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For anyone interested, before my sickness I collaborated on a script with TG Trinity.  It is now being posted on TG Trinity's Patreon along with a lot of other great material. The story is called Witness Protection: My Wife's Twin. Check it out!




You surely masters the narrative voice. I would be interested to discuss about what this voice says, and the sharp contrast between the vision it proposes and what the characters experience... But maybe this topic is more linked to politic than literature, so, I don't push it. About the end: it's very well crafted, as the whole book. So, you have done a great job. I confess the ending frustrates me, but many good book deliberatey frustrate their reader, and some even are good because of that. Once Sunni solves the mystery, he wants nothing but set everything back to normal... meaning, turning back to a girl, and Carl to a guy as a consequence. Meaning also destroying the romance between him and Carl + all the wonderful trip to feminity Carl is experiencing. She doesn't seem to mind at all about that. Carl, on the opposite, worries a lot, and I easily empatize with her. Once more, it's not a storyteling flaw. There are two very good reasons Sunni would act as he does: 1) Sunni is currently a guy. So, he is much less sensible that girl-Carl 2) Sunni wants to be a girl again. If the second interpretation is right, then the book delivers a weird but fascinating message: nothing is more desirable than feminity. Even love isn't. I demonstrate: - Suni wants his girlhood back, no matter the consequence on his romance with Carl - He doesn't even consider being a girl again means he will be killed (according to what his mother says) - Carl, on the other hand, fight as a tigress to keep his new feminity and Sunni's manly love... - ... even to the point she redesign the world to keep things this way, without considering Sunni's feeling about that. OK, Sunni seems happy at the end. But we know very well he's not the same Sunni we have known when the book started. The perversion of the time machine is that it doesn't only reshape the facts, but also the character's personalities. It makes Sunni's behaviour at the end perfectly consistent. Once more, no storytelling issue there. But... it's not the same Suni. Previous Suni is dead... without any funeral notice.

Taylor Galen Kadee

I had the desire to write a story where the message was feminine positive. Even though it was a forced femme story and Carl suffered some embarrassment as he transformed, in the end if became a positive. I also wanted to show that much of the embarrassment came not from anything innate about being female, but continued societal bias-- which one reviewer noted and did not like! You make a fair point that the old Sunni is gone-- at least in the reality of the story. Thanks for such a thoughtful response!