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Hot and bothered. Bothered and hot. Back at Danger Cat’s mansion, Grimmlord paced. He threw himself dramatically onto his bed. He tossed. He turned. He got up and paced some more. He bit his thumb. Pulled the tie from his hair and shook it loose, then gathered it and tied it back in a ponytail. He sat down at his computer and tried to go over the notes for his investigation, but it was no use.

His mind kept returning to the kiss. The warmth of their two bodies, so close. The smell of Apex. His hard, bulging muscles. I’m Grimmlord, he tried to remind himself. I am a man. I beat up bad guys. With my fists. I’m not— I can’t—-

While he recognized he was— enflamed with passion— it felt different in certain disturbing ways. His skin tingled. All over. He felt flush, almost feverish. And he felt— and this is what was shattering his sense of himself as a male— he felt an all consuming need to be FILLED.

Yes. Filled. In fact, while he and Apex had been kissing, he’d felt Apex junk press into his tummy, and though at the time it had been only one of a thousand sensation assailing his rationale mind, as he ached and suffered and hungered to be filled so badly now, his thoughts kept going back to that feeling, and sometimes an image of it even popped into his brain, all hard and ridged with veins—

“STOP!” There was no way. No way!

Hot and bothered. Bothered and hot. Grimmlord paced. Tossed. Turned. Took a long, cold shower. Nothing worked. Finally, he knew he had to find some relief. And remind himself that he was still a man.

Noemi, Danger Cat, had gone down to the Cat Cave, and was running analysis on Grimmlord’s new, curvaceous suit. What she was finding did not surprise her. The suit was rigged with many mind-altering chemicals, hormones, all sorts of things to manipulate and manage Keith’s mental state. It was no accident he’d gone all mushy and kissy with Apex. It was certainly more evidence, but what did it mean?

“Hey,” she heard a soft voice call, the new voice of Grimmlord.

“Hey,” she said, glancing, “I found something you should—“ but then she did a double take. Grimmlord was wearing a pair of her black leggings as well as one of her tank tops, a flouncy, low cut tank top that showed off a lot of skin— and cleavage. His hair was down, a halo of glossy waves around his face.  “You okay?”

Grimmlord buried his hands in his hair, mussing it, then sauntered over to the desk where Noemi worked, propping himself on the desk. “I’m fine,” Grimmlord said. “Just a little— hot.” He hooked his hair behind his ear and smiled.

Okay, Noemi thought, this is a little weird. It almost seemed like, but no. “I did some checking on your suit…”

“Oh?” Grimmlord said, moving next to her.

“Yeah. You probably should stop wearing it, it has all these…”

“You’re so smart!” Grimmlord said in a breathy voice, as he put his hand on the inside of Noemi’s thigh and squeezed.

“Um, what are you doing?”

“I want you so bad,” Grimmlord said, diving in for a kiss.

Noemi was shocked and pushed Grimmlord away. “Stop! What are you doing?”

“I want you so bad,” Grimmlord said, lunging at her. Noemi dodged him, backed away, her palms out.

“That’s what I am trying to tell you,” Noemi said. “The suit! The Danger Kitty suit! It made you super horny!”

“You make me super horny!” Once more, Grimmlord lunged at Noemi, and this time she grabbed a binder and held it between them, batting at his hands as he tried to grab her.

“Down! Down girl! It’s your hormones!”

“My hormones want me to kiss you all over your body!” Grimmlord shrieked.

“You are being controlled!”

“I don’t care,” Grimmlord said, now switching from aggressive pursuit to begging. “Please! Please! I just— I am so horny right now, and it’s driving me crazy. I need relief.”

“I don’t think it would be right,” Noemi said.

“Why not? We’ve slept together. Is it because I’m— this?” He gestured at his very female body.

“It’s because you are being controlled by that suit! You aren’t thinking for yourself. You need to get a grip.”

“Uggghhhhhhh!” Grimmlord turned away, going to the computer, reading Noemi’s findings. Noemi watched him. He looked really hot in those leggings, she decided. What a perfect ass. In fact, it might be fun to have a roll in the hay with him in this body, show him how much fun it was to be a girl. But no. He was in no state to offer anything resembling consent.

“Okay. Wow,” Grimmlord said. “They totally turned me into a sex-crazed bimbo.”


Some level of rationality returned, but Grimmlord’s body was still demanding to be filled. “Then, at least, tell me how girls deal with this— “ he gestured down at the space between his legs. ‘It’s— wet.”

“Maybe we should focus on what to do about the suit?”

“I can’t think about anything else right now but— her.” He gestured once more to his thigh gap.

“Wow. You got it bad. I have an idea, but it might be a little embarrassing.”

“Anything to make it stop."

Gentle reader! Let us return now to the mansion, where as you will recall Simulata had hooked herself up to the computer system looking for clues. Initially, she simply probed, moving about various files and networks, all of which proved mundane workaday data from Grimmlord’s various business dealings. And then, she came upon IT. “Eureka.” She looked back at Spellbinder. “I am keeping my voice low for the purpose of stealth, but my state is one a human would call greatly enhanced.”

“We would never say that,” Spellbinder said, amused. “What did you find?”

“A quantum portal to a network that exists outside time.”

“The enemy?”

“Indeed. I am entering now and—-“ Simulata began to shake, to distressed electronic bleeps and boops. “Danger! Resistance!”

“What’s happening?” Spellbinder said.

“The security protocols perceive me as a virus, and they are seeking to exterminate me. I am— this not —- error— error— error I am being erased—- error—”

“We can’t let that happen!” Spellbinder began to weave her hands in the air, eldritch magic flaring, then encircling Simulata.  The shaking stopped. There was burst of static.

“I am inside the system. Your undefined science provided the necessary support.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Interesting. Interesting. Most fascinating. There are some truly marvelous technological advances coming.”

“Um, Grimmlord? Have you learned anything about him?”

“What?” Simulata was making a humming noise now. “Yes. I did.”

Spellbinder waited. The computer screen in front of Simulata had gone to a swirling pattern of colors, interrupted by bursts of light. The lights on the tower were flashing frantically. “And?”

“I know who has transformed Grimmlord into a girl, and why. It is actually both simple and complicated.”

“Who? Why? Tell me!”

“Grimmlord has been turned into a girl by—“

But before Simulata could answer, the door to the room burst open. A French Maid stood there, eyes burning with fury, and pointed at them with her duster. “Seize them!” She cried. “Theeese are ze intruders!


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