and Danger Cat had been proven very correct. With breasts as large as his, support was a necessity.

There were some sports bras on the mix—, but his eyes were drawn to a black bra with lace cups, little bows on the straps. Feminine, mysterious, he found himself wondering what it would feel like to wear something like that. He wanted to see himself— pretty? Sexy? His mind flitted back to his past girlfriends, and just how cute they’d looked when they put on the sexy lingerie, the soft swelling of their cleavage framed by the delicate lace. Then, he remembered the first time he’d seen some soft porn as a 12 year old boy, and how his face had grown hot at the sight of that lace. It did embarrass him a little bit thinking of himself now being the one with the shadowy valley between his girls, the pretty lace, but the truth was seeing a woman in a sports bra had always turned him on like crazy.

How to put it on? He’d loved to watch his girls getting dressed, doing their makeup. So, he remembered more than once seeing them put the bra on backwards, hook it and then spin it around. He did that now, his heart racing with excitement, almost like he was dressing a hot girlfriend and not himself, and then he slipped his slender arms through the straps, lifted and settled his soft, heavy breasts into the cups. Slipping his thumbs under the straps, he adjusted them on his shoulders, becoming aware of the weight pulling against them, the feeling of the strap across his back, tight. He wiggled his shoulders. He could still feel his boobs jiggle, but they were definitely more secure than when he went bra-less.

He was about the head to the mirror when his eyes fell on the lacy, black panties that matched the bra. He picked them up, holding the delicate, semi-transparent little piece of fabric in his hands. In for a penny, in for a pound? He thought. Just to see what it feels like, he decided. This is the first and last time!

He stepped into the panties, wiggling his hips as he pulled them into place, feeling the soft fabric pull tight against his sex. “Oh!” He thought. “That’s different.”  Pensively, he went to the mirror.

Apex and Spellbinder streaked across the sky, heading towards Danger Cat’s mansion. “I’ll be right back,” Spellbinder called. “I’m going to astral project to warn Danger Cat.”

“Go for it. I’ll keep flying here with your material form.”

Spellbinder could essentially set her body to autopilot when she astral projected, leaving it to perform a function— like, fly straight. Her eyes went blank as she sent her spirit out to find Danger Cat…

Who was beating the hell out of a sandbag, working out some insane tension. Seeing Grimmlord so horny, knowing it was HIM inside that super charged, sexy female, had gotten her a little worked up. And then, well, she’d done something bad. She’d waited outside the door and listened while he got himself off, and for some reason the idea of the big, tough, bad ass Grimmlord playing with a dildo? Well, it had lit her up in ways she’d never imagined possible.

As she’d been punching the bag, she’d been imagining Grimmlord in a corset, his face made up in sultry night colors, hot red lipstick, perched on stiletto heels, dancing for her, tossing his hair, giggling.

“Danger Cat!” A voice suddenly shouted.
Danger Cat spun, her high flying kick slashing right through Spellbinder’s astral form. “Ouch!” Spellbinder said, falling back.

“What? Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Danger Cat said.

“It’s an emergency. Grimmlord may be in great danger.”

“Why? What happened?”

“Just get to him. I’m on my way with—“

Spellbinder suddenly vanished.

“Shit.” Danger Cat ran to the costumator and jumped into the tube.

Grimmlord ’s mind was shattering, and he was overcome with bubbling feelings of femininity. As soon he’d stepped in front of the mirror and seen his dangerous curves, wrapped up so sweetly in those lacy little confections, it was like something in his brain had short circuited. There she was— a version of hundreds of girls he’d looked at via porn, a version of his hot girlfriends, dressed to seduce, and he was her now, and it was almost too much to bear as he found himself turned on both by the sight of this stunning woman as well as turned on being that stunning woman. He’d struck poses. Pouted. Smiled. Turned to the side, ass back, tits out, turned around and looked back over his shoulder at his tiny waist, the dramatic flare of his hips, the perfect, tone, heart shaped ass. Overcome, he’d gone to the closet and slipped on a pair of pumps, tottering, giggling, looking at himself, feeling so— vulnerable and yet so powerful. His legs looked great in those heels, and though it didn’t seem possible, his ass was even more heavenly.

As Grimmlord found himself lost in a cloudy haze of feminine pride, alarms sounded, There was a loud crashing, and the whole house seemed to shake. “Intruder! Intruder!”

“Oh, shit!” Not wanting to get caught in his bedroom boy toy outfit, Grimmlord took a few dainty, uncertain steps toward the dresser, wobbling on his heels. He was just about to kick them off, when a wall lit up and burned to ash. Grimmlord raised his skinny little arms in a combat position, only to gasp with relief. “Apex!”

Apex let his eyes drift up and down Grimmlord’s hourglass figure. Seeing him in that lingerie, in heels, it made him swallow, his manhood immediately stiffening. “Let’s go,” he grumbled.


But in a flash Apex had scooped Grimmlord into his arms, and the two of them rocketed off into the sky. Grimmlord had no choice but the throw his arms around Apex’ shoulders, and rest his head against the man’s powerful chest. Of course, his mind was full of questions, but he was calm and relaxed. Apex was strong, and Grimmlord felt safe in his arms.


