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They got ready for the game, and as they were heading out the door, Fiona’s mom called, “Home by 11!”

“Okay, Mom,” Fiona groaned.

Pete paused. Reagan was on television, giving some kind of address to the nation. “What’s going on?” He asked.

“Who cares?” Fiona said, grabbing his arm, pulling him out the door.

Drums beat, and the air swam with the smell of charcoal grilling. They found places in the stands just as the team kicked off, and the game started. Pete found he had no interest in the game, other than to check out how Brad’s butt looked in those tight little football pants. Otherwise, he and Fiona did a lot of people watching and flirting. Pete got some skinny sophomore boy to go to the concession stand to buy hotdogs and cokes for the two of them.

“You’re terrible,” Fiona laughed.

“I’m not,” Pete said. “I’m just hungry.”

The kid came back, blushing, with a cardboard tray holding the food and drinks. Pete gave him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you, and he almost laughed when the boy turned three shades of red and almost ran off, getting high-fives by his buddies.

“So, um, what does it feel like to be the queen?” Fiona said.

“It doesn’t suck,” Pete answered.

He lifted the hot dog from the tray. The warm bun smelled of yeast, and the hot dog was smothered in bright yellow mustard. As he lifted it toward his mouth, he heard some of the boys off to his right giggling. He realized what was happening and decided to put on a show. Puckering, he brought the hot dog to his lips, then slipped it in…. The giggling from the boys grew louder.

“Young lady!” One of the teachers sitting nearby said.

Pete shot her a look, but decided he’d teased the boys enough. He took a bite of the hot dog, chewed, enjoying the taste of the tart mustard and the bun, though the dirty water dog had no taste. When he finished chewing, he realized there was some mustard on his lips, so turning so the boys could get a look, he swiped his tongue across his lips.

The guys all stared, mouths hanging open.

Pete smirked and gave them a little wave.

Fiona laughed, sipping his coke. “Look who’s watching,” she whispered, nudging Pete.

Pete turned and saw Brad down by the bench, staring up at him. The defense was on the field, so he had time. Unlike the giggling boys, he stared at Pete with hard, hungry eyes, like a shark that had spotted its prey. The look sent a shock through Pete’s body, and he squeezed his knees together even as he looked away, pretending he didn’t care.

“He wants you so bad,” Fiona said, her own voice having gone a little hoarse at the look in Brad’s eyes.

Pete squeezed his knees together, fanned himself. He was having a hot flash, and his eyes went back to the skinny boy sitting down the row. He was a senior, but a late bloomer with a slender frame. Big blue eyes under a mop of honey blonde hair and plump, kissable lips. Really, he could almost be a girl. Pete gave him a look that made the boy’s pale cheeks flush pink. That boy-girl thing was driving Pete wild, and he nodded toward the back of the stands. “I’ll be right back,” he said to Fiona.

“You want me to come with?”

“No,” Pete said, and when the boy followed him, Fiona understand why.

As soon as they were alone behind the cinderblock locker room that was just down from the concession stands, Pete attacked, grabbing the boy’s shirt and tanking it over his head, running his hands over the boys smooth, flat chest and belly. “You’re so hot,” the boy whispered.

“Don’t talk,” Pete said, pushing the boy down onto his back, crawling on top of him, struggling with his jeans, pushing them down and exposing a — tiny dick. Pete felt some power in him, some essence of Inanne, and he grabbed the boy’s hard, throbbing member, and as he squeezed it grew longer and thicker. The boy groaned as Pete climbed on top of him and started bouncing up and down, like he was on a pogo stick. The fact that there were people just on the other side of the building made it extra exciting for Pete, and he bit his lip, holding back the screams of pleasure that were trying to explode out of him.

When he finished, Pete climbed off, pulled up his panties and straightened his skirt. The boy was lying there on his back, his pants down around his ankles, staring up at Pete in awe. “Be good,” Pete said, patting him on the cheek, then sauntering off, letting his hips wiggle a little extra as he left his latest conquest lying in the dirt.

The game ended. Novi won, 20-10. The band played their fight song from the stands. Most of the kids and parents headed for the exits, while some went out into the field to congratulate the team. Pete and Fiona wandered out, feeling small and cute among all the big, sweaty football players. The boys all gave off a musky, masculine scent that filled Pete’s head and made him feel a little dizzy. Keeping with his plan, Pete went up to Casey, squealed and gave him a hug. “You were so great!” Pete cried out, making his voice higher and more girlish.

“Awe,” Casey said. “You know. Just doing my thing.”

Fiona came over a minute later. “After party at Jeremy’s,” she said. “Everyone will be there.”

Most of the kids at Novi High-School belonged to one of two groups: The Jocks or the Freaks. Jeremy was a between two worlds kind of kid. His mom was a drunk and a druggie. His Dad long gone. He hung out with the stoners sometimes and was a major burnout, but he was also good in school, got good grades and took chorus. Best of all, his drunk mom was usually out late and spent a lot of nights with gentleman friends, so his busted up junker of a house was always free for parties.

“What about curfew?” Pete said. Checking his Swatch, he saw it was already past 10.

“As if,” Fiona said, grabbing his hand and pulling him along.

They found a pretty mellow party. Kids were sprawled all over the furniture. Someone had brought a keg, so people were drinking but nothing too crazy. Pete’s heart raced as they wandered through the living room. He’d never been invited to any of these parties when he was a kid the first time around, and he half expected someone to tell him to get lost. Instead, people were all smiles and hugs and good to see you, babe. He was cool! Everyone loved him. People kept handing him and Fiona drinks, and he drunk them down without a second thought. They made their way through the kitchen to the back yard, where more kids lounged around a fire pit. Fiona and Pete found a seat, and they were instantly encircled by boys, flirting, talking, laughing and checking out Pete’s bod. He reveled in it, crossing his legs, adjusting his bra straps, watching amused as his every little gesture made the boys nuts.

