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Jack backed away, considering his options. Once more, the game’s biofeedback impressed him as he found his heart racing. At LVL 20, and Jack playing a stealth character, his chances of beating The Hammer in direct combat were basically zero. He looked around, hoping there was another exit he’d missed.  The Hammer kept advancing, smiling down at him–  he was smiling like a wolf about to eat a little lamb.

“What are you doing in my office?” He said, steadily advancing.

Jack circled behind the desk, putting it between him and The Hammer. So, what if I fight him and die? I’ll just respawn anyway, though it will probably hurt like hell. Plus, he’d probably lose all progress on his mission. Jack hated restarting missions. The Hammer lunged across the desk. Jack took a chance, racing toward the door.

The Hammer was too fast, and he cut him off, backing Jack once more toward the desk. The Hammer flashed red, he was about to attack.

Options: 1. Seduce and Assassinate 2. Fight.

Oh, shit. Hell. Jack hadn’t been expecting options. He clicked on Seduce and Assassinate, bracing himself for another humiliating cut scene. It isn’t me, anyway, he told himself, and the XPs for killing a LVL 20 would be tremendous.

Cut scene. Kiyo once more planted her hand on her hip. She plucked at a strand of hair falling along the side  of her cheek. “Maybe we can have a little fun?” She said in that seductive, little girl voice. “I’m guessing there’s a reason they call you The Hammer.”

Disgusting, Jack thought, getting nervous. They wouldn’t? I mean, there were games where you had sex, but it was usually fade to black. Surely, he wouldn’t feel what she felt?


What? I don’t fail?

“Come on over to the couch,” The Hammer said. It was clear from his tone and the look in his eyes he wanted more than a kiss.

No… no… no….  Jack was trapped in a cut scene. He had no choice but to watch and experience what he’d started.  He watched as Kiyo went over and sat on the couch. Oh, come on. The Hammer sidled up next to him, and he felt his breasts pressing up against the Hammer’s body, The Hammer’s lips covering his own, a hand on his bare thigh. Fuck off, Jack said, feeling all of it. Gross

Then, Kiyo pulled out her knife and raised it toward The Hammer’s throat. I thought it said my seduction failed? Jack thought, happy to see he was about to get the kill after all…

“Bitch!” The Hammer said, slapping the knife from Jack’s hands. He flashed red, punched Jack hard, and the screen faded to black.

The screen stayed black for a minute, and then a new cut scene materializes. Kiyo was chained to a wall in what looked like a dingy basement, complete with flickering lights.  Her gear had all been stripped. She was wearing only her bra and panties.  Jack shivered. She was cold, and he was cold. He yanked on the chains. Nothing.

Escape the Basement, the screen read. Recover your gear and complete the mission.

Great, Jack though. Just great. He’d done a few escape the room missions in his time. They were always puzzles. Move this here, move that there… get the key…  Jack yanked on his chains once more, feeling the cold steel of the cuffs on his wrists. They rattled, but were solidly anchored to the wall. No breaking them, at least not for him. Like so much in the game, the manacles were rero, looking like something from the middle ages, all iron and with bulky padlocks. Looking around, Jack saw a key on the other side of the room, hanging from a hook.  There was also a broom that looked like if he could knock it over, he’d be able to reach it with his foot and pull it over to him. But, how to knock it over? Jack looked. Scanned the room. He saw the red outline of a guard outside the door, so he would have to deal with that when he escaped. Hopefully, he could get a quick assassination.

He looked around– there had to be something he could move, but there was nothing within reach. Nothing. He couldn’t see a way to knock over that stupid broom.

With no better ideas, he strained against the chains some more, planting a foot on the wall and gaining some leverage. Not even a tiny movement from where the chain was anchored to the wall. He rattled the chains, pointlessly, looked around the room again, tried to stretch his leg out and kick the broom, even though he could plainly see it was too far.

So annoying.

What am I missing? What am I missing? What can I move?

Maybe I just need more leverage, he decided, now planting both feet on the wall, wrapping one of the chains around his arm and… “aahhhhhhhhh!” He screamed, straining every muscle to try and tear those iron chains from the brick and concrete…

“Keep it down!” The NPC guard yelled from outside the door.

“Shut up!” Jack yelled out of frustration, knowing how pointless it was to yell at an NPC that had no feelings anyway. It just made him feel better to–

Hold on. Jack smiled. Of course. The guard was the thing he could move. Now, what was the best way to do that? He thought. He needed to lure the guard into the room. What was the best way? Well, Kiyo did have a very sexy voice.

“Hello?” He called in that little girl version, trying to sound needy, vulnerable. “Hi?”


