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Chapter Eight

Nick now wanted to be blonde. He needed to be blonde. Giselle wanted him to be a blonde. Nd he wanted to please her. It was as simple as going to the salon and saying, “make me blonde” but for Nick it wasn’t easy. . He would be a whole new person, and how would people react, and what if he didn’t like it? Plus, who knew there were so many varieties of blonde? He thought, paging through his “blonde looks” folder on Pinterest.  There was platinum, medium golden, strawberry, pink– that was just pink, why would they call it blonde?-- ash, dirty, medium ash? The list was endless! Nick couldn’t make up his mind, so he finally decided to do what any man would do: he would simply tell his stylist to choose for him. She knew better anyway.

Neurotic, insecure, worried, Nick made an appointment at Baba Yaga. He wouldn’t even tell the girl what for in case he changed his mind, and she didn’t seem to mind. When he got to his salon, he almost turned and left, he was so nervous, but as he stood there at the door, it opened and Vanya stood there, smiling. “Come in!” She said.

“Oh, hi,” Nick said, Vanya drawing him in. As he entered, he instantly relaxed. He’d been so wrong about this place, he thought, as he remembered how it had once made his skin crawl. It had such a warm, nurturing vibe. He found himself sitting, smock around his neck, all the girls gathered around.

“Relax,”” Vanya said, rotating the chair so that it faced away from the mirror. “Let us take care of you.”

“But you don’t even know why I’m here?” Nick said.

“I know,” Vanya said, patting his hand. “Vanya knows before you do. Natasha?”

Natasha stepped into view, smiling down at Nick. “Honey,” she said. “And make it big.”

“Honey,” Nick mumbled as he drifted off. Yes. It just felt right, like he’d always been a honey blonde, just waiting for the right moment to show his true blonde self to the world. Nick snapped awake sometime later, he had no idea how much time had passed, as the chair spun, and when he saw himself in the mirror he could only whisper, “Oh, my god” and he dug his hands into his shiny new locks. His shone and sparkled– like his jewelry! And there was sooo much hair now as it was longer and thickening than ever. Nick mussed his hair some more. Vanya and the girls were all smiling, nodding, waiting for Nick to announce his verdict. “I…… LOVE it!””

Vanya hugged Nick from behind, and one of the girls came walking in with a cupcake, a single candle flickering. “For me?” Nick asked, drooling at the sight of all that creamy frosting but thinking it would all get straight to his waist.

“Your birthday!” Natasha said, handing Nick an over-sized white leather purse with a gold clasp and shoulder strap. “You’re reborn today as a glamorous blonde beauty!”

Nick took is new “bag” from her. It was so pretty and would look perfect with his outfit when he went out on sales calls. He started to cry. He didn’t even care about his makeup. “You guys!”

Vanya handed him a tissue. “You deserve it,” she said, giving Natasha a wicked little wink. “Always remember, you deserve it!”.

Nick didn’t pick up at all on the irony in her voice. He could be really quite naive!

If Nick thought he had to spend a lot of time fussing with his hair before, it now threatened to become a second career. His golden mane now trailed all the way down to just above the small of his back, and the hair had seeming grown twice as thick. In addition to his wide tooth comb and brush, Vanya had explained that if he wanted to keep all that volume, and did he ever!-- he would need to use a “volumizer” each morning. Add another 15 minutes to my morning routine, he thought, though he was smiling and giggly as brushed out his hair that night.

He had also bought a whole new sack full of expensive new hair care products– hair primer, hair perfecter, satin pillowcases because they don’t absorb moisture and would be so much better for his hair a cleansing scrub to keep his scalp healthy and a scalp massaging brush…

Oh! Nick had had no idea! Have women been working this hard all this time? Of course, he’d had girlfriends with a ton of what he’d considered junk, and he’d always teased them about how ridiculous it was for them to buy so much useless crap. He’d thought they were just being airheads, but what he now realized is they had no choice if they wanted serious hair. He would need a bigger house just to have room to store all his hair and makeup gear!