Danger Cat rushed into Grimmlord’s room only to find it— empty. A breeze blew in through a huge hole in the wall, and debris littered the floor. “What the hell happened here?”

Danger Cat powered up her Justice Collective communicator. “Anybody out there?” She said. “Anybody?”

“This is Pronto. What’s up?”

“Grimmlord has been kidnapped.”

“You sure she didn’t just run off? I mean, being all hormonal…?”

“No. Based on the evidence I am looking at, he was kidnapped by persons unknown.”

“Would I be violating your social norms to interject?” Simulata said.

“Interject,” Danger Cat said.

“Go for it,” Pronto added.

“Grimmlord’s kidnapper is not a person unknown. I am aware of their identity.”

There was a pause.

“Not again,” Pronto said.

“Tell us!”

“Ha. Ha. I am engaging in the creation of suspense.”


“It was Apex. He is now flying with her through the sky, cradling her in his arms much as you might see on the cover of a novel residing in the romance category.”

“Apex?” Pronto and Danger Cat said in unison.

“He was supposed to protect him,” Pronto said. “And where is Spellbinder?”

“Locating,” Simulata said. “Unconscious on a ledge near Mount Fang.”

“I don’t even know what to think anymore,” Danger Cat said, sitting down on the bed.”

“Based on his trajectory, I believe Apex is carrying Grimmlord to Serenity Center.”

“His fortress? On the South Pole?”

“Unless there is another Serenity Center I have not heard of, yes.”

“Apex,” Danger Cat said into her communicator. “Apex. Please respond. Looking for information on what the hell you are doing.”

All she heard through the receiver was the crackle of static.

“So, what do we do now?” Pronto said.

“I’m going to go find Spellbinder and make sure she is okay,” Danger Cat said. “You two keep trying to contact Apex, and get that machine ready.”

With that, Danger Cat jumped into the tube and whizzed down to the Cat Cave, where the Cat Car waited, already revved up and ready to go.

Apex flew into the great bay doors of Serenity Central, and he set Grimmlord down. Grimmlord wobbled on his heels and fell against Apex, who threw a mainly arm around his slender waist and supported him. “You okay?” Apex asked.

“Yes,” Grimmlord said, staring up at him. Being carried, held, supported…. Oh! The feelings all returned, that desperate need to be taken by this man, ravished. And yet, what was still Grimmlord within this slender frame rebelled. He was a man, and he and Apex had been friends, sometimes even rivals for the same female. Could he now surrender himself to Apex? It would forever change their relationship. Grimmlord still had expectations of recovering his manhood, and if they slept together now, things would no doubt be awkward between them.

Ah, but the longings of this soft body, the stirrings of his waking womanhood, they did not care for the future at all, but only the carnal need for this man.

“Come,” Apex said, taking Grimmlord’s soft little hand in his own.

Having his hand held sent another tremor of delight through Grimmlord, as did having this man lead him. Apex led him to a den like area with chairs, a couch, a fireplace. As Apex stepped over to the fireplace to turn on the gas fire, Grimmlord became aware of his state of undress, and he self-consciously threw one slender arm across his breasts, while reaching down with the other to cover the little triangle of black fabric between his legs, and the sight of his sex, only half-hidden by the lacy fabric.

Once Apex had lit the fire, he turned, and seeing Grimmlord standing there in his lace and panties, having adopted such a sweetly feminine pose, sent a bolt of desire through him that only intensified as his eyes drifted from Grimmlord’s soft features, to his little, round shoulders, the swell of his firm breasts lifted and pushed together by his little bra, his flat, taught belly, the tiny waist and dramatic hips, all the way down his long, shapely legs to the hobbling heels on his little feet.

Grimmlord felt his skin tingle as Apex let his eyes caress the former male’s bright, smooth skin.

“You’re gorgeous,” Apex said.

Grimmlord, feeling himself overcame with need, started to turn away, but Apex stopped him. “No. Stay right there. Just like that.”

A smile spread across Grimmlord’s face. “Okay,” he said in that softer, higher voice, the one he couldn’t help but use with this man among men.

Apex once more let his eyes play over Grimmlord’s feminine flesh. Grimmlord felt pretty, perfect, even powerful in a way he’d never experienced power before, because this man worshipped him, adored him, needed him as woman, and he felt a surge of pride in his desirability.

Finally, Apex strode across the room, gathered Grimmlord into his arms and kissed him like he’d never been kissed before— the kiss slammed into him like a freight train, all force and mastery and hot, salty tongue, and Grimmlord surrendered to it, sighing with his whole body, collapsing into Apex, utterly defeats and loving it.

Grimmlord held Apex’ fingers on his back, searching for and finding the hooks of his bra, masterfully detaching them. “He’s done that a few times,” Grimmlord thought. When the kiss ended, Apex slipped the bra from Grimmlord’s little arms, tossing it across the room, and feeling his breasts sway free, and then crushed against Apex’ hard, bare chest— Grimmlord hadn’t even noticed Apex undress— sent another and greater wave of need. Grimmlord curled his toes, probed Apex hard, rigid muscles with his hands, pressed his breasts into Apex chest, his whole body now screaming with need and desire— take me. Take me!

