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As the members of the JLA poured into the briefing room, the men, most of whom had not seen each other in their new forms and costumes, squealed and ran to hug and check each other out. Omigod, you’re so pretty, Batman said, brushing his fingers through Green Arrow’s hair. Superman found himself obsessing over Hawkman’s new look, and they were all just chattering away.

Wonder Woman and Canary exchanged a look, a little eye roll. It was sort of adorable but all those high-pitched voices girling out was hard on the ears. “Ladies! Ladies! I need your attention!”

The men, who found they had to obey commands from the women, instantly snapped to attention. “I need you girls to sit and pay attention, so I can do this briefing.”

The men all hurried to sit, eager to please Wonder Woman. Huntress watched them, then smirked and added, “Knees together, hands in laps, shoulders back.”

The men all complied.

“Now show us those pretty smiles,” Huntress said, and the bright, happy smiles spread across the sweet, feminine faces.

“Let’s not be too mean,” Wonder Woman said under her breath.

“They’re so cute, though,” Huntress said with a shrug.

The other heroes joined the boys sitting around the conference table.  Wonder Woman activated the view screen. “This broadcast went out over all bands, signals and networks just over a half hour ago.”

The screen lit up with what looked like a 1950s diner, but too bright, polished and in all cotton candy colors. A pink neon sign above the counter read GirlWorld.  Upbeat, synthetic pop music started to play, and a group of girls dressed in school uniforms, little pleated skirts, knee socks, blouses , pranced onto the stage, spun and threw a tiny fist in the air, shouting, “Girlworld!”

A girl with pretty, grey blue skin stepped forward, tilted her head to the side, made a peace sign, smiled a big, happy smile and said, “Hey, world!” The other girls formed a V behind her, one hand sassily on a hip, the other under their chins. "I'm Darkseid!"

Superman, Batman and the other men all found themselves seething with jealousy as they checked out her big eyes, perfect skin and curvy figure— those long legs! “He thinks he's so cute!" Superman whispered, tossing his hair.

Batman was so distracted with the threat of these cute girls, he didn’t see what was right in front of him, but Huntress was seeing clues. Although all of these girls wore pleated skirts, the color combos were different. She quickly deduced these were formerly male villains, and they were bound to Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman, and Cheetah, the last two given away also by their kitten ears.

“Omigod,” Darkseid said, putting his hands to his cheeks. “I’m not Darkseid anymore! I am so silly! My new name is Bright Eyes!” She blew up at her bangs. “So, good news and bad news, boys. The bad news is that the future is female! Girlworld is going to make sure of that!”

“Girlworld!” The Villains shouted.

“The good news is that in the next 48 hours, all boys will turn into girls! So cool, right?”

“So cool!” The girls behind him sang out.

“So, just so ya know! You’re going to love being girls, guys! We do!”

The camera began to pan across the girls behind Darkseid, identifying each as who he used to be. Little Harley was Joker, Kitten was Lex Luthor, Ra’s al Ghul was Little Cheetah, and Pretty Ivy was Doctor Light.

The music started playing again, and the men all made heart hands, heads bobbing from shoulder to shoulder as they started to dance and sing.

“They have choreography?” Batman hissed, filled with feminine fury that these villains were getting all the attention.

Girlworld... Girlworld....

No stinky boys

So much better so much joy

Say goodbye to those lumpy shapes

You’re gonna be slender

Have a pretty face

Long smooth legs

Tiny waist

Being a girl is great great great

Girlworld... Girlworld no stinky boys in girl world!

Skirts and dresses

The cutest shoes

Lipstick and powder

All for you

Jewelry and purses


Get ready to be cute

You lucky guys

Welcome to GirlWorld!

With that they pranced off the stage, skirts and ponytails flipping.

“I hate them,” Hawkman said.

“They think they’re so great!” Green Arrow agreed.

“What’s the deal with those knee socks? I mean, ugh!” Batman said.

“Ladies?” Wonder Woman said. “Hush.”

The men all grew silent, but there eyes were slit in rage.

Meanwhile, at the Girlworld studios.....

Darkseid and Girlworld pranced off stage and gathered around two shadowy figures, sitting cross-legged on the floor. “You did well, girls,” one of the figures said.

Darkseid, Luthor and the rest clapped and smiled.

“This is a great start. You were cute, fun, full of pep,” the other said.

“Now, I want all of you to go and fix your hair and makeup.”

The men got up and curtsied before heading excitedly off to do one of their favorite things in the whole world-- hair and makeup!

“Bright eyes,” one of the figures said. “Wait.”

Darkseid stood, hands clasped behind his back, chest out.  The figure patted him on the head. “You did well pretending to be in charge.”

“Omigod,” Darkseid said. “It was soooo hard. I almost felt like a man.”

“Just remember you are obeying and being obedient to me when you pretend to be in control. It’s important the world think you are running the show, even though that is ridiculous.”

“I just want to please you,” Darkseid said.

“Very good. Now, you are excused.”

Darkseid plucked at the hem of his skirt and curtsied as he had been taught to do, then scurried off, eager to join the other men in the dressing room. He loved getting pretty with the other men. It was so fun. As he skipped down the hall, pony tail swaying from side to side, it suddenly occurred to him that this was all— wrong. He stopped skipping, and the smile melted from his face. Feeling faint, he leaned against the wall and put a trembling hand to his lips.

Why did I curtsy? He wondered. I am not, I don’t— and yet he did. It seemed right. And then, another thought— why am I taking orders from THEM? I am supposed to be in charge! I am a man! I am Darkseid! He looked at his soft little hands. He put his hands to his soft breasts. This isn’t right, this isn’t…

But then he heard giggling from down the hall. The boys were having such fun! He needed to be there! He forgot all about those silly worries. Smiling and skipping once more, he made his way down to the dressing room, where all the guys sat, carefully applying blush, lipstick, mascara….  He bopped to his seat between Lex and Dr. Light. Grabbed a tube of lipstick. “I wonder how many likes our videos is getting?” He said.

Lex smiled and shrugged. ‘I hope a lot!” He giggled as he took a pair of tweezers and started to work on his eye brows.

Dr. Light was dusting his cheeks with blush. “The whole world is going to see it,” he said. “Everyone! And we totally nailed our routine!”

Lex plucked a stray hair from his slender brow. “I bet Superman is sooo jealous!”


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