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“You think you’re so cute,” Lantern hissed. “I wonder how cute you’d feel with a scar on your pretty face?” Lantern’s tiara flashed, pink energy sparkling forth and taking the shape of a scalpel.

The threat to his beauty riled Superman, conflicting with his now feminine, submissive nature. It was one thing to cower here on orders from a woman, but another to allow someone to mar his face. “You wouldn’t dare,” he said, rising in the air.

“Wouldn’t I?” Lantern said.  The scalpel lashed out. Superman shrieked and blocked it with his arm. The scalpel shattered, sending a flash of sparkling energy blinding everyone. The girls all screamed.

Superman flew at Lantern, who used his tiara to form a pair of arms that grabbed Superman. The two struggled, a test of wills.

Batman and Aquaman, seeing one of their BFFs under attack, found the courage they’d been lacking, the will to overcome the orders they’d been given by Star Sapphire. Batman hurled a batarang at Lantern. It spun around his legs, rope coiling, while Aquaman charged, kicking Lantern in the stomach. Lantern went down hard, and immediately Batman, Aquaman and Superman pounced, pulling his hair, pinning his arms and, most importantly yanking the tiara from his hair.

“No!” He screamed. “My tiara! Give it back!” But instead they bound him.

Lantern neutralized, the three men felt their new femininity re-asserting itself. “Um, that was kind of mean,” Batman said.

“That’s mine!” Lantern screamed, horrified to have lost his tiara. It suddenly seemed the most important thing in the world to him, and without it he felt tears burning in his eyes, shame and embarrassment even worse than he’d felt when Sapphire had defeminized him and made him hate his new body and life. “I need my tiara,” he wept. “Please.”

Aquaman bit his lip. “She seems to sad.”

“Maybe we should give it back?” Superman said. He’d been the one to grab the tiara off Lantern’s head, and he felt it now, staring at it, the way it sparkled in his hands. It was so pretty.

“I don’t know what to do?” Batman said, a hand to his cheek. The three men stood, unable to make a decision, but just then they heard grunting coming from Zatanna and Huntress.

“Oh! Thank Minerva,” Superman said. “They can tell us what to do!”

Batman hurried over and took the gags off Huntress and Zatanna. “Hold onto that tiara,” Huntress said. “Do not give it back to him— her.”

“Kay,” Superman said, relieve to have someone tell him what to do.

“It’s mine!” Lantern screamed. “It’s mine! It’s—“

“Hush!” Zatanna said, as Batman undid her bindings.

Lantern grew quiet.

Zatanna took the tiara from Superman. She and Huntress shook their limbs, getting the blood flowing.

“We need to break out of here and get control of this ship,” Huntress said.


She and Zatanna were talking to each other, not paying any attention to the pretty little men, who stood quietly listening and waiting for direction.  Superman tightened his ponytail, pleased he was getting better with his hair. Batman checked his lipstick.

Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow, only half aware they were holding hands, joined the group.

“I can create a magic passage through the door,” Zatanna said. “Maybe we can take them by surprise.”

“Surprise is good. Let’s see if we can sneak up on them.”

Zatanna began to cast her spell.

“Um, excuse me?” Superman said in a small voice.

“Wonderlass?” Huntress said, using his new name.

“What should we do?”

“I think you girls better just stay here,” Huntress said. “You’re, you know, not really well-suited to heroics like— like you are now.”

“I guess not,” Superman said. There was still some part of the old Superman lingering behind in the girl he’d become, and that part was ashamed and annoyed. And yet, he felt he couldn’t really argue. I mean, he had to admit, he was worried he might break a nail if he did get into a fight now.

“Wait,” Zatanna said. “Maybe there is a way the girls could help.”

“Seriously?” Huntress said.


Meanwhile, it was morning at the offices of the Daily Planet. Lois had gotten in early and filed a story on the changes that had occurred. All the men on Earth had now become women. Any and all males in positions of power, whether presidents, senators, mayors or heads of corporations had resigned and been replaced by women— born women, as some were now calling them, to distinguish them from the transformed men.  She was looking for any additional sightings of the villains who seemed responsible, when a young woman walked into the office. She was cute and attractive, and Lois noticed right away that she’d styled her hair and was wearing clothes nearly identical to Lois’ own signature style.

The young woman looked familiar, and Lois looked her over, trying to place her. “Good morning,” she said, curious.

The woman smiled and said, “Good morning, Miss Lane. Just checking in for my assignment?” She seemed shy and insecure, but had a bright, pretty, innocent face.

“Yes… and you are?”