Unable to control herself, Grimmlord finally reached down and grabbed Apex junk. It was so big, so hard. She’d never held something so amazing in her life, and she needed it so bad.

She found herself on her back, on the bear skin rug in front of the blazing fire. Her legs were spread, and Apex was propped between them, kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples. Grimmlord tried to dig her nails into his back, but the skin was too hard. Still, she loved it. It made her feel so helpless.

When Apex finally grabbed her panties, tore them off her body, put them to his nose and took a deep breath before tossing them across the room, she felt a powerful mixture of emotions— terror, excitement, need, dread, curiosity…

But most of all she felt a desperate emptiness, a need to be filled and filled good, as her insides seemed to open, to invite, and desperate to feel it Grimmlord reached down to once more find Apex manhood, and grabbing it, she guided it inside her wet, warm sex.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as shockwaves of pleasure rolled through her whole body. She lost all sense of herself, just reveling in the pleasure, Apex rocking back and forth, in and out, harder and harder and more urgent… Grimmlord had her hands buried in her hair, writhing, gasping and moaning, and she didn’t need to beg or ask or direct or do anything because Apex was a man who knew how to please a woman and he took her to peak and then they both screamed out as they climaxed as one, tears rolling down Grimmlord’s cheeks as she became fully a woman.

Grimmlord lay on the bearskin rug, curled up, Apex spooning him, one hand gently caressing her breast. Apex chest was pressed against Grimmlord’s back, and she could feel the man’s strong, steady heart beat matching her own. They didn’t speak. They didn’t need to speak. Gradually, Grimmlord closed her eyes, and as she did, Apex fell asleep with her.

When Grimmlord woke, she felt cold. The side facing the fire was warm, and where Apex held her, too, but her otherwise exposed skin was chilled, goose- bumped. She gently nudged Apex. “Hunh?”

“I’m cold,” Grimmlord said in that soft voice, the one he would reserve only for the ears of his man.

“Unh,” Apex said, caressing Grimmlord’s arm, giving her a kiss on the neck to convey— I am here to take care of you, little woman. He got up and returned with one of his long, red capes. Grimmlord lifted her hair, and Apex tied it around her long slender neck, then kissed her on the head as the cape fell over Grimmlord’s slender shoulders.

“It’s warm,” Grimmlord said, pulling the cape tight. It smelled of Apex manly musk, and it thrilled Grimmlord to wear her man’s clothes, to be draped in a cape that bore Apex insignia. Apex, who’d pulled on a pair of jockeys, went to the fire, and Grimmlord admired the man’s firm, powerful ass. “I’m his woman now,” Grimmlord thought, surprised and pleased how good she felt about it. “All I want and need is to be his woman. Forever.”


“Spellbinder! Spellbinder! Wake up!” Danger Cat slapped Spellbinder gently.

“Ow!” Spellbinder said, batting the next slap away. “First Apex and now you?”

“Just needed to get you awake,” Danger Cat said. She’d found Spellbinder on a ledge along the Sawtooth ridge.

“Apex!” Spellbinder suddenly said, as her head cleared and the memory came back to her. “He attacked me. I think he’s gone mad.”

“He has. With lust.”

“Lust? I don’t get it.”

“The two of them had a— moment yesterday. And you know how he’s been after the Grimmster since his gender change. They kissed, and now Apex is super horny.”

“He wants to bang Grimmlord?”

“In the worst way. And maybe this will surprise you, but Grimm was just as obsessed with Apex. We need to stop it.”

“Do we? Two consenting adults?”

“Grimmlord is nowhere near being able to make a rational decision right now. His suit—“

There was a crackle over the communication system. “Justice Collective. Justice Collective. This is Apex.”

“What the hell are you doing?” Pronto barked back. “You’re supposed to be one of the good guys.”

“Yeah,” Marksman said. “Kidnapping? Grimmlord? Who are you?”

“Just let Grimmlord go,” Danger Cat said. “And I will forget you smashed a hole in the side of my house.”

“I understand your concern,” Apex said in a wooden voice that sounded rehearsed. “I am communicating with you now to let you know that Danger Kitty, as she prefers to be called, came with me by choice. There was no kidnapping. It is her wish to remain a woman. You need take no further action.”

“She can’t make that choice!” Danger Cat said. “Her mind is all scrambled.”

“Put her on!” Spellbinder shouted. “I want to hear it from her!”

“My little kitten wishes for some time to contemplate and decompress. Respect her wishes. Communication over.”

There was another crackle as Apex terminated his broadcast.

“This is bullshit!” Marksman said.

“He’s gone loco,” Pronto said. “We can’t let this stand.”

In the shadows, Cigar Man sat, blue smoke swirling around him, the blue, cathode rays of the monitors flickering on his face. A second figure how now joined him. “How are the probabilities?” A deep, confident woman’s voice asked.

