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“It feels really tight!”  I said.

“That’s to keep your boobs from bouncing around too much,” Taylor said as she touched her toes.

The sun was just rising over the ocean, golden rays cresting the horizon.  Taylor had decided we needed to go for a run to burn off the champagne calories, and I didn’t really want to, but I pretended I was totally into it because I was now unable to disagree with anyone.  This morning I wore a pink Victoria’s Secret sports bra and a pair of super tight spandex shorts.  Whereas the other bras I’d worn had given my girls support, the sports bra was holding them tight against my chest, and lifting them to give me some super cute cleavage, a nice rounded meeting of the boobs that had already gotten more than a few appreciative glances from guys running past.  With the shorts hugging my hips and booty like a second skin, I felt extra aware of how big my butt was now, and how it swelled out behind me like an invitation. And they really showed off how long and lithe my legs were. I had an hourglass figure, and these shorts just perfectly celebrated my sway of hip, my plump, firm, lifted rear end.  “Does my butt look big in these shorts?”  I asked.

“Yes,” Kylie said.  “Big and very sexy.”

I giggled.  “That’s not why I asked.”

“Yes, it is.”

We started running, my long ponytail swishing against my back. My books bounced with each stop, despite my sports bra.  It felt like I had two bags of pudding bobbing up and down on my chest.  “Something’s wrong,” I said.  “My boobs are still bouncing!”

The girls all laughed.  “Welcome to the life of a woman,” Kylie said.  “The bra just makes them bounce less!”

“I’m wearing two sports bras,” Taylor said.  “I am still feeling the jiggle!”

As a guy, of course, I had loved to see women running in their bras, watching their boobs bounce.  I never thought it might be a little uncomfortable.  Meanwhile, my booty was also jiggling, even secured in my super tight shorts.

“Hold your arms higher,” Nicole said, running backwards so I could see how she was doing it.  She had her biceps up, bracketing her breasts, which also gave her a slightly more girly run.  Of course, I loved the idea of looking more girly, so I copied her position and sure enough, keeping my arms up like that kind of reduced the side to side bouncing— plus I knew I looked super cute!

We ran up the beach for a while, I eventually was able to stop thinking about the way my body was jiggling and just get lost in my thoughts, thinking about all the things that had happened, how they had changed me.  It all seemed—right— somehow, and yet at the same time, there was still Colin in me, a guy who was a little freaked out to be a female, and to be acting like a female.  That feeling soon intensified.  A lot of men were out running this morning, and my eyes began to drink in their bodies-- the muscled calves, veins popping as they ran, broad, muscular shoulders… without even realizing it I was getting turned on.  I was letting my eyes play across a guy’s hard, muscular little butt, thinking about how hard he’d be able to fuck, when Kylie teased, “he does have a nice ass, right?”

“What?”  I said, totally shamed that she’d caught me. “I wasn’t looking---”

“More like drooling,” Taylor said.

“You’re man crazy!”  Nicole chimed in.

“I am so not--” I started to say, but just then a tall, gorgeous man ran towards us with the most fantastic grey eyes like a husky.  He met my eyes, smiled and said, “Looking good.”

“Omigod!” I gasped, my whole body aching with desire, my head whipping around so I could check out his backside. I turned and started to run back after him.

The girls all laughed, but Kylie grabbed my arm and pulled me along.  “Down girl!” She said.  “Down!”

“This is so…  I can’t even believe!”  It was so weird and annoying to find myself lusting after men.  I’d been able to look at a guy before and say-- he works out.  Good face or whatever, but I had never felt my whole body just ACHE for a man to sweep me up in his arms and kiss me.  I’d never seen a guy smile and felt my knees go weak.  I was seeing men in a whole new light now, and I wanted to touch them and kiss them and get on my hands and knees and …. and…  Okay.  Enough of that!  I focused back on my running, straining not to check out any more cute guys.

We turned and ran back to where we had started, but instead of going to the hotel we came onto the beach.  “Yoga cool down!” Taylor said.

She led the session, and I was excited to find out I was much more flexible now!  I easily slipped from pose to pose, bending my body in shapes I’d never been able to achieve as a guy.  The sun had continued to rise, and the sky was a perfect bay blue, dusted with pretty little whips of chalky white clouds.  It kind of hit me as we all flowed from downward dog into cobra pose—  I felt so close with these girls now!  I was really inside girl world, seeing how they lived and talked with each other when dudes weren’t around!

“What’s on the agenda for today”. I asked, glowing as we headed back to the hotel.

“A few more changes,” Kylie said.

“Like, I totally know that,” I said.  “I meant for things to do?”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” Nicole said, giving me a par on the butt.  “Just go put on a bikini and we’ll take care of all the planning.”

I giggled and flashed a smile.  It was good to have someone tell me what to do!