“Lois. It’s me? Penny White?”

“Penny?” Lois said, stunned to realize this was her former boss, Perry White, now completely transformed into not just a woman, but a much younger woman. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t even recognize you.”

“I didn’t recognize me, either,” Perry said, hooking a strand of his long hair behind his ear, his earring sparkling.

Lois took it all in. Perry was wearing light, professional make-up. Eyeliner, mascara, lipstick. He’d even brushed a little blush on his cheeks. He had earrings, plucking eyebrows, and long nails that glistened with pink nail polish. It shocked Lois to see him so totally feminized. “You’re clothes…”

Perry looked away, clearly embarrassed. “I imprinted on you,” he said. “I’m your mini?”

“Okay. Wow. This is going to take a moment for me to get used to—“ Even as she found herself struggling to process that this sweet girl was none other than the once formidable Perry White, a younger looking woman with red hair and a cute, freckled face, came clicking into the office. This time, Lois recognized right away that the girl she was looking at was Jimmy Olsen. He’d already had somewhat feminine features, which had served him well during his not infrequent adventures in cross dressing.

Like Perry, Jimmy was well put together, and he, too, looked like he’d raided Lois’ closet.

“Morning, Miss Lane,” Jimmy said in a feminine, singsong voice.

“Jenni,” Lois said, using his new name. “You imprinted on me, too.” It wasn’t a question.

“Yes, Miss Lane,” Jimmy said, though without the embarrassment. “I mean, you’re such an amazing woman. I want to be just like you.”

Lois felt like her whole world had turned upside down. But, for now, the only thing to do was go forward. The two pretty men were looking at her, waiting for her to give them direction. “Let’s get some more reporting from the street. Penny, go talk to some of your fellow minis. Jenni— pictures.”

“What should I ask them?” Perry said, feeling nervous and unsure of himself.

“Just figure it out,” Lois said. “Now, scoot, you two.”

Jimmy and Perry did as they were told. Lois watched them scurry from the office, surprised at how gracefully they walked now. They both had worn skirts that showed off their long, shapely legs and hugged their tone but plump rears. Looking around the newsroom through the glass walls of her office— formerly Perry’s office— she saw the same thing with all the men— curvy figures, not one of them less than a C cup.

She spotted Frank Young at the water cooler and smirked. He’d been their lead sports columnist and a fairly unabashed sexist. Now, he had D cups and blonde hair, and he was wearing a sweater with a plunging neckline that celebrated his now epic cleavage. His skirt came down only to his mid-thigh, and he was perched on a pair of stiletto heels. Big, shiny hoop earrings dangled from his ears. It was obvious from his outfit and his high bun that he’d imprinted on Marian Gloss, the fashion reporter.

Lois couldn’t resist. She made her way over to Frank, knowing his new name without asking. “Francine!” She said, checking him out. “You’re gorgeous!”

Frank giggled and tugged on one of his earrings. “Thanks, Miss Lane,” he said in a tea kettle voice. Even though the change had made him as feminine and sweet as any of the men, Lois thought she could see some shame in his eyes, some part of the man he’d been horrified at the woman he’d become.

“What are you working on?” Lois said.

“Um, well, I was writing a piece on changed athletes?” He said. Lois loved the feminine cadence to his speech, the little rise at the end, the uncertainty in his voice.

“Oh, sweetie,” Lois said, touching him on the arm. “I just don’t think you’re the right girl for sports anymore. I mean— look at you.” Standing closer now, Lois could see Frank had gone all out on his makeup— just like his big. He had eyelash extensions drenched in mascara, eyeshadow, and he’d done his lips in three different shades of red to give his already plump, kissable mouth even more depth and sex appeal. “I want you to write about fashion from now on. All the cute new looks for former men, and makeup tips and style.”

“Fashion?” Once more, Lois could see the horror in his big, pretty eyes. And yet, he quickly blinked it away, offering a big, bright obedient smile. “Yes, Miss Lane.”

“You know, pretty as you are, start posting makeup tutorials and outfit tryons. I want the whole world to see that lovely face of yours. One per day. Can you do that?”

“I can do whatever you want,” Frank heard himself saying, as his smile grew brighter and he screamed inside against it all.

“Good girl,” Lois said, taking a strange pleasure in the whole exchange. She felt a little guilty, but given what a-hole he’d been, it served him right. “Okay. Off you go!”

Frank minced off, hips wiggling, his pretty smile glued to his face.

Lois then turned her attention to her work, and the two big questions: Why was this being done? And where was Clark?

She was dying to see him in a skirt.


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