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Darkseid did not like what he saw in the mirror, and what he was sparkle. A tiara sparkled in his hair, styled in dramatic curves and braids. Diamond chandelier earrings swayed from his little ears, catching the light, flashing with even the most subtle move. His bare, round shoulder shone, and a diamond necklace nestled in his soft cleavage, which swelled from the top of his glittering corset dress. He put a slender hand to his cheek, the diamond bracelets drawing attention to his tiny wrists.

The corset had narrowed his already tiny waist, and flaring out from his generous hips a full, diaphanous skirt, which had been woven with more diamonds. The light danced with each swish and sway. The skirt swept to just above his ankles, revealing his diamond encrusted heels, his delicate ankles. His toenails had been encrusted with tiny plates of glass, giving them the impression of a disco ball.

His face had been expertly painted, with dramatic eyeshadow, thick, mascara drenched lashes, and sultry red lipstick, all infused with diamond dust.

No, Darkseid did not like what he saw. He loved it. He hated it. His heart fluttered, but the man he’d once been felt sick with shame. “Um…. Is it, a bit too much?”

Two women stood behind him, amused. They were the very authors of the changes in him, and the world. “Oh, why would you say that?” One said, putting her hands on his little shoulders. “You look adorable.”

Why? Because I’m supposed to be a man. Because I’m supposed to be— threatening, strong… but he knew better than to confess to such forbidden feelings. Instead, he relied on his newly developing feminine wiles. “I just feel like I shouldn’t be so bold?” He said in a small, little girl voice. “It isn’t… ladylike?”

“Don’t be silly,” the woman said, playing with his hair, meeting his big, pretty eyes in the mirror.

“You’re a princess!” The other woman said. “You should dress like one.”

Darkseid winced. Princess? No. No. That was…. He wasn’t…

“Let’s see that pretty smile.”

Darkeid smiled, his brightest, prettiest smile. He had no choice.

“Say it,” the other woman said. “Look right at yourself in the mirror and say, “I’m a princess.”

The thought terrified Darkseid. He felt he was being erased, completely erased. Was this his fate. He shook his head, tiara flashing.

“Say it,” the women said in unison, their voices hard and demanding.

Their tone scared Darkseid. He didn’t want to get in trouble. “I’m a princess,” he sang, smiling.

“I love being a princess. Say it.” She squeezed his shoulders.

“I love being a princess,” he sang, and as he said it, he felt it become true. He did love being a princess! His smile grew brighter. He giggled and did a little knee bend.

“That’s my pretty girl,” the woman said. “Now, time for you to meet the world, Princess Bright Eyes. Go.” She gave him a pat on the butt and sent him on his way. The women watched, pleased at his feminine gait, his sparkly, pretty, pretty femininity.

In the hangar, he found the other villains. They also wore pink gowns, not as pretty as his, of course, but pretty enough to be seen with him, at least. Joker, R’as Al Ghul, Lex Luthor and Doctor Light, seeing Darkseid enter, all plucked at the skirts of their dresses and curtsied. “Princess,” Luthor said. “We are your ladies in waiting.”

“Oh, you are all so pretty,” Darkseid said. He could see pain in the men’s eyes, finding themselves not only women, but now subservient to him. He loved it. He was the prettiest girl, and the most refined and graceful!

“Come, girls,” he said, enjoying the fact that among these transformed men, he was in charge. There was a silver sleigh with a team of white horses. Darkseid sat in the throne at the back of the sleigh, while his “ladies in waiting” knelt around him on risers.

The horses whined and pulled the sleigh forward. It was, of course, a magic sleigh, and rose into the air. The boys all giggled and clapped, and the sleigh flashed across the sky.


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