I slipped into my Adriana Degreas bandeau bikini with hoops— this is a style where instead of the pieces of the bikini being kept together with string, they are linked with metal hoops-- they look almost like hoop earrings.  They are so sexy, looking almost like something you would see like a savage girl wearing in Game of Thrones. Then, I put on some light, beach make-up, before gathering my hair and pinning it up in a messy bun like the one I’d seen Brie Larson sporting in her Vogue photo spread.  Finally, I slipped into a pair of platform sandals with a wedge heel— I had a super sexy butt and great legs, but they looked even cuter in heels, and I was all about getting everyone to look at me now, so there was no lengths I wouldn’t go to to WIN at girl.  Finally, I slipped a pair of big, golden hoops into my ears, admiring how pretty and feminine they looked while also echoing the hoops on my bikini.  I loved the way they brushed against my cheeks when I turned my head, and I was busy standing in front of the mirror, taking selfies in different poses when the girls knocked and we all went down to the beach.

We got out chairs, and I was all touchy feely with the studly guys, making sure I would haunt their dreams— little touches on the arm, shoulders, lots of giggles and hair tosses.  The guy in me— he was still there, screaming— was totally ashamed that I was working so hard to turn on a bunch of guys, but I couldn’t help it.  I needed all cute guys to like me.  The thought of them ignoring me was like DEATH!  When they left, I lay back on my beach chair and sighed.  ‘I can’t stop myself” I giggled.

“You are such a little flirt!”  Taylor said.

I stuck my tongue out at her. Nicole handed me an issue of Cosmo, and I opened it, gawking at all the pretty ads like a kid in a candy store.  Kylie called the waiter over and ordered Mimosas and bowls of tropical fruit and granola.

Soon, I found myself sipping contentedly on my mimosa— orange juice and champagne are so yummy!— while skimming through an article on the empowering art of pole dancing.  I’d been to more than a few strip clubs, and as I was reimagining the experience of being in the audience, whooping as a girl stripped off her top and and shook her breasts, I suddenly found myself imagining ME up there, my skin all sparkly, shaking my bare breasts, all of these hapless men going crazy with desire…

“Oh!”  I turned the page, shocked at what I was thinking.

“What?”  Kylie said.

“Um… I spilled some of my drink on my cleavage!”  I lied.  “Last night I found sand in there!”  Which was true.

“Top ten things only women with big breasts get,” Nicole said.  “Finding stuff in your cleavage.”

“Really?”  I asked.

“Yeah,” Kylie said.  “It’s normal.  Get used to it.”

“Women have to put up with so much!”  I said, tsking.

The girls all laughed.  “You’re learning, sister.”

Three more mimosa later, and I was buzzing pretty hard.  It seemed my little female body could not handle alcohol the way I could as a dude. Not that I cared.  “I wish this beach were topless,” I said, adjusting my top.  I noticed a boy— maybe 13— gawking at me.  At that age it was kind of cute, so I blew him a kiss, and he blushed and turned away.

“So,” Kylie said. “We decided to give you a choice about the last change.”

“Me?”  I said.  The thought of having to make a decision instantly filled me with anxiety.

“Really, the last thing left is for you to identify as female,” Nicole said. “To think of yourself as a woman.”

I put my pinky to my lip and bit down on it gently, feeling the edge of my long nail against the tip of my tongue. ‘Um, I don’t know for sure?  It might be, um… well…” If I start thinking of myself as a woman, will I want to go back to being a guy?”

“Think of it this way,” Taylor said.  “You could totally be the best lover ever after.  You’d find out everything about what it’s like for a girl, and you know what it’s like for a guy.”

“And if you decide to go back to being a guy, we’ll make you think of yourself as a guy,” Nicole said.

“This is a once in a lifetime chance for you to REALLY find out what it’s like on the other side,” Kylie added.  “And you would truly be one of the girls.  You would know everything about our experience.”

“You wouldn’t think I was, like, less of a man?”  I said, toying with my earring.

“More of a man,” Taylor said.  “Most guys don’t have the balls.”

My heart was racing.  I could tell the girls all wanted me to do it.  We could so totally bond.  I wouldn’t be a guy acting like a girl anymore. I would be a girl.  A woman. If I only had the courage, we would so totally be sisters forever!  “Um….  I….”  I guzzled down the rest of my mimosa… “Well…. Um… like….”  The three were all sitting up, leaning towards me, smiling and nodding.

“You need to make a decision,” Kylie said.  “We need to go either way.”

“Tell me what to do!”  I burst out.  “Please!  You decide!”

They looked at each other, and Kylie reached out and took my soft little hand in hers.  “Welcome to the girl side.”

We went back to the hotel, showered and changed.  Kylie helped me choose an outfit— I was so indecisive!  But, she picked the perfect cute little thing for me to wear— a pair of tiny little ripped jean shorts that showed off my hip and ass as well as my long, tan legs.  I wore a bikini top and a flouncy tan top with open sleeves, showing off all kinds of side boob, plus a little straw cowgirl hat.  “Where are we going now?” I said, snapping some selfies.  I really did look cute in that hat!

“A place for you to get all kinds of attention!” Kylie said.

I couldn’t help but squeal.  “Goodie!”

“Not so goodie,” I said as we rounded a corner and I looked up at a giant banner that read “Wet T-shirt Contest.”  I stopped dead in my tracks.  “You guys don’t expect me to…”

“YES!”  They all answered, laughing.