“Very good,” the man said, chuckling. “We have Grimmlord now 94 percent identifying as female. Further, she is 86 percent imprinted on Apex, seeing herself already as being “his” and needing to be in a relationship with him. As for Apex, 100% bonkers.

“And the paradox? Has it been restored?”

“Look,” Cigar Man said, pointing toward a readout that showed a tangled web of timelines and multiverses, diverging and crisscrossing. One line grew brighter and brighter. “You will continue to exist. All we need is for Grimmlord to spend another day and night with Apex, and she will be locked into her new identity.”

“Make it happen.”

“With pleasure.”

As the heroes debated the best approach to dealing with Apex, Simulata listened, struggling with a decision. She wanted to interrupt and tell them just who had actually turned Grimmlord into the lovely Danger Kitty, but she has so many times committed social faux pas that she wasn’t certain. Would it be rude to interrupt? Or, was this one of those situations where it would be appreciated?

“I just don’t know what to do,” Simulata said to herself. ‘Social interactions so not follow any clear set of protocols. I wish I could reprogram humans to clarify all possible interactions so as to eliminate ambiguity! At yet, what would humans be without ambiguity?”

Sitting down, Simulata considered her options. “I will scan the writings of that wisest of all humans and seek an answer,” she decided. Accessing the network, she began to read through every column ever written by “Dear Abby.”

Back at Serenity Center, Grimmlord still wore Apex cape. He had gone to the kitchen, and was at the stove, a pan full of sizzling sausages. The coffee pot steamed and burped, filling the air with the rich aroma of fresh brewed Costa Rican coffee. Grimmlord hummed to himself as he worked, almost dancing. He’d been struck with the urge make breakfast for Apex, and later he thought he might just tidy up a bit. In the confusing jumble of emotions that now consumed him, he found himself wanting to show Apex he could be a good mate, a good helper.

“I don’t even recognize myself,” he thought, remembering his life lurking non the shadows, dropping from rooftops to smash in the faces of filthy lowlifes. And now, suddenly? “For some reason I want to be a 1950s housewife.” It seemed absurd, impossible, and yet all he remembered from his past life was anger, a slow, seething rage. And now? Making breakfast for his man? He felt light, bright, happy. Like this was the role he was meant to play, had always been meant to play.

Grimmlord took the sausage off the burner, put it on a hot plate in the stove to keep it warm. He took the eggs out of the freezer and held one above the lip of a glass bowl.

The role I was meant to play.

The thought struck him, as he looked at his delicate hand, holding that brown egg, his slender wrist. The role I was meant to play?

That was exactly it, he thought. This was a role, a role someone else meant for him to play. He remembered the first day, the day this had all started. He’d jumped into the costumator, and when he’d come out, he’d found his suit had breasts. Huge breasts.

As he reflected on that moment, he remembered how embarrassing it had been, how he’d been called sugar tits. He was a man. He wasn’t supposed to have breasts. And yet, now, just days later, he felt their weight, felt them brushing against Apex’ cape, and they felt right, like he needed them to be complete and happy.

But so what? He cracked the egg, letting the sunny yolk and whites sluice into the glass bowl. So what if someone else had made him happy. He took another egg from the cartoon. He remembered when his voice had changed— or the modulated had made him sound like a girl. It was like someone had stolen his identity, and his buzzy, high-pitched voice had made him cringe. And all this hair?

He shook his head, feeling his long, thick hair swirling. It was impractical. Time consuming. And yet now he couldn’t imagine getting it cut, and this new voice was the right voice, wasn’t it? Pretty, cute, adorable.

Crack. He let the second egg dribble into the bowl.

Who did this? He wondered. I should want to know. Need to know. I’m a detective! Why am I just accepting this? I’m supposed to be a man! Grimmlord! Not a kitten.

Just then, Apex walked into the kitchen. He’d put on his usual super suit now. “That coffee smells great,” he said. He looked at Grimmlord, like a man looks at a woman, one he just conquered.

Grimmlord felt a thrill of pleasure. Yet, as the same time, the questioning wrongness of his feelings plagued him. “Help yourself.”

Apex poured a cup. “Oh, yeah. That hits the spot.”

Grimmlord pulled the cape tight, frowned. “I need you to take me back to New Amsterdam.”

“Yeah. Okay. Maybe later. Let’s eat, and then I really want to go another round with you.” He put his coffee down and walked over, putting his hands on Grimmlord’s hips and pulling him close.

Grimmlord almost swooned. It felt so good when Apex took charge, and looking up him, being small and soft and pretty, it all just sent tingles through every inch of Grimmlord’s body. “I have something I need to do.”

“And what would that be?” Apex said, kissing Grimmlord on the neck, caressing his cheek.

“I need to find out who did this. And why.” Grimmlord said, struggling against the rising heat.

“Oh?” Apex said. “Find out who turned you into the sexiest little female in the world? Apex stared fiddling with the tie on the cape. “Made you into the perfect woman?”

Perfect woman. Sexiest female.. It was like chocolate for Grimmlord’s ears. He wanted to badly to surrender, to give into Apex manly aggression, to feel hot kisses all over his body, but no. He had to fight this! He pushed Apex hands away and whispered, “Please. Stop. I— I’m not strong enough to resist you.”