“I’m so thirsty,” Jack called out, trying to sound like one of his ex-girlfriends when she’d wanted to sweet talk him into something. “Can you bring me some water? Pretty please?”

“This better not be some kind of trick,” the man grumbled. Jack heard the sound of chair legs scraping across the floor, but when he scanned, he saw the man walking away.

“No!” Jack called, letting his voice rise even higher. ‘Please! I’m dying of thirst!” He knew he was laying it on a little thick, but it was a game and the AI a lot of times didn’t respond to it subtly.

“Don’t get your panties in a wad!” The man called. “I’m getting you some water!”

Jack smiled. It was working! He totally had that guy wrapped around his little finger.

The guard came back, key rattling in the door, which swung open. He had a bottle of water in his hand and an energy bar. For some reason, Jack had expected someone fat and bald, like a mall cop, but this guy looked like a male model: Tall, broad shouldered with angular features and dark brown eyes…

Not sure if the guy being super hot made it easier or harder to keep doing what he was doing, Jack smiled and put a hand on his hip as he’d seen Kiyo do in the cut scenes. “Oh. my God! Thank you so much,” he said, still in that flirty voice. He wondered if there would be options, or if he’d just have to keep improvising.

The guard let his eyes wander up and down Jack’s body, giving him creepy chills. He hated having men look him over like that, and now in just his bra and panties, he suddenly felt very vulnerable and very scared. He wanted to tell the guy to fucking stop drooling, but he couldn’t. He needed that bottle to get out of here.  So, he smiled and tilted his head to the side.

The man’s eyes grew hard. “Turn around,” he said in a deep, demanding voice of command that sent a new kind of thrill through Jack’s body.

Jack turned around.

“Put your hands on the wall.”

Jack put his hands on the wall. He was now facing away from the man, hands pressed against the wall, ass out. He felt his nipples hardening, felt himself getting wet. What the fuck?

“Legs apart.”

Jack hesitated. “Now!” The man yelled.

Jack obeyed, getting even more turned on. The scene froze.

Options: 1) Tell him to fuck off  2) Continue to obey

The obvious answer, based on where this scene seemed to be headed, was 1) Fuck off. Had he been thinking clearly, Jack would certainly have chosen that option. But he was getting turned on, his real life mind swinging in endorphins, and so he bit his lip and chose, “Continue to Obey,” thinking I can’t believe I am doing this.

Footsteps as the guard moved closer. Jack looked back over his shoulder, hair falling across his eyes.

“Don’t fucking look at me!” The man bellowed.

Jack’s head snapped back around and he smiled, putting his forehead against the cold brick. What’s he going to do to me? Jack wondered. What’s about to happen?  The man moved in close, and he put a hand on Jack’s shoulder, leaning in he whispered, “you’re a dirty girl,” his breath hot against Jack’s neck.

Oh! The whispered words sent a hot flash of need though Jack, made him arch his back, push his ass out.

The man slipped his hand between Jack’s thighs, high up near his crotch, and he squeezed the soft flesh of Jack’s inner thigh. Jack moaned, he couldn’t help himself. He was terrified at where that hand was going, what that man meant to do, but he was also completely and totally under that man’s power, and he– liked it?

The hand crept up jack’s thigh, caressing, squeezing, getting closer and closer to what he still thought of as his junk, but what was now a soft pair of lips that were getting wetter and wetter…

A hand snaked around and cupped Jack’s breast over his bra, squeezing and lifting. Holy shit, Jack thought as someone else grabbed his tit for the first time. It felt so fucking good and his whole body was lighting up, tingling and burning and so much pleasure as that hand crept up his thigh and now it was pressing against his — lady parts– and that other hand was pushing itself under his bra, and the man whispered, “I’m going to fuck—”

Nope! Too much! Jack recoiled in terror at the thought of going through with it, of following this pleasure to the end of that road which he had no doubt would include all kinds of penetraion… which the notion of being penetrated in any way freaked him out…

Spinning, he wrapped the chains of his manacles around the man’s neck, locking his thighs around the midsection and pulling hard on those chains…

The man grunted as the thick iron links bit into his neck and cut off his air supply. He grabbed at the chain, trying to pull it free, to suck some air into his panicking lungs. It was a classic mistake, Jack thought, watching the man’s eyes bulge, his skin turn blue. Going for the chains. He probably could have knocked me out if he'd gone after me, but instead he went for the chains. Jack pulled harder, squeezed his thighs against the man’s ribcage. The guard was making little grunting sounds, his eyes filling with resignation, regret, as he slowly sank to his knees, then collapsed, dead. Jack found himself laying on top of the man, staring right into those dead eyes. They were still, he noticed, so pretty.

