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While the men seethed with jealousy over how cute and pretty their enemies looked, how amazing their choreography had been, Wonder Woman, Huntress, Canary and Zatanna stared, shaking their heads. They gathered into a circle, keeping their voices low so the men wouldn’t hear. “What was that?” Huntress said.

“I’m not sure what to make of all this,” Wonder Woman said.

“They said the whole world was going to be female,” Canary said.

“Is that so bad?” Huntress said.

They all glanced over at the men, sitting with their knees together, hands in their laps, pretty little females in cute costumes. They looked back at each other. “Yeah. We need to stop this,” Wonder Woman said. “For their sake.”

“You sure?” Huntress said.

Batman raised his hand. “Pardon?” He said.

“Yes?” Wonder Woman said.

“Can we go work on some choreography?”

“Sure. You all go ahead.”

The men squealed and pranced from the room, giggling excitedly.

“Okay. Yes, this needs to change,” Huntress said, watching Batman prancing in his heels, long hair bouncing.

As soon as the men were gone, Zatanna revealed what she had learned. “So, it is a combination of different magics. At least two, maybe three magic users combing their powers.”

“Who would have that kind of power?”

“I can’t think of anyone. There has to be something else— some artifact or ancient site where they tapped into incredible power.”

Wonder Woman nodded. “Huntress, you and Zatanna start scanning the planet, the moon, see if you can locate the source of the power. Let’s also compile a list of probable perpetrators.”

“We may be able to pinpoint the source of the broadcast,” Huntress said.

“Very good. Canary and I will go planet-side to investigate. We need somewhere to start.”

“The male villains,” Huntress said. “They were all wearing colors associated with different female villains. I suspect they’ve been made into minis just like our— boys. Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Cheetah.”

“We’ll start looking for them,” Wonder Woman said. “Let’s go.”

“What about the boys?”

“Let them work on their dance routine,” Wonder Woman said. “I don’t think they can be all that useful in their current— wait. Darkseid. Who is his big/“

“I don’t,” Huntress said. “He seemed to be wearing his same colors as always.”

“See if you can come up with a name. Let’s go.”

She and Canary left, while Huntress and Zatanna went to the lab, where they could start scanning the Earth, looking for the power source.

In the workout room, the boys had pulled up Kpop videos, and watched intently, dancing along, chatting about which moves they might borrow, copy, what they could do to make a better video than the one created by their rivals.

Back in Metropolis ….

The news room buzzed as reporters, editors, photographers met in groups, wondering about the strange video. Was it a fake? Could that girl actually have been Darkseid? And what about their threat that all the men in the world would turn into women.

Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen and Perry White had gathered in White’s office. “How do we cover this?” White asked. “Do we have anyway to verify the video?”

“I’ve tried to contact Superman,” Lois said, “but so far nothing.”


“No luck for me, either?”

“Lois, I need you to find an angle, something you can put out that’s newsworthy right now.”

“This can’t be real,” Jimmy said, rubbing his chest, which had started to ache. “Darkseid is one of the most powerful beings in the universe.”

“I find it hard to believe as well,” Perry said. “And the idea of all the men turning into women? How would that even be possible?”

“It’s pretty crazy,” Jimmy said, but even as he said it, he felt his shirt getting tighter and tighter, swelling under the hand he’d been using to rub the aching pecs, and he looked down to see a button pop off as firm, perky breasts blossomed on his chest. “What?”

Lois saw that both Jimmy and Perry now had breasts straining against their shirts. She didn’t even know what to say. Both men looked shocked, embarassed, crossing their arms over their newly rounded chests. Their hair also changed, with Jimmy’s short, spikey hair rounding off into a glossy bod that came down to his chin line, while Perry’s short, grey hair grew out, turning thick and forming itself into a messy bun, strands hanging down and framing his face.

“I think maybe the men changing into women thing is happening,” Lois said, shrugging apologetically, almost as if it were her fault.

“Great Ceaser’s ghost!” Perry said. “This is impossible.”

“I’m going to go see if I can get some reaction from the street,” Lois said.

“Good idea. Jimmy, go wth her. Get some pics.”

“But,” Jimmy glanced down at his chest. “I’m… I have…”

“Yeah. I know. Go. Do your job.”

“It’s okay,” Lois said, taking his elbow and pulling him along. “I’ve been doing my job with boobs for years.”

Jimmy followed Lois. All threw the news room guys stared down at their chests, tried to cover them. More than a few buttons had popped, and guys wearing polos and pull overs tugged on their shirts, trying to stretch the fabric so they didn’t hug their new assets so tightly. Lois noticed that all seemed to have at least C cups, some even Ds, and they all now had bobs or ponytails or buns, just like the women who were all looking on, slightly bemused.

Jimmy felt awkward feeling his chest bobbling around as he walked, but once they go to the street his work ethic took over and he started to snap pictures, occasionally brushing his bangs out of his eyes. The streets were now full of shocked, embarrassed looking men— all well-endowed. A couple teen-age boys hurried by hunched over, their long hair framing their faces like curtains. Lois tried to stop a few men, eager to get their reactions, but the blushing boys were too chagrined and had no desire to talk about their changes.

Some women, however, were quite pleased to talk about the fact that men now had their own big, bouncing boobs. The reactions were mixed. “Love it,” one woman said. “Finally.”

“They love to play with them, so I guess they have their own is good.”

“I like a hard chest on a man,” one woman said. “It’s gross.”

Once Lois got enough quotes, she and Jimmy headed back upstairs. Lois, watching Jimmy with his arms crossed under his breasts, felt like she needed to offer him some advice.

“Good job getting the pics,” she said.

“Thanks,” Jimmy said, looking at her. She was so cool, so confident and pretty. He was finding himself wanting to be just like her.

“Sweety, you know you’re going to need to wear a bra now, right?”

“Should I?” Jimmy said, embarrassed by the idea of not just having breasts, but wearing a girly bra. “I mean, bras are go girls.”

“Trust me, honey. With boobs that big, you don’t want to go around commando all day.”

Jimmy just felt like he should listen to Lois, do everything she told him. So, he nodded. “Okay, Lois. I will. Thank you.”

The fact Jimmy would save himself a lot of pain and discomfort pleased Lois she was also disturbed at how meek and obedient he suddenly seemed. Was this part of the spell?


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