Apex smiled. He reached for the tie on the cape, and when Grimmlord tried to push his hands away, he ignored the feeble attempts, and the cape fell to the ground. Grimmlord put one hand across his breasts and used the other to cover his womanhood. He pleaded with his eyes. “Apex…..” He whispered. “Please.”

Apex stared, his eyes hard and hot with lust. Seeing Grimmlord there, knowing it was HIM inside that that body with those round little shoulders, that tiny waist and those generous hips, that bashful, feminine pose, it drove Apex mad with lust. He needed that body, needed to drive that former man into another frenzy of woman. “Yes?” He growled. “Please what?”

“Please,” Grimmlord whispered, and then he lost control, his will shattered and he said, “please take me.”

Apex was on him like a ravenous wolf, lifting him off his feet, lifting him up and setting on the counter. The glass bowl with the eggs tipped over, and the eggs poured down, puddling on the floor. Apex pushed Grimmlord’s legs apart, and got down between his legs. Looking up, his face framed by Grimmlord’s round, smooth thighs, he said flicked his tongue and then dove in.

Grimmlord gasped and moaned, as a whole new world of female pleasure drown his fleeting masculinity like a tidal wave.

chapter 11

The remaining members of The Justice Collective closed in on Apex’ fortress. Sitting on a flat, icy plain far from the nearest human presence and shielded by severe cold few could muster the resources to manage, the great spire rose into the sky, like a salute to the edge of the world. Pronto, Marksman and Danger Cat rode in the CatCar, while Spellbinder flew under her own power, leaving a trail of mystic smoke behind her.

Apex and Grimmlord, who lay nuzzling in the warm glow of their consummated love, heard the alarm as the group approached. “What is it?” Grimmlord asked, tensing up, instinctively putting wrapping his hands around Apex’ muscle roped arm.

“It’s okay,” Apex said, giving Grimmlord a quick kiss and then patting him on his smooth, soft cheek. “I’ll take care of it. Stay here.”

“Be careful,” Grimmlord said in a cottony voice, full of feminine concern. He let his fingertips brush against Apex’ stiff bristling morning stubble. Seeing his that way, unshaven, somehow gave Grimmlord chills he’d never felt before. He’s so protective, Grimmlord thought as Apex quickly through on his costume. So strong. He knew what a lucky girl he was to have a man like Apex.

Apex went to his security room— monitors, blinking lights, tech. Seeing The Justice Collective on the monitors, his temper flared. They want to take away the woman he loved! The woman he needed!

He would not stand for that. Turning on communications, he grabbed the microphone. “Desist! Do not continue to approach, or I will be forced to take defensive measures.”

“You’re not in your right mind,” DangerCat answered. “Neither of you are. Let us help you.”

‘I’ve never been more sane.” Apex tapped out a few commands. A forcefield rose around his fortress. “I will do whatever it takes to protect my Kitten,” he said. “I will use lethal force.”

Grimmlord, who’d gotten up and, wrapped in a blanket, followed Apex to see what was happening, gasp. “Apex, no. They are our friends.”

“Listen to her,” Spellbinder said. “Do you hear yourself? Threatening to kill us? Your team? The team you put together?”

“You turned against me! You betrayed me. I told you to stay away.”

Spellbinder hurled a concentrated beam of mystical energy against the forcefield, joined by a blast of your typical super high-tech energy beam from DangerCat. Marksman, who’d climbed up onto the top of the CatCar, launched a barrage of arrows at the same spot, which shimmered, began to crackle and spark as a breach opened in the shield.

“Hold on!” DangerCat shouted as she fired thrusters and bolted through the gap, followed by Spellbinder.

“Whoa!” Marksman shouted, just managing to grab a turret before he was swept off the car and sent tumbling to the frozen tundra. “Do I have to pay extra for the near death experience?”

“Comes free with the suicide mission!” DangerCat shouted back.

The group closed in on the fortress.

Apex flipped a plastic protector from a red button.

“What does that do?” Grimmlord asked.

“It will release a drone swarm,” Apex said. “Deadly robots numbering in the thousands. They will not stand a chance. It will be like being eaten by piranhas.”

“Please, don’t,” Grimmlord whispered, his heart aching that it had come to this. “If you love me, do not do this.”

“It is because I love you that I do this,” Apex said, pushing the button. The drone swarm rose around the spire, buzzing and whizzing in massive cloud toward the Spellbinder and the CatCar, which vanished beneath the dark cloud of death.

Tears flooded Grimmlord’s eyes as he buried his face in Apex chest. Apex held him tight, his eyes glued to the screen. They had forced his hand. Nothing was more important to him than this little woman in his arms. Nothing. He would not let them take her away.

The screen began to flash. “Enemy Not Found. Engagement Negative.”

“What?” Apex said, letting Grimmlord go, turning to the screens, checking the readings. “Impossible!”

“Possible,” DangerCat said from behind him, just as Grimmlord screamed.