Jerry Stein roamed the party, a huge, bulky video camera on his shoulder. As King Nerd of the A/V club, he’d announced he was going to make a documentary about their senior year. “It’ll be Fast Times at Ridgemont High meets 60 Minutes,” he was telling everyone, even though no one cared. Some of the kids had brought Polaroid instamatic cameras and were taking snapshots of their friends. Pete felt himself getting bored, and he was looking around for some guy to do when out of nowhere a voice called out, “So, you’re the queen of the sluts?”

Pete looked up to see the legendary Jake the Snake standing there in a cowboy hat, leather jeans and a leather vest. His hard bod was covered in wiry black hairs, and he had a thick mustache. He’d actually graduated the year before, but seemed like he was going to be on of those kids who hung around the high-school parties until be went bald. “Shouldn’t you be at an old folks home eating jello?” Pete said, tossing his hair.

Jake smiled, then flicked his tongue out of his mouth like a serpent. “Be careful, baby. This snake bites.”

Pete giggled. It seemed like such a silly line. He was set to dismiss the snake when someone called out, “I bet not one girl here can completely swallow Jake’s python.” The girls all laughed. The guy who’d shouted was known as Bluto, because he was loud and fat and freshman year he’d lied to everyone and claimed he was John Belushi’s cousin.

“Yeah!” Jake said, framing his crotch with his hands. “18 inches, ladies. Are any of you woman enough to take me?”

“How much?” Kelly White called out.

“Twenty bucks!” Bluto shouted.

“No way!” A bunch of the girls said.

“I’ll throw in twenty! Me, too!” Guys yelled, getting into it. Soon, 120 dollars lay in a pile of crumpled 20 dollar bills on the stone patio floor. Things got quiet. “So? Any takers?” Jake shouted.

“Let us see it!” Kelly said.

“No problem,” Jake unzipped his pants and pulled out his huge member. It was thick and long, even flaccid, and he worked it with his hand, making it hard. The girls shrank away. It was— breathtaking, but none of them felt they could take it all in their mouths. “None of you little girls woman enough?” Jake taunted.

“I am,” Pete said, licking his lips, getting up from his seat. The crowd cheered. There was something about the challenge, the sight of that huge thing— he wanted to show everyone he was a sex goddess without limits.

“Oh!” Everyone in the crowd shouted as Pete went to Jake and dropped to his knees. Jerry Stein climbed onto an Adirondak chair, carefully balancing the camera on his shoulder. Part of Pete, whatever was left of the man he’d been, couldn’t believe what he was about to do in front of everyone, but a much stronger part reveled in the scene, and the sight of the epic phallus. Pete zoomed in, murmuring, “we are not about to witness the absolute decadence of the modern American high-school coed…”. He watched through the viewfinder as Perl grabbed the base of Jake’s manhood, opened his mouth and slipped it in, sliding forward while all the kids cheered and jeered…. He was halfway, and he hesitated, his eyes going wide…. “Uh oh!” Someone called out, but then Pete slid forward, gobbling down the entire length…. Polaraoids flashed.

“Righteous,” Jake said, his eyes rolling back in his head. “Talk about deep throat!”

Pete slide out, stood up throwing his fists in the air. The kids all cheered, and he immediately grabbed a solo cup full of beer, swishing it in his mouth and spitting the foamy suds to the ground.

“You’re just gonna stop now? I got blue balls!” Jake moaned.

“And I got 120 bucks!” Pete said. “Sorry, doll!” He turned and walked away, throwing one fist in the air like Judd Nelson at the end of Breakfast Club. Jake shoved himself back into his pants, bent over awkwardly and said, “Bitch! Ow. Ow. I’ll be right back!” He waddled off, trying to shove down the boner threatening to tear through his pants.

Pete’s world had become a boozy blur, and he wandered back into the house. Fiona said something to him, and he laughed. They hugged. He saw Jake now, looking desperate, one hand on his aching johnson, standing in line at the bathroom, desperate to relieve the tension. Giggling, Pete decided to show the poor male some mercy. He walked right up to him and grabbed his junk, squeezing it hard.

“You’re a cocktease,” Jake said, groaning.

“Come on,” Pete commanded, keeping his hand locked firmly on Jake’s junk, dragging him toward the stairs, up and into a bedroom. Jake seemed confused, but also mesmerized.

“What’s this…”. He started to say, and Pete slapped him hard across the face.

“Shut up,” Pete said, shoving Pete backwards so he fell onto his back on the bed. “Unzip,” Pete said. “Hurry…”

Jake unzipped, pulled his junk out. Pete climbed on top, hiking his skirt, pushing his panties down. He slapped Jake across the face again. Jake looked furious, like he wanted to say something, to slap back, but Pete put his hand over Jake’s mouth, positioned himself an started to work…. Jake surrendered to Pete, laying back passively…. Pete tossed his hair, laughing, his breasts bouncing as he rode Jake like a stallion…

Jake tensed and then spasmed… all around Pete, the room filled with boys from school, who crouched around the bed watching, stripping their clothes off… when Pete had finished with Jake he pulled his top off, his bra, tossing it into the face of some random kid, and then he said, “please me.” The boys swarmed the bed, and Pete felt their mouths on every part of his body… kissing… sucking… hands caressing… as they rose into a sexual frenzy they started to murmur.. Inanne…. Inanne…

Pete was lost in ecstasy… felt people entering him… hot sweaty bodies… all these boys desperate to serve him, to please him… “yes!” He cried out. “Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!!!”


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