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Superman and Batman wept in each other’s arms. Hawkman leaned his head against Manhunter’s shoulder, the two of them curled up in the corner. Aquaman knelt alone, covering his face with his hands, crying loudly. Green Lantern stood guard, torn with a desire to help his friends, but bound by orders from Star Sapphire as well as the extreme discomfort he felt now being a woman. He was hyperaware of the way his costume hugged his curvaceous shape, the way his long hair trailed down over his shoulders, and at the moment he was struggling with the feeling of being perched on his heels.

Huntress and Zatanna sat back to back, bound and gagged, unconscious. They made Lantern nervous. The others in their transformed state posed little threat, but Huntress and Zatanna were still their old selves, and would be very hard to handle if they were able to get free.

Lantern looking over the pretty little heroes, thought back to how his own change had unfolded. He’d been in the cockpit of a test plane at Ferris Industries, putting the craft, known only as Prototype 45, through it’s paces. He’d reached toward the touch screen, and stopped, noticing that he now had long, pink fingernails. Pausing, he’d looked at his hand, noticing that it looked smaller, as did his now slender wrist.  His first thought was- what the hell? Followed quickly by, my nails look so pretty!

That thought surprised him.

“Hal? Everything okay up there? You’re off your flight path.”

Hal had shook his head. Whatever, was happening, he needed to focus. “All good,” he’d said. “I just—“ his voice cracked, and when he spoke again, it sounded wrong. “I just had to—“ He sounded like a woman. “I just….” He stopped, cleared his throat, but before he could speak again his chest started to ache, and he looked down to see the top of his flight suit swelling.

“Hannah?” The flight controller called. “Hannah?”

Hannah? Why was he calling me—- but then Hal Jordan suddenly realized his name was Hannah. His name was Hannah Jordain. But it wasn’t. It was… Hannah? He knew that wasn’t his name, and yet it was… He looked at his long nails again. At his chest. What’s happening to me?

“Better abort,” The Flight Controller said. “Let’s bring the craft home.”

“10-4,” Hal said, unnerved by the feminine voice coming from his mouth. He brought the plane back to the airfield and landed, surprised to see photographers gathered on the tarmac. As he climbed from the plane, he was surprised to find he now wore impractical high-heeled boots. The photographers snapped photos, and when he took his helmet off, long hair tumbled out over his shoulders, and he found himself smiling, tossing his hair. I’m a supermodel, he realized, though he knew he wasn’t. “Not only is she gorgeous,” a man said, “but she can fly a plane!”

Hal had posed, smiled, giggled, until an assistant came and swept him along, away from the shoot. “Let’s get you changed,” the young woman had said. “And your stylist will be along to check your makeup.”

“Makeup?” Green Lantern said.

“There may be paparazzi waiting.”

He was led to a makeshift changing area behind a screen. A short skirt and a blouse waiting there for him. They don’t expect me to wear that? He’d thought, staring in horror at the sexy little outfit. He unzipped his flight suit, stepping out of it, shocked to find he was wearing a bra that hugged his large, firm breasts. A quick and embarrassing check confirmed he was now a woman in every way. The shock of his new biology distracted him from the fact he was wearing panties. Who was behind this? What was he supposed to do?

The assistant poked her head around the screen. “There a problem?”

Yeah, Green Lantern had thought. I turned into a woman? But instead he gestured toward the outfit. “Can I get something else? Some pants, maybe?”

“Sweetie,” the girl had said. “We don’t have time for this. Now, be a doll and et changed.”

“Yes, miss,” Green Lantern had found himself saying, as the urge to obey the woman overcome him. He needed to please her. To obey her. He stepped into the little skirt, and zipped it up. He pulled on the blouse. It felt like it was three sized too small, hugging his bust, the plunging neckline leaving some of his full, rounded cleavage exposed.

He really didn’t want to display his breasts to the world, nor his long, smooth legs, but he felt relieved. He had done what he was told, and when he stepped out from behind the screen, heels clicking, he didn’t even need to be told to sit down so they could do his makeup. The girl powdered his nose, touched up his lipstick. Mussed his hair. Then, she turned him around to face the mirror, and he saw a gorgeous woman looking back at him. That’s me, he’d thought. I’m Hannah Jodain, and I’m a model!

He’d been pretty, young, happy. Everything had been so right! And then Star Sapphire had ruined it all, making him hate his new sex. Why? He wondered. Why couldn’t she just let me be the happy girl I’d become?

The crying spells that had overcome the boys after they’d been captured were starting to end. Superman put a soft little hand to Batman’s cheek. He stared into the other’s big eyes, admiring his long, thick lashes. “You’re always there for me,” Superman whispered.

“You’re my BFF,” Batman whispered back.

Superman glanced over at Green Lantern. He was tugging on an ear ring, staring off into space, clearly lost in thought. “Should we try to escape?” Superman asked, keeping his voice low.

“We could get in trouble!” Batman gasped.

“Aren’t we kinda in trouble already?”

“But Star Sapphire told us to stay here,” Batman said. “And she’s a real woman and all.”

“I know,” Superman said. “But, I keep wondering what Wonder Woman would want me to do. I’m her mini.”

Batman thought about it, his pretty face looking extra cute as he concentrated. “Huntress would probably want me to fight back.”

Picking up a bit of the conversation, Aquaman crawled over and joined the two of them, nuzzling up to Superman. “Whatcya thinking?” He asked.

“Maybe our bigs would want us to…um… escape?” Superman said.

“But, Star Sapphire…?”

“We know.”

“I think we may need something more,” Batman said. “To overcome our— timid natures.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know yet.”

Green Lantern, who’d been thinking back on his first big fashion show, strutting on the catwalk while the cameras flashed, an audience of the rich and famous staring up in awe at him, heard the whispering. He slit his eyes. “What are you girls whispering about?” He said.

The three froze, looking guilty, but then Superman smiled and said, “We were just all, like, being so jealous of you.”


“You’re so pretty.”

Lantern frowned. Looking at Superman curled up there on the floor, holding Batman’s end, squeezed into his Wonder Woman costume and so—- content? It made him jealous. So jealous. The tiara nestled in hair began to sparkle.


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