Apex spun to see the team there, arrayed in a ragged semicircle around the room. DangerCat had grabbed Grimmlord and held him now as he struggled weakly in her arms. Marksman had his bow at ready. Spellbinder emanated eldritch power, spells seething.

“Let her go!” Apex bellowed. He started to launch himself through the air, but his super speed assault was met by a bolt from Spellbinder’s hands that bashed into him, sending him crashing into a computer bank, sending sparks and components flying.

“Him! He. This is Grimmlord, a man, and you have no right to take over his life and turn him into your sextoy!”

“Sex toy? Grimmlord said.

“SHE wants to be with me. It’s her choice!” Apex said as he got to his feet and prepared for another attack. Marksman unleashed an arrow that wrapped him in bolos. He snapped them, even as Pronto raced around him, creating a vortex, sending him spinning into shelving, crashing among his collection of alien artifacts.

This time, Apex recovered faster, flashing like a blur across the room, capturing Pronto, taking him by the neck, holding him up in the air as he gasped for breath, legs kicking.

“Let Kitten go,” Apex said, not even needing to spell out his threat.

“Apex,” Spellbinder said. “Please listen. This is not you. You know your “Kitten” gives off a powerful scent that makes men crazy. You know this.”

“It’s more than that,” Apex said, though there was now some uncertainty in his voice.

“And Kitten, please. You know the way your costume changed you, the way it altered not just your body but your mind. Ask yourself, is this me? Or is this what someone else made of me?”

Grimmlord looked to Apex. It was all so confusing! ‘I— I don’t know anymore.”

“So let’s figure it out. Together. No one is going to take anyone. Please.”

Apex lowered Pronto, set him on his feet. “I am sorry,” he said.

“I get it,” Pronto said, hunched over massaging his aching neck, punch drunk from having come so close to death. “I want to bang her, too.”

“Excuse me?” Apex said, his eyes glowing red. “Did you just say you want to bang the woman I love?”

“Okay, hold up. I was just joking around.”

“There are things you don’t joke about.” Apex’ eyes flared as his heat vision intensified.

“Okay. Okay. Let’s all calm down,” Spellbinder said.

“Apex!” Grimmlord called, finally wrestling free of Danger Cat, running to him, throwing himself at Apex, wrapping his arms around one of the man’s legs.

“You all want her! You want to take her from me!”

Spellbinder’s hands crackled as she summoned all her power. Marksman noticed his three most powerful arrows. Danger Cat’s suit hummed and whined as she powered up to maximum force.

“This ends now. This ends forever.” Apex said.

“Bro, seriously,” Pronto said, backing away, one hand up defensively. “I mean—“

Apex eyes flared. “Goodbye.”

“STOP!” A voice shouted as the air seemed to break, a portal forming. A figure stepped through the portal. All eyes went to her. “Listen to me,” he said. “I am the one who turned Grimmlord into a woman.”

“You?” They all said in unison.

chapter 12


The Justice Collective stared as a tall woman dressed all in black with long, flowing black hair descended from the portal. She wore Apex’ symbol on her chest and had kitten ears nestled in her hair.

Silence. No one knew what to say or do. Then, finally, Grimmlord shook his head and said, “Who are you?”

“I am your daughter,” the woman said.

“But, why would you turn your father into a woman?” Pronto said.

“Because she is my mother!”

“What?” Everyone said I unison.

“I’m your mother?” Grimmlord said, both warmed and chilled by the notion that he would have a baby. “But, how can that be if you are the one who made me into a woman in the first place?”

“You’re so young!” Grimmlord’s daughter said, staring at his face. “We look so much alike.” She took off her mask, and the resemblance was striking. “I’m— you named me Hanni. In the future, I am the new Apex.”

“The costume? Am I?” Apex asked.

“Yes, you are my father. You and Kitty end up a couple. You have five children.”

“Five?” Grimmlord said in shock. “Five?”

Hanni could not help herself. She put her hands to Grimmlord’s cheeks, kissed him on the head. “It’s so strange to meet you like this. Mom.”

“It’s a bit strange for me, as well,” Grimmlord said. “Did you say I have five kids?”

“Yeah. You spend a lot of time pregnant in the next few years.”

Apex put his hands on Grimmlord’s shoulders and squeezed.

“Just HOLD IT!” Danger Cat said. “I need some sort of explanation. What the hell is going on?”

The group sat down, and Hanni, who insisted on sitting next to her mother, explained. “In my time, Grimmlord was transformed into a woman by the Fearsome Four— Daughter Despair, Zeppelin, Data Stream and Shenanigans.”

“Why?” Grimmlord asked.

“Daughter Despair. One of her mind games. You know her. Just screwing with people.”

“Just screwing with me? This?”

“Like the time she turned you into a six year old, or when she made you think you had purple skin.”

“I forgot about that one,” Grimmlord said.

“Whatever she thought would happen, she never expected you to fall in love with Apex.”

“Why not?” Apex said, shocked at the thought any woman wouldn’t fall in love with him, even one who was his ultra-macho former best friend.

“Because he was a guy and not one with much in the way of feminine leanings,” Danger Cat said. “Get over yourself.”

“After defeating the Four, you decided to stay a woman,” Hanni explained. “You were so in love!”

