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Danger Cat rushed into Grimmlord’s room only to find it— empty. A breeze blew in through a huge hole in the wall, and debris littered the floor. “What the hell happened here?”

Danger Cat powered up her Justice Collective communicator. “Anybody out there?” She said. “Anybody?”

“This is Pronto. What’s up?”

“Grimmlord has been kidnapped.”

“You sure she didn’t just run off? I mean, being all hormonal…?”

“No. Based on the evidence I am looking at, he was kidnapped by persons unknown.”

“Would I be violating your social norms to interject?” Simulata said.

“Interject,” Danger Cat said.

“Go for it,” Pronto added.

“Grimmlord’s kidnapper is not a person unknown. I am aware of their identity.”

There was a pause.

“Not again,” Pronto said.

“Tell us!”

“Ha. Ha. I am engaging in the creation of suspense.”


“It was Apex. He is now flying with her through the sky, cradling her in his arms much as you might see on the cover of a novel residing in the romance category.”

“Apex?” Pronto and Danger Cat said in unison.

“He was supposed to protect him,” Pronto said. “And where is Spellbinder?”

“Locating,” Simulata said. “Unconscious on a ledge near Mount Fang.”

“I don’t even know what to think anymore,” Danger Cat said, sitting down on the bed.”

“Based on his trajectory, I believe Apex is carrying Grimmlord to Serenity Center.”

“His fortress? On the South Pole?”

“Unless there is another Serenity Center I have not heard of, yes.”

“Apex,” Danger Cat said into her communicator. “Apex. Please respond. Looking for information on what the hell you are doing.”

All she heard through the receiver was the crackle of static.

“So, what do we do now?” Pronto said.

“I’m going to go find Spellbinder and make sure she is okay,” Danger Cat said. “You two keep trying to contact Apex, and get that machine ready.”

With that, Danger Cat jumped into the tube and whizzed down to the Cat Cave, where the Cat Car waited, already revved up and ready to go.

Apex flew into the great bay doors of Serenity Central, and he set Grimmlord down. Grimmlord wobbled on his heels and fell against Apex, who threw a mainly arm around his slender waist and supported him. “You okay?” Apex asked.

“Yes,” Grimmlord said, staring up at him. Being carried, held, supported…. Oh! The feelings all returned, that desperate need to be taken by this man, ravished. And yet, what was still Grimmlord within this slender frame rebelled. He was a man, and he and Apex had been friends, sometimes even rivals for the same female. Could he now surrender himself to Apex? It would forever change their relationship. Grimmlord still had expectations of recovering his manhood, and if they slept together now, things would no doubt be awkward between them.

Ah, but the longings of this soft body, the stirrings of his waking womanhood, they did not care for the future at all, but only the carnal need for this man.

“Come,” Apex said, taking Grimmlord’s soft little hand in his own.

Having his hand held sent another tremor of delight through Grimmlord, as did having this man lead him. Apex led him to a den like area with chairs, a couch, a fireplace. As Apex stepped over to the fireplace to turn on the gas fire, Grimmlord became aware of his state of undress, and he self-consciously threw one slender arm across his breasts, while reaching down with the other to cover the little triangle of black fabric between his legs, and the sight of his sex, only half-hidden by the lacy fabric.

Once Apex had lit the fire, he turned, and seeing Grimmlord standing there in his lace and panties, having adopted such a sweetly feminine pose, sent a bolt of desire through him that only intensified as his eyes drifted from Grimmlord’s soft features, to his little, round shoulders, the swell of his firm breasts lifted and pushed together by his little bra, his flat, taught belly, the tiny waist and dramatic hips, all the way down his long, shapely legs to the hobbling heels on his little feet.

Grimmlord felt his skin tingle as Apex let his eyes caress the former male’s bright, smooth skin.

“You’re gorgeous,” Apex said.

Grimmlord, feeling himself overcame with need, started to turn away, but Apex stopped him. “No. Stay right there. Just like that.”

