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Chapter 3

Grimmlord had heard a woman’s scream coming from a block over, so he leapt onto his hoverboard and darted over, looking down to see three thugs surrounding a teen-age girl. He recognized the thugs right away— low level hoods from the Zeppelin gang, and he hopped off the board, dropping down to land on the head of one of the thugs, even as his modulator once again screeched, “Kitty Kat Attack!”

The thug he’d landed on crumpled, while the other two pulled out their energy weapons, the air crackling with the smell ozone as they charged. The men’s eyes prowled over Grimmlord’s curves, and he saw each of them smirk as dark thoughts filled their minds. The teen girl fled the alleyway.

Grimmlord clenched his fist, a smile crossing his face as his whiskers wiggled. He was in the mood for a good old-fashioned street brawl. Beating up these thugs was just the thing to relieve some tension. One of the thugs started to raise his gun, and Grimmlord could see it all in his mind- just how he would take him out with a kick, then drop low, knock the other off his feet and…

There was a whoosh, a powerful wind, and then the two men were disarmed, tied together with a steel cable, and then Grimmlord yelped as he felt a slap on his ass. He spun. “Pronto!” He shrieked, wishing he didn’t sound so much like a munchkin.

Pronto, the super speedster, leaned against the alley wall, a toothpick in the corner of his mouth. “Figured I’d jump on and lend a hand,” Pronto said. Like the thugs, he couldn’t resist the urge to give Grimmlord a once over, sending chills through Grimmlord as he found himself being ogled. “Looked like you were in a little trouble there.”

“I was fine,” Grimmlord said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I was looking forward to kicking some butt.”

“Well, hey, you know, don’t bother thanking me.”

“For what?”

“Saving your ass.”

“I can take care of myself. I’m still Grimmlord.”

“Oh? I thought it was Danger Kitty now?” Once more, Pronto’s eyes enjoyed a glance over Grimmlord’s shape.

Grimmlord shivered. “By the way, keep your hands off me,” Grimmlord said, feeling like he needed to set some boundaries, as much as it annoyed him.

“What?” Pronto said. “Just a friendly little slap on the ass between bros. Back when I played football we did it all the time.”

“I said, keep your hands off me.”

“Okay. Okay. I will keep my hands off you.” With that, there was another whoosh, and Grimmlord suddenly found himself being kissed by Pronto, who even tried to slip him some tongue. Grimmlord overcame his initial shock, making a quick karate move and throwing Pronto to the ground. “Jerk!”

Pronto laughed. “You wanna play rough, eh?”

Just then, another male voice called out, “The lady told you to keep your hands off.”

“Marksman?” Grimmlord said, surprised.

“You okay?” Marksman said, stepping between Grimmlord and Pronto. “I decided to check in and make sure you were safe. Looks like it’s a good thing I did.”

‘Oh, you think you’re gonna shoot me with one of your little arrows?” Pronto said.

“Guys,” Grimmlord said, shocked and worried to realize the men were fighting over him, trying to seem like the most protective alpha male. “Guys, just stop.”

Pronto tried to quick strike Marksman, but he had some sort of apparatus to counter, a flash sending Pronto flying back and slamming into a wall. Marksman quickly hit him with an arrow that covered him in clumpy goop. “Speed advantage neutralized,” Marksman laughed. “What else ya got?”

Pronto started to vibrate, slowly shredding the goop.  “You’re about to find out.”

“Don’t worry,” Marksman said, looking over at Grimmlord. He knocked another arrow. “This will take him out.”

“Just stop!” Grimmlord said, grabbing Marksman’s arm. “You’re acting crazy!”

You drive me crazy,” Marksman said, leaning down, clearly intending to kiss Grimmlord.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Grimmlord screamed,. “Men!” He decided he had no choice and went into action. Moments later, Pronto and Marksman each found himself hogtied, laying on his belly on the street. “Think about how you’ve behaved!” Grimmlord said, fists on his hips. “I’m outta here!”

“Don’t be like that!” Pronto shouted.

“I love you!” Marksman shouted. “I need you!”

“Ugh!” Grimmlord summoned his hoverboard, jumped on and took off, leaving the men there.

The repeated advances from the men had Grimmlord’s head spinning. It was all so wrong. These men had been his comrades, his brothers in arms, and now they couldn’t stop trying to kiss him, ogle him…. And he had never experienced the male gaze before…. He’d given it a bunch of times, but his body reacted when they looked at him like that, mostly in being grossed out, but was there some other part that was…. Interested?

No. No, he decided. He was Grimmlord. In his secret identity he’d slept with super models. He was all man— or, at least, inside. He was sure of that. He needed time to clear his head, to process, to try and get the thought of the guys kissing him out of his mind, so he wan back to Noemie’s place, got out of his costume and into more ill-fitting sweats, fixed his ponytail and—— cried?

The tears came , a mighty flood, seemingly out of nowhere, just pouring out of him as he lay down and buried his head in his pillow. He wasn’t even sure why he was crying; it was all just so unfair and so wrong. He wasn’t supposed to be a girl! He wasn’t supposed to have to deal with— men! The torrent of tears slowed, started again, got worse…

Just as they seemed to be slowing, starting to subside, he felt a gentle hand on his back, and looked through tear blurred eyes to see Noemi. “Oh, great,” he said, wiping the tears from his cheeks. “Of course, you catch me crying like a little girl.”

Men and their insecurities, Noemi thought. “You know the transformation made you more emotional. You probably need to cry now, honey. It’s healthy.”

“That doesn’t make it less embarrassing,” Grimmlord said, fully aware that the woman he’d made love to was now talking to him like he was just another female.

“Did something happen?”

Grimmlord shook his head. There was no way he wanted to tell his former lover how he’d been freaked out by guys hitting on him. “No. It just— happened.”

Noemi, however, knew better, and she gently drew it out of him, getting Grimmlord to confess to what had happened and how confused and grossed out it made him feel. Finally, he finished with,”I don’t know what to do. How do I get them to stop coming on to me?”

“Hmmmmn,” Noemi said, brushing a loose hair away from his face, then cupping his smooth, soft cheek. “There is actually a simple answer to that.”

“What?” Grimmlord said, excited.

“Get a boyfriend.”



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