“So what happened that you had to come back and make the change?”

“Praxis Rotor happened,” Hanni said, her face growing dark. “We just call him Pain. He got his hands on a time machine, and after having been defeated so many times by me, he decided the simplest way to eliminate me was to make sure I was never born.”

“So he altered the time line? Made it so the Four never transformed Grimmlord?” Spellbinder said.

“Yes. At first, my mother began to turn back into a man. She was horrified, and even more so when her children began to flicker in and out of existence. Once we realized what was happening, we had to save ourselves, and our mother.”

Simulata chimed in. “They utilized the android Four in order to recreate the original transformation as close as possible.”

“In the hopes of preserving the timeline as much as we could,” Hanni finished.

Grimmlord was silent for a moment. He shook his head. “I don’t even know what to say. This is all so much to take in.”

“I came back because the whole timeline was destabilized when the Collective came to attack. That never happened in our time line, and the death of Pronto at Apex’ hands would have had terrible repercussions for all super beings.”

“Hear that?” Pronto said. “You were going to kill and wreck the timeline!”

“I— was upset,” Apex said.

“You owe me more than that.” Pronto said.

Hanni now got down on one knee. “It seems that stopping the attack has settled matters. Everything will be fine. I will be born and live to fight off the Desarian Invasion, the Universal Hunger, and so many other threats. And so, I am asking you,” she said, taking Grimmlord’s hand, “will you remain a woman and be my mom?”

Grimmlord looked into her eyes, this beautiful and amazing woman. His daughter? It didn’t even seem possible, and yet neither did condemning her to non-existence, or living without Apex. “Do I have to have five babies?”

“Yeah,” Hanni said. “It’s pretty necessary.” She took a deep breath. “Please. I know it’s asking a lot, but I want to live. I don’t want to die. Please.”

Grimmlord looked at Apex. The decision was not as hard as Hanni thought it would be. He’d changed so much. Tears began to roll down Grimmlord’s cheeks. He couldn’t’ even say why. He was totally overcome with every emotion he’d ever felt. “Yes,” he whispered. “Yes!”

“Mom!” Hanni said, now crying as well, throwing her arms around the woman who had been Grimmlord, the Grimm Knight detective.

Chapter 13

Melissa Goldberg was running through some final details with her producer when Danger Kitty arrived. She’d ridden up to the news room in an elevator, and when the doors swooshed open there was a sudden hush that startled Melissa to attention.

She turned to see a gorgeous woman in the elevator, with big, bashful eyes and a bright smile. She seemed amused at the way everyone was reacting to her, but in addition to her celebrity, she also had a stunning, hourglass figure wrapped tight in black leather that celebrated each of her dangerous curves.

Looking utterly comfortable with all the eyes drinking her in, she moved from the elevator, and Melissa observed her walk and her movements were now utterly feminine, demure, elegant. Could this possibly be the Grimmlord, that brutal, fearsome man who had used his fists to beat down countless criminals?

Spotting her former nemesis, Danger Kitty called out, “Melissa!” Melissa noticed right away how his once gruff mumbling intonations had now given way to a pleasant sing song, a fluttering, girlish inflection. Danger Kitty quickened her step just enough to demonstrate her affection for Melissa without giving away any of her elegance, and the two hugged, exchanged air kisses.

“You look great!” Danger Kitty said. “You have to tell me where you got those earrings.”

“Oh, stop,” Melissa said, though she couldn’t help but enjoy praise from such a beautiful woman, and a celebrity no less. “You look— gorgeous. More beautiful than I remembered.”

Danger Kitty knew she was beautiful, and she’d come to love it, but she also knew she was expected to display a certain degree of feminine modesty. “You’re so sweet. I really need to get to the gym more often!”

“I am sorry to interrupt,” the producer said, obviously not sorry in the least. ‘I need to borrow Melissa for a moment? Jordan will show you to the green room. We’ll call you in 15-20 minutes. You need anything?”

“I’m fine,” Danger Kitty said, giving Melissa a finger wave goodbye as the two went their separate ways.

Jordan led Danger Kitty to the green room, where she found Noemi, aka Danger Cat, waiting for her. As soon as Jordan closed the door, Noemi smiled and said, “Hey, bitch.”

“You made it!” Danger Kitty said. Once more, hugs and air kisses followed, then to two women sat down. Danger Kitty pulled her mask back, and ran a slender hand through her long, thick hair.

“Are you still stuck with the hair? I thought your—?”

“Not stuck. Apex likes it, and it’s grown on me. Haha!”

“Jasmine. you can’t change everything about yourself to please your man. It is still Jasmine?”

“Everything about me waschanged to please my man. And, yes, I am still going by Jasmine in my real life. It’s for the timeline.”

“Hmmmn. You’ve sacrificed everything for the timeline.”

“For my children.”

“It just seems a little much sometimes. Like that lingerie you got for your honeymoon? Was that really so vital for the timeline?”

“It worked,” Jasmine said, biting her lip as she remembered. “Apex couldn’t wait to tear it off me!”