It was a strange thought, curious, but Jack was still not in position to think with the logical side of his brain. He was lit, horny, his head swimming with so much alien female pleasure from this soft little body, plus a whole new world of he didn’t even know what getting so horny when that guy had taken charge… struggling to focus and tune out his body’s needs— he felt like he had some kind of opening growing in him that needed to be filled, demanded even…

He grabbed the keys off the guard’s belt, and found one for his manacles. Click, and the chains fell away. Now, Jack needed to find his gear, get out and finish the mission.  That, at least, would be one thing he would finish. Grabbing the guard’s gun, keeping the ring of keys, Jack crept out of the basement cell. He still wore only a bra and panties, but he didn’t feel cold anymore. Now, where to find my stuff? He scanned. There were two guards around the corner.

If either one of them is cute, Jack joked to himself, really having a hard time turning out his body’s hunger, I’m going to jump his bones. He snuck up on them, leapt onto the first, wrapping his legs around the man’s neck and choking him with his thighs while risking a shot with the pistol, shooting the second NPC right in the face, blood and bone splattering in one of those exaggerated video game kills.  The guards out, Jack checked the locker. Bingo. His gear, Rebel’s purse. Jack re-equipped all his gear. Checking Rebel’s purse, he found a pack of Virginia Slims.  He needed a smoke so bad. He lit one up, took a long drag, and blew the smoke into the air as he stepped over the bodies of his victims.

“Be good,” he said to the dead men. “Babe.”

Jack made his escape with no further incident, finding his way back to the street and down the alley, where Rebel still waited, like a good NPC. Jack had lit up another cigarette and walked up to Rebel with the smoke dangling from his lips. He slipped the purse from his shoulder and held it out to her.

“Doll,” Rebel said.”I knew I could count on you.” She kissed him again, as she’d done earlier. Jack accepted the kiss– it was good– but he’d cooled down a lot. Still, he and Rebel stared into each other’s eyes, and Rebel reached out and brushed Jack’s hair away from his face. “What say we go back to my place and celebrate?”


Jack knew where going back to her place would lead. He ached with the desire to go with her, to get a sense of what it was like to do it with a girl as a girl. He watched a lot of girl on girl porn, and it would almost be a fantasy come true. But he remembered how he’d felt, his body had felt, and he shook his head. No. He didn’t have the courage. He wasn’t ready.

“Maybe another time,” he said, walking away, halfway hoping Rebel would shout at him, tell him what to do, order him to come back to her place. But she didn’t, damn it. She just let him walk off into the crowded, noisy streets of Recon Junction, another face lost in the crowd.

He felt someone grab him, spin him around, and Rebel planted a kiss on his lips, dipping him backward. Jack lifted his leg and rubbed it along her thigh, kissing her back, surrendering. She took him back to her place, and they tore off each other’s clothes, throwing themselves onto Rebel’s bed, a tangle of silk sheets and long, smooth limbs… kisses on his breasts and between his legs, touching and kissing and getting intertwined lost in each other’s bodies….

A frazzled Jack wandered back to Kiyo’s apartment– his apartment. He turned on the gas fireplace and put on an old jazz record: Smooth jazz, Chet Baker singing “there is no greater love, in all the world it’s true, than what I feel for you…”

Jack had been through a lot, and as he sat, curled up on the couch, sipping a glass of Chablis and staring into the flickering flames, he twisted his hair, replaying it all in his mind, the hand on his thigh, the fondling of his breast… the look in the man’s eyes as he died. That brief moment when the man had touched Jack’s vulva. The fear, and yet… the sweet pleasure of his legs sliding along Rebel’s, a new, aching need that still haunted him.

He looked at it, sitting there on the coffee table, so totally foreign. Jack had found it in Kiyo’s bottom drawer:  A dildo. Not one of those realistic ones, but sleek and white, with a slight bend. It was easier for Jack to even look at as it looked like an appliance and not a sex toy.

He was curious. He was. What did it feel like– for girls?

He had to know.

He picked up the dildo and turned it on, first rubbing it against his crotch over his panties. He squirmed.”Oh!” Okay, that was.. Wow.

The sensation lit him up.He wanted it inside him. Wanted to know what it felt like for a woman. But, he was afraid, terrified of how it might change him.

Just do it, he said to himself. Be a man and fucking do it.

He pushed his panties down his long, smooth legs and spread.

The dildo buzzed. Chet Baker sang:

You're the sweetest thing

I have ever known,

And to think that

You are mine alone.


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