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Batman stood still while Huntress adjusted his hair. “Now, remember. Find Selena. Get her to talk. That’s you’re only mission.”

“You are so annoying!” Batman pouted. “You don’t have to talk to me like I’m some silly, airhead girl! Remember,” and as he delivered his famous line, he planted a hand on his ample hip and looked at his long, scarlet nails. “I’m, like, Batman?”

“I, like, remember,” Huntress said. “Now, scoot.” She turned Batman toward the door to the venue where the charity ball was being held, and gave him a little pat on that plump, sexy rump of his.

Batman giggled and sauntered in, giving Huntress a wink over his smooth, round little shoulder.

“Find Selena, get her to talk,” Batman was thinking as he entered. As Brene Wayne, he needed neither an invitation nor an introduction. Everyone knew that sexy little socialite. As Batman entered the lobby, his eyes went wide and sparkled. All the attendees now looked like women. The whole world looked like women. But, and he had to suppose this was part of the spell, he could tell which ones had been men, and he could remember who they were as well as their new names.

There was Mayor Quinn in a scarlet dress— or, rather, the former mayor. He was now Mayor Sandy Holmes personal assistant. There was Garrison Grant, who’d been CEO of Grant Enterprises, and was now a sight in a white dress with a tulle skirt, a tiara sparkling in his hair. His sister now ran the business, while he was a model named Giselle. And— oh, my! Holly Hughes, former publisher of Nude magazine, his D cups spilling out over the top of his corset dress, masses of golden curls framing his gorgeous face. He was now, of course, the star model of his magazine, which was run by his wife.

As Batman craned his long, slender neck trying to spot Selena— it was so annoying to be short!— he heard someone call his name. “Brene! Oh, Brene!”

He looked at saw Madge Miller, the photographer. He’d dated her for a time in his previous life. “Come here, you little vixen!”

Bruce did not want to talk to her. Seeing a woman he’d bene with before his change made him feel self-conscious about his newfound womanly shape. But, she was a woman, and she had told him to come over. He sighed and plastered a big, bright smile on his face. “Madge! Oh, my God! You look stunning!”

“Me? Look at you! Oh, I can’t believe this is you now. You have a gorgeous figure!”

“Thanks,” Bruce said, curling a strand of hair behind his ear.

“I love you like this. Such pretty skin.”

Bruce giggled. “Stop.”

“I have to shoot you. I must.”

“You must?”

“Yes, and I won’t take no for no answer.”

Of course, they both knew Bruce couldn’t say no. Not unless his big told him to, and she was nowhere around. Bruce found himself desperately wishing Huntress was there to protect him, but she wasn’t, so he did a little feminine shrug and said, “anything for you, love.”

“You’re perfect like this! Oh, I can’t wait. I’m thinking tropical island, leopard skin bikini…. Oh, you are going to be such a smash!”

“I can’t wait.”

“Okay, doll. I need to mingle. Bye.”

Bruce tottered off. Leopard skin bikini? That actually struck the new him as perfectly sexy. After bumping into a few more former flings, Bruce finally spotted Selena leaning on the end of a bar, stunning. She was so—- mature. So powerful. He gasped in awe, immediately wishing he were like her, so confident and sexy and— oh!

She was talking to a pair of busty blonde boys— Bruce recognized them as former tech start up new money types, but they were now both just secretaries at the company. They were giggling, tossing their hair, eager to please Selena, to get her to take them away from it all. Bruce immediately felt self-conscious about his dark hair. He knew it was sexy, pretty, but there was just something about blondes! “I can’t complete with them,” he thought, losing his nerve. But, just as he was about to turn away, Selena saw him. Their eyes locked. Batman’s heart fluttered.

Selena didn’t have to say a word. Batman could sense the command in her eyes as she demanded he come to her. Bruce put a little extra wiggle in his walk, let his arms hang daintily out to the sides. Selena looked him up and down, brazenly taking in his bombshell body. Bruce tingled, loving every second of it. Having such a woman look at him like that, like she possessed him, made him so happy. He just wanted to spend forever in her eyes.

“Go,” she said to the perky blonde boys who’d been fawning over her. Crushed, they turned away, staring daggers at Batman, who smiled and said, “goodnight, ladies.”

As soon as he approached Selena, she cupped his chin and tilted his head back, planting a kiss right on his lips before pulling back, letting her eyes drift across his soft features. “Well, pretty little Brene Wayne. You are easy on the eyes.”

Batman felt himself falling for her. He had no choice. He smiled and said, in a soft, almost whisper, “thanks.”

Selena started to play with the long string of pearls hanging around Batman’s neck, letting her fingers brush along his collarbone. Batman felt his skin tingle, his knees get weak. “You’re perfect. This is the way you were always meant to be.”

“You’re so tall, so confident,” Batman whispered.

“Come,” Selena said, putting the hand on the small of his back and leading him away from the bar.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about that,” Selena said. And then she leaned in, her mouth so close to his ear he could feel the heat and called hm, “kitten."

The next morning, Superman woke up excited, nervous, anxious. He got into his leggings and sports bra and did his morning yoga, then meditated for 10 minutes, breathing deeply until he felt centered and ready to start his day, which meant— work?

Superman knew he still worked at the Daily Planet, though he dreamt sometimes of finding a rich wife to take him away from all that. He was most excited to find out what his style was now— what kind of girl am I?

He soon found out, and he stood in front of a full length mirror in a blue mini-dress with a Peter Pan collar. The skirt came down just to the tops of the sleek, silky stockings that hugged and shimmered along his long, sexy legs, perched perfectly in a pair of black pumps. He especially loved the big, stylish frames of his sexy, smart girl glasses, and the way the padded, push up bra he’s selected emphasized his sexy new curves.

Now that he was all fashionable and pretty, Superman couldn’t wait to get to the office and show off his new outfit. He double-checked his make-up. Grabbed his purse and trotted out the door.


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