A smile spread across Grimmlord’s face. “Okay,” he said in that softer, higher voice, the one he couldn’t help but use with this man among men.

Apex once more let his eyes play over Grimmlord’s feminine flesh. Grimmlord felt pretty, perfect, even powerful in a way he’d never experienced power before, because this man worshipped him, adored him, needed him as woman, and he felt a surge of pride in his desirability.

Finally, Apex strode across the room, gathered Grimmlord into his arms and kissed him like he’d never been kissed before— the kiss slammed into him like a freight train, all force and mastery and hot, salty tongue, and Grimmlord surrendered to it, sighing with his whole body, collapsing into Apex, utterly defeats and loving it.

Grimmlord helt Apex’ fingers on his back, searching for and finding the hooks of his bra, masterfully detaching them. “He’s done that a few times,” Grimmlord thought. When the kiss ended, Apex slipped the bra from Grimmlord’s little arms, tossing it across the room, and feeling his breasts sway free, and then crushed against Apex’ hard, bare chest— Grimmlord hadn’t even noticed Apex undress— sent another and greater wave of need. Grimmlord curled his toes, probed Apex hard, rigid muscles with his hands, pressed his breasts into Apex chest, his whole body now screaming with need and desire— take me. Take me!

Unable to control herself, Grimmlord finally reached down and grabbed Apex junk. It was so big, so hard. She’d never held something so amazing in her life, and she needed it so bad.

She found herself on her back, on the bear skin rug in front of the blazing fire. Her legs were spread, and Apex was propped between them, kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples. Grimmlord tried to dig her nails into his back, but the skin was too hard. Still, she loved it. It made her feel so helpless.

When Apex finally grabbed her panties, tore them off her body, put them to his nose and took a deep breath before tossing them across the room, she felt a powerful mixture of emotions— terror, excitement, need, dread, curiosity…

But most of all she felt a desperate emptiness, a need to be filled and filled good, as her insides seemed to open, to invite, and desperate to feel it Grimmlord reached down to once more find Apex manhood, and grabbing it, she guided it inside her wet, warm sex.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as shockwaves of pleasure rolled through her whole body. She lost all sense of herself, just reveling in the pleasure, Apex rocking back and forth, in and out, harder and harder and more urgent… Grimmlord had her hands buried in her hair, writhing, gasping and moaning, and she didn’t need to beg or ask or direct or do anything because Apex was a man who knew how to please a woman and he took her to peak and then they both screamed out as they climaxed as one, tears rolling down Grimmlord’s cheeks as she became fully a woman.

Grimmlord lay on the bearskin rug, curled up, Apex spooning him, one hand gently caressing her breast. Apex chest was pressed against Grimmlord’s back, and she could feel the man’s strong, steady heart beat matching her own. They didn’t speak. They didn’t need to speak. Gradually, Grimmlord closed her eyes, and as she did, Apex fell asleep with her.

When Grimmlord woke, she felt cold. The side facing the fire was warm, and where Apex held her, too, but her otherwise exposed skin was chilled, goose- bumped. She gently nudged Apex. “Hunh?”

“I’m cold,” Grimmlord said in that soft voice, the one he would reserve only for the ears of his man.

“Unh,” Apex said, caressing Grimmlord’s arm, giving her a kiss on the neck to convey— I am here to take care of you, little woman. He got up and returned with one of his long, red capes. Grimmlord lifted her hair, and Apex tied it around her long slender neck, then kissed her on the head as the cape fell over Grimmlord’s slender shoulders.

“It’s warm,” Grimmlord said, pulling the cape tight. It smelled of Apex manly musk, and it thrilled Grimmlord to wear her man’s clothes, to be draped in a cape that bore Apex insignia. Apex, who’d pulled on a pair of jockeys, went to the fire, and Grimmlord admired the man’s firm, powerful ass. “I’m his woman now,” Grimmlord thought, surprised and pleased how good she felt about it. “All I want and need is to be his woman. Forever.”


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