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Grimmlord raced to the nearest costumator, stepping into the tube, which immediately transported him to the Catcave, now squeezed into his new curve-hugging costume. He ran toward DangerCat, who waited next to the Cat Car. She couldn’t help but notice that his run had changed— with his wide hips and generous chest bouncing, he’d started to run with his arms lifted out to the sides— in fact, looking very much like the stereotypical and usually inaccurate vision of someone running “like a girl.” The way his pony tail swished from side to side did not lessen the impression.

“I’ll drive,” Grimmlord chirped excitedly, completely unaware of how feminine his body language had become.

Men, DangerCat thought to herself, mildly amused. But, when they climbed into the Cat Car and Grimmlord grabbed the controls, they both heard a voice say, “Negative, DangerKitty. You are too young to drive.”

“Too— what?” Grimmlord said. “How old do you think I am?”

“You are a sixteen year old female,” the AI responded. “Who has yet to pass her driver’s test.”

Once more, Grimmlord felt himself diminished, being treated like a child, a girl? “I’m a man!” He screamed at the AI, slamming a tiny little fist on the panel. “I’m a groan man!”

“Okay,” Danger Cat said. “Listen, we have a crisis. I’ll drive. And don’t hit my car.”

“Listen to your mother,” the AI said.


DangerCat fired the thrusters and the car lifted off, rocketing into the sky. She’d received an emergency call from Apex— the message had been garbled, but she’s zeroed in on the location, and she knew she needed to get there— fast.

Grimmlord, meanwhile, felt himself getting all emotional— his hormones were out of control, and he couldn’t seem to help himself from ricocheting from one intense emotional state after another. “What do you mean— mother?”

“Are you suffering amnesia?” The AI asked. “Commencing scan to determine wellness.”

“I’m fine,” Grimmlord said as the scanner projected across his body. “I’m just not her daughter.”

“Why are you arguing with the AI?” DangerCat finally asked.

“Because I am not your daughter!”

“No injuries identified,” the AI said.

“This is all part of the mind game that’s being played with you. Just— don’t play. Focus on the mission.”

“But… well… um….”

“Listen to your mother, Jeanette.” The AI said.

“Jeanette?” Grimmlord struggled not to punch to control panel.

DangerCat reached over and took his wrist, lowering his fist to his lap. “Hey, hey,” she said. “Don’t give in. We have a mission. Focus. I need you to be Grimmlord right now.”

“Mission,” Grimmlord said. “Yes. Focus.”

He took some deep breaths, calmed himself.

“You good?”

“Yes,” he said, feeling himself growing centered. “I’m— I’m myself.”

DangerCat smiled to herself. “Good girl.”

“Don’t start,” Grimmlord said, closing his eyes, continuing his breathing. “I’m just getting myself to my calm place.”

“Oh,” DangerCat said, touching his cheek. “You know, I always did want a little girl.”

‘I’m not listening,” Grimmlord said. “I am not listening.”

They cleared a row of skyscrapers, and looking up at Millennium Tower they saw chaos. Apex, floating about 20 feet above the famous spire, fought against a swarm of drones— thousands and thousands of them all firing hot blue lasers at him, smashing into him— they didn’t seem to be doing much damage, but he was harried, blinded, battering them and bashing them but completely occupied while a crew of Datastream’s minions climbed around the spire, attaching cables and wires, boxes full of flashing lights.

Datastream’s Mobile Attack Unit hovered near by. It looked like a hard drive— rectangular, silver…

“This looks like another distraction,” Grimmlord said. He was remembering the series of villainous actions that had kept him busy while his suit transformed his body into its current voluptuous shape. “Something to keep us busy.”

“I can’t disagree, but let’s end it. I’m going to dive toward the MAU. Get ready to eject. I’ll follow.”

Grimmlord smiled. He loved action, and distraction or not, the chance to break some skulls appealed to him. DangerCat dove, a series of tiny missiles laughed from the MAU— they imploded against her shields, but the CatCar shook and rattled, the engines roared— Grimmlord ejected, plunging toward the MAU, which started to pull away, trying to evade him. Using his boot jets, Grimmlord angled toward it… the ship moving away, fast…. He thought for a moment he would miss it, but he stretched out as far as he could— claws emerging from his gloves and just managing to dig into the alloy, his body slamming against the MAU— ow! His breasts were very sensitive and the impact hurt like hell, but he ignored the pain, climbing onto the surface of the reeling ship.

Using his claws and grateful for the extra strength his suit granted him, Grimmlord worked his way toward a hatch. He heard a motor, and saw a canon rise from the ship, spitting at him, hard projectiles striking the MAU and cutting grooves into the steel.

Grimmlord began to execute cat like hops, digging into the steel each time, dodging the gunfire until he reached the canon and shattered it with a pair of viscous kicks. “Rarrrwww!” He heard his voice modulator shriek. He hopped into the hatch and ripped it free, tossing it off spinning into the air.

Dropping into the MAU, Grimmlord immediately found himself swarmed by a squad of Datastream’s robots. He spun, kicked, punched… one of them managed to slash his side, cutting right through his armored costume, and another blasted him in the leg. Both areas flamed with pain, and he could feel blood seeping from his side, but he was Grimmlord, and he gritted his teeth, loving the pain, the action, viciously attacking and destroying the bots until he finally smashed his way through the door that led to the bridge.

“Digits,” Grimmlord said, looking over to see Datastream’s partner. “Is that really you, or are you another robot?”

“Oh, its me,” Digits said, giving Grimmlord a once over. “I must say you look scrumptious.”

“Save it,” Grimmlord said, advancing, meaning to take her out and question her later. “I don’t have time for your monologue.”

“Oh?” Digits said. She was not wearing her armor. Yet, she seemed strangely confident, and it should have given Grimmlord pause, but he was hot with adrenaline and violence. He strode purposefully toward Digits rather than pouncing.

“Now switching to helpless mode,” the AI announced, and Grimmlord heard the sound of his systems powering down.

“Helpless mode?” He said, now attacking Digits with a sudden sense of urgency. But, as he swung his fist, she caught it, effortlessly stopping the blow.

“No, no,” Grimmlord said. He meant to try a sweep kick, but his suit refused to cooperate. Instead, he sank to his knees while Digits twisted his arm behind his back. Grimmlord cried out in pain and shock, horrified to find himself powerless, weak, helpless.

“A pretty little girl like you,” Digits said. “Why aren’t you out chasing boys?”

Grimmlord strained, but his suit was now confining him, preventing him from even using his combat skills. And then, the voice modulator began to cry out, “Apex! Save me!”

In his mind, Grimmlord raged.  No. No.

Digits tied and gagged him, then sent the MAU into a cataclysmic dive toward the earth. Grimmlord struggled, and even though he was gagged, his modulator kept crying out “Apex! Help me!”

Apex heard the cries of the female he’d become obsessed with. He saw the MAU lurch and then start to dive toward the earth. DangerKitty! He thought, enraged to know this female was in danger. In a surge of rage, his heat vision flared and melted the drones, smoldering lumps of plastic raining down on the streets below.

Then, he launched himself toward the MAU, determined to save Grimmlord, his damsel in distress.


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