His hand went to his chest. It was aching more than ever. In the morning, he would finally discover why.

. Nick had started to wear a long, powder blue t-shirt to bed– Natasha had picked it out for him, and of course it was a woman’s nightshirt– that night as he slept, his chest rounded and swole, two firm, perky breasts budding like roses on Nick’s chest. They reached an A cup and seemed to hesitate, trembling, like newborns looking around at a brand new world, and then like a baby’s first smile, they spread and rose to perfect B cups.

The next morning, Nick sat in his panties, holding and squeezing his milky white breasts. His nightshirt lay on the floor in a heap where he’d tossed it as soon as he’d sat up and felt the nee weight on his chest sway. I’ve got tits, Nick was thinking, struggling to accept what he was seeing as he stared down, his hair falling around his face like a curtain. Jugs. Bongos. Headlights. Melons. Fun pillows.

All the nicknames he and his guy friends had ever used to refer to a woman’s breasts now flowed through his brain, as did memories of how fascinated he’d been when the girls back in school had begun to pop out their cupcakes. He had obsessed over getting girls to let him see them, touch them, and it had drawn him into spending hours at night looking at porn– naked women with those mysterious, fascinating tits, the big, meaty nipples, lacy bras… Looking at tits, playing with tits, they had been part of what defined him as a man…

Having a sweet pair of bongos is what defined a woman.

It was like Nick’s whole world had turned upside down. He had breasts now, and he could feel his soft hands holding them, lifting them, his meaty nipples growing hard, standing at attention, turning into hard little erasers pressing against his palms.

He had tits. Nick, the guy, had boobs. Puppies. Twins. He’d become the object of his own obsession.

Nick might have spent hours staring at and exploring his girls, struggling with the existential identity crisis they had awoken in him, but he had to get ready for work, and there just wasn’t time. Removing his hands from his maracas, Nick stood, feeling his chest sway. It was so weird to feel his chest move. I’ll just have to deal with it, he thought, tossing his hair back over his shoulders.

And then, I wonder what Giselle will think?

Samantha almost screamed when she saw Nick walk in. He still wore his signature blouse, open all the way down to his belly button, and the crescents of his girls were visible, jiggling slightly with each step. Plus– that hair! Nick looked almost like a Barbie doll with all that blonde shimmering around his face, bouncing as he walked in and took his seat, slipping his purse of his shoulder.

Danielle and Samantha couldn’t help but stare, first at all that hair, both of them thinking that must be so much work! And then, dropping down to take in those breasts.

“I know?” Nick said, pulling his shirt closed. “I really don’t know what happened?”

Samantha half regretted never getting around to buying that bra to gift Nick on the day he blossomed, but on the other hand she fairly loved the idea of him going around bra-less like some hip, trendy cosmopolitan woman.

“I woke up this morning and I had these puppies,” Nick said.

“Well, they look great,” Danielle said.

“Guys aren’t supposed to have jugs,” Nick said, defensive.

“But, if you have to have them, at least you have an awesome rack,” Samantha said.

“Really, you have great tits,” Danielle said. Both women were loving the role reversal.

“Fabulous,” Samantha said.

All the attention to his shameful new breasts made Nick uneasy. Are they harassing me? He wondered. But, he just smiled, eager to draw their attention to his fabulous hair. He dramatically swept it back.

Danielle and Samantha got the hint, and Nick reveled in their glowing praise for his new look. “You are such a blonde,” Samantha said. “It’s perfect.”

Such a blonde? Thinking of all the stereotypes of blondes being ditzy airheads, Nick once more wasn’t sure if he was being harassed, teased, complemented. He just smiled through his confusion. I mean, these were his friends, right? His partners?

I’m just being overly sensitive, he decided.

Nick couldn’t focus on work that morning. It wasn’t just his energy starved brain. He couldn’t stop thinking about Giselle, Finally, checking and double checking himself in the mirror, fussing over his hair and makeup, he decided he would just go see her. He’d made up an excuse on the way, maybe some more thoughts on her awesome game. “Sam? Dan?” He called out in his high voice as he left. “I’ll be back in a jiffy!”