“And you had to get up and dance on the stripper pole at your bachelorette party? Really? To that level of precision? How could skipping that have altered the timeline?”

“Who knows?” Jasmine said, rolling her eyes. “It’s better not to take chances. We are talking saving lives, Noemi!”

“I know, it’s just—“

“Miss Kitty? We’re ready for you,” Jordan said through the door.

“Time to do this,” Jasmine said, pulling her mask back on.

Noemi gave her a hug and a real kiss on the cheek. “You sure you want to do this? I mean, you can have some privacy.”

“This is what we did,” Danger Kitty said. “It’s the way it is or was.”

“Okay. See you after.”

As Jasmine left, Noemi couldn’t help back admire his tiny waist, the rise of that perfect ass. It was hard to even remember that her lover was inside that gorgeous body now, living a new life. Also, she was jealous of his ass. A little. A lot.

As Jasmine headed toward the stage, she found herself fretting. Where was Apex? He’d promised—

A rush of wind announced his arrival as he suddenly appeared beside her, slipping an arm around her waist. “Babe,” he said, kissing her on the head.

“Honey,” Jasmine said, feeling instantly calm, warm as she let her hand read on his back, feeling the edge of his shoulder blade.

They were announced, they walked out onto the soundstage as the audience applauded. Bright lights. Cameras. Melissa smiling and asking questions. Jasmine sat smiling, Apex’ hand on her knee, she covering his hand with her own. After some preliminary banter, Melissa asked the question.

“So, I hear you two have some exciting news?”

“We do,” Apex said, giving a loving look to the woman sitting next to him, then turning to the cameras. “We are expecting our first child!”

Applause. Jasmine blushed and smiled.

Apex, for his part, had loved the idea of the big announcement. He was proud that this gorgeous woman was his, and that she would bare his children. She was a fine, healthy female, and he already knew she was going to be a wonderful mother. He wanted to tell the whole world.

“I’m the luckiest man in the world,” he said. “She’s really sweet, and I know she will make a perfect mother!”

“And he’s going to be a great father!” Jasmine said. “We’re so happy!”

Up in the Justice Collective satellite, the rest of the gang watched— Spellbinder, Pronto, Marksman and Simulata. “He looks so happy!” Spellbinder said. “He’s glowing!”

“Jerk!” Pronto said, still jealous that Apex had won the heart of the lovely little lass Grimmlord had become. It made no difference to him about the timeline and all that— he wanted her, bad, and he knew he probably always would.

“I meant Grimmlord,” Spellbinder said.

Back at the studio, Melissa was wrapping up the interviews. “Well, the villains of New Amsterdam better watch out! You’re going to be hormonal as hell!”

Jasmine giggled. “Danger Kitty is hanging up her whiskers. Now that I’m in the family way.”

“So, is this the last we’ll see of Danger Kitty?” Melissa asked, thinking this as big a story as the pregnancy.

“I am retiring from crime fighting to be—“ the world seemed to flicker, wobble. “a full time wife and—“ more flickering— “mother.”

Simulata sat up, her processor scanning all file, comparing, collating.

“I wouldn’t let her,” Apex said. “She’s my wife, and I want her to be safe.”

“And the baby,” Jasmine said.

“Awwwwww,” the audience said, moved.

“But the criminals of New Amsterdam should not take this as a free pass. I will be on patrol, so don’t get any ideas!”

Grimmlord suddenly found himself sitting there, legs crossed, holding hands with Apex. He was suddenly aware of the weight of his breasts, the way his costume squeezed and hugged them. Nothing felt right. He was a man. One hand crept to his belly. I’m pregnant, he realized. I’m having a baby?

In a dark room, a man chomped on his cigar, frantically pushing controls, a woman stood behind him, anxious.

Jasmine smiled. Shook her head. Smiled for the cameras as her husband finished the interview. Whatever thought had crossed her mind, had upset her, she pushed away. Apex would take care of her, plan and order their lives. She didn’t need to worry about it. She didn’t need to think or worry about anything!

They interview ended, she and Apex walked off stage together, hand in hand. She gazed up at him, lovingly, admiring him for his masculine strength. He kissed her and was off, and there was Noemi, ready for a trip to the nail salon, dinner, maybe some shopping!

“That was close,” the cigar man said. “But, we got him.”

On the screens were images of Grimmlord’s transformation, his public kiss with Apex. Grimmlord in his wedding gown, looking so sweet and happy, the blushing bride. There he was in his bikini on the beach during their honeymoon, flaunting his perfect body. There was even a picture of him on the night of the honeymoon, when his first child was conceived. He was on his back, eyes closed, hands buried in his hair, soft thighs spread as Apex thrust into him.

“I almost can’t believe he fell for it,” the woman said. “All of them fell for it.”

“Well, you hired the best psyche engineer for a reason,” cigar man said, taking a puff from his cigar, blowing a smoke ring into the air.

The woman laughed, looking at the pictures of Grimmlord. She reveled in the transformation of his body from rock hard man to soft, curvy woman. He was going to be a mother now! A wife!  It was too delicious!

And his children would grow up to be the worst super-villains the world had ever known!

More from TG Cooper

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