“Okay, blondie!” Samantha answered.

Blondie? Nick’s insecurities returned. He was almost sure she was mocking him!

Nick walked into Giselle’s office. Her team all had their heads down, intensely coding. Nick twisted his bracelets, walked into Giselle’s office. “Hi!” He said, but before he could even start to offer his excuses for the visit, Giselle looked up and took him in, her eyes instantly hot and hard as she enjoyed the sight of his epic blonde mane, his firm young breasts.

“Hey, gorgeous,” she said, getting up, grabbing Nick’s shirt and pulling him in for a force of nature kiss that left him weak in the knees. She ran a hand through his hair, letting it trail down his neck and then gave his breast a little squeeze. It was the first time anyone had touched his chest, and the fact that it was Giselle sent tremors through Nick’s body. His cheeks grew hot.

“Didn’t I tell you you’d look fucking awesome as a blonde?” Giselle said.

“So, you like it?” Nick said.

“I love it.” She kissed him again, this time putting both hands on his ass and giving it a firm squeeze as she did so. Then, when the kiss finished, she nuzzled his ear, whispering, “You’re the hottest bitch in this place.”

Nick giggled and tugged on his hoop. He trembled with excitement and need, hoping Giselle was about to bend him over on her desk and take him. But instead she suddenly cooled. “Fucking hot as hell, babe, but i actually have a lot of work to do?” She thumbed toward the door.

“I’ll text you. Later.”

Nick hid his disappointment behind a bright smile. “Kay,” he said, exiting, his mind awhirl with neurotic confusion. He just couldn’t figure out what was going on between him and Giselle! It was making him crazy!

Chapter Nine

Nick started going out to make his sales calls. He had this new blonde confidence that made him feel unstoppable, and, indeed, he started making sales right away, business taking off. Owners of food trucks, bodegas, restaurants, they loved the idea of being able to offer customers a unique product, something they could only buy at their locations. And the profit margins were sweet. Everyone just assumed Nick was a woman, and he couldn’t blame them. Feeling that starting every meeting by explaining he was actually a guy would not help him move product, Nick just accepted that the world saw him as a female, and he quickly became okay with that. He was killing it, selling soda, and his money problems going away.

Of course, it helped that Nick had stuck to his no bra look. It couldn’t be denied that a glimpse of those milky white crescents was melting the minds of his male clients, and his gorgeous blonde hair and sexy voice helped seal the deal. Nick learned to be flirty and fun. Much to his relief, no one tried anything gross, but he’d found that a giggle, a smile and a toss of his gorgeous blonde hair often turned a ‘I’ll think about it”  into a “why not?”

He was equally successful with women of all orientations. They were all in awe of his hair, how put together he was, and stereotype or no, he was able to bond with them, sharing hair styling tips, talking about makeup, the challenges of being a woman in a still male-orientated business world. Soon, Sam Dan and Nikki found themselves running a booming business, their biggest challenge keeping up with the flurry of new orders. Sam was going out of her mind managing the logistics, and Dan felt buried under all the paper work. As they took the city by storm, there were articles in the Wall Street Journal, the Post, the Times about this insanely successful new business. Sam and Dan were always portrayed as the brains behind the operation, while Nikki was their “super salesgirl.”

Nikki should have been happy, but he still didn’t feel fulfilled. There was something missing from his life: a serious relationship. Things with Giselle stayed confusing. She’d ignore him for days. Then, he’d get a text at 9:30: Come over. Ugh. He was already in his pajamas, hair up, face scrubbed clean of makeup. How could she be so inconsiderate? But, Nikki would get up, and spend the next hour fussing over his hair, doing his makeup. Giselle always said she didn’t care, that he looked great without it. Yeah, right. She’d never even seen him without it since they started hooking up, and besides, that’s what they all said. No one ever meant it.

Giselle liked him to be ultra-feminine, so that meant a lacy, push up bra, squirming into a little black dress, picking out his jewelry and heels. It was so much work! And then it was always the same after she’d fucked his brains out– a slap on the ass and a goodnight kiss. Then, of course, he had to go through his whole getting ready for bed ritual again, taking off his makeup, letting his hair down, brushing it out– it took forever!  But time and again, when he got that late night booty call, Nikki just couldn't find it within himself to say no.

Nikki found himself pouring out his soul to Dan and Sam. “I know she cares for me,” he insisted, “and she’s so busy with her business and all. She told me once things calm down?”

He’ll understand what you go through, Danielle remembered Vanya saying as she listened to Nikki sounding like every young cis woman in New York. The guys in New York were notorious for their inability to commit, and so, it turned out, were a lot of the women.  “Nikki,” she said, covering his hand with her own. “I think you’re Giselle’s fuck buddy.”

“Totally,” Samantha agreed, actually sympathizing with Nick. She’d been trapped in the same kind of relationship.

“Fuck buddy?” Nikki didn’t want to believe it. Ideally, fuck buddies were in agreement that they only wanted to fuck and there were no emotional attachments. “No, she told me…”

“I know it’s hard to hear, but she’s just keeping you around for sex.”

“”I don’t think she’d do that to me.”

Poor girl, Danielle thought. She’d been there, herself. It was so hard to believe someone you cared about would treat you that way. Nikki really was getting the whole female experience. “Then here’s what you need to do. Put it on the line. Tell her you want a relationship.”

“Your needs matter, too.” Samantha said.

“And if she says no?”

“You have to cut her off.”

Nikki wasn’t sure if he could do that, but Sam and Dan wouldn’t let him off the hook. They were on him constantly now to “have that conversation” and it was only when they bullied him into it that he finally found the nerve to tell Giselle how he felt. He’d texted her a couple times asking to meet for coffee, but she’s always been too busy, babe.. So, the next time she texted him for a booty call, he decided the time had come to put his foot down.

He showed up at Giselle’s wearing jeans and a t-shirt, clean scrubbed and his hair in a no–nonsense high bun. He could see the look of resignation in her eyes. “Oh, boy,” she said, bracing herself for the onslaught of drama.

Nikki gathered all his nerve and blonde confidence. He was a gorgeous, successful young woman, and Giselle should count herself lucky to even have a chance with him! They didn’t sit. Nikki took up a position in front of Giselle, crossed his arms and said, “I’m going to put it all out there.”

“Shoot,” Giselle said, thinking, bitches. She'd been through this a dozen times with clingy girls like Nikki.

“I’ve been your girlfriend for over six months–”

“Girlfriend?” Giselle said. “Hold on. You’re not my girlfriend. We’re just fucking.”

“What?” Nikki said. “But, I've gone to parties with you, and–”

“I just needed some arm candy,” Giselle said. She learned it was good to just shut this shit down. “Look, you’re a hot girl and a good fuck, but I don’t want to marry you.”

“But you said you cared?”

“You know,” Giselle said, not in the mood for an hour long telenovela drama with this crazy chick, “this isn't working for me. We had some fun.” She opened the door. “But it's over.”

Nikki cried all the way home, then curled up into bed and cried himself to sleep.

The next morning, he felt so depressed. Devastated. Stupid. How could he have thought Giselle was serious about them? He’d wasted six months of his life following her around like some love sick school girl, and what did he have to show for it? He wanted to just pull the covers over his head and hide.

But he was a strong, successful, independent woman, and he had sales calls to make. He got up, marched to the bathroom, and started fussing with his hair. He would show her!  He’d find someone way better, and she’d regret missing her chance for the rest of her life!

And what’s more, he decided, thinking it would annoy Giselle to no end, his new partner would be a guy.

Nikki, living as a woman, identifying as a woman, now felt the time had come for him to become a woman. And, he had one last gift certificate to the Baba Yaga Salon.  He wanted to be a woman. He was a woman. Now, he just had to find the courage to make this last big change.