“People will be recording this,” I said.  “It’ll be on the Internet.”

“Just come on,” Taylor said, grabbing my hand and dragging me forward.  “We can decide once we’re inside.”

“No. Nope! I am not that kind of girl.  I don’t want a reputation.”

“You need to do this!” Kylie said.  “You’re so pretty!”

“If you don’t,” Nicole said, “we’ll make you an exhibitionist. “You’ll be obsessed with showing off that fine ass body.”

“You wouldn’t dare!”  I said, terrified at the thought of getting up in front of that big crowd.  I was about to say something else, but my mind got cloudy and I wobbled, and then I smiled.  “Omigod!  A wet t-shirt contest?  Try and stop me!”

There were a lot of girls there— a lot of hot girls with really great boobs.  We got some beers, and I was checking out the competition, annoyed because I started feeling super competitive, especially as a few of them gave me side eye and hair tosses, letting me know they thought they were hotter.  “You could so totally win this,” Kylie said.

“Look at that Latina giving you the eye,” Nicole said.  “She thinks she’s prettier than you!”

“As if!” I hissed.

A blonde girl who looked like Kate Upton walked by, looked at my chest, then met my eyes and made a dismissive “hmph” noise.

All my competitive feminine urges surged.  “Oh, no you didn’t,” I said.

“She did.  She thinks you’re plain,” Taylor said.

“Sign me up!” I said.  “That bitch is going down!”

“Yaaaas!”  My girlfriends all cheered.

The contest was sponsored by Captain Morgan’s rum, so I had to wear one of their t-shirts.  Seeing what the other girls were doing, I cut the t-shirt down into what amounted to a crop top, then slipped out of my bra and had the girls tie the little scrap of t-shirt tight at the back so it really hugged my girls. I had big, puffy areolas, and they were, like, super sensitive— girls know— and you could see them all dark and mysterious through the shirt even before I stood shaving and giggling while the girls poured water over my shirt, making it all nice and wet, so it clung to my breasts and my areolas and nipples were so clearly visible through the shirt I felt myself getting turned on— but I suppressed the feelings, as I had a plan.

“Just follow your instincts,” Taylor coached me.  “Be the cutest girl!”

“Yeah.  Your body knows what to do,” Kylie said.  “And remember to show everyone that pretty smile!”

I nodded, totally focused, watching the other girls go up, seeing what to do and what not to do.  I was going to win this and prove to everyone I was the hottest bitch in this place!   Nicole was fixing my hair.  “Just pull this pin,” she said, raising my hand so I would know where it was. “And your hair will all tumble down over your eyes.  It’ll be so sexy!”

“You nervous?” Taylor asked.

“Ha!  I can’t wait to get up there.  I love having people…”  As I was talking, I remembered their threat, how suddenly I’d changed my mind from “no way” to “sign me up.” I hungered for the feeling of eyes on my sexy body, craved the attention, the feeling of power. “You changed me again!”  I squealed.  “You made me a little slut!”

“Now, now,” Nicole said.

‘I thought you were feminists!  This isn’t fair.”

“So bail.  You can just be a wallflower, hiding in the audience.”

“I will!”  I said, crossing my arms under my breasts, furious.

But then they called my name.  Sofia. It made me feel good to have them call me Sofia in front of the whole audience.  It was such a prettier name than stupid Colin. I couldn’t help it.  I was super hot, and I needed everyone to see! I strutted up onto the stage, shaking my hips and my breasts, feeling them sway and bounce as I raised my hands above my head and showed everyone my prettiest smile.  The guys roared, and I spun around, letting them get a nice look at my ass, then danced across the stage, pulling up on my top, letting them get a flash of my underboob, but keeping it low enough to cover my nips, so I wouldn’t get disqualified— but of course everyone could see them right through the wet fabric that was clinging to them like saran wrap.  The boys were all howling, and I felt like a goddess, so powerful and so in control.

I danced next to the host— a fat radio DJ from some crap station, but I giggled and smiled at him.  “What’s your name and where are you from?”  He asked me, just as he’d asked all the other girls.  “I’m Sofia,” I said in my high, breathy little girl voice.  “And I’m from your dreams!” I cupped my breasts and lifted them, then started dancing as the music started up again, squeezing my breasts and lifting them, my nipples turning into hard little points, the sight of which brought a deeper, guttural, masculine howl from the audience.  I felt like a Roman gladiator at the colosseum, and and I reached up and pulled the hair pin from my hair, letting all the golden waves tumbled down off my shoulders and fall across my face as I blew a kiss to all the guys and strutted off stage, waving my arms over my head, wiggling my whole bouncy, soft body… waves of sound washing over me as I triumphantly came off stage…

“You’re glowing!” Taylor cried out.

“Omigod!” Nicole said.

“You just gave a thousand dudes blue balls!”  Kylie said.  They all had their phones out, as did half of everyone else, and I realized the show hadn’t ended. I buried my hands in my hair, thrusting my chest out and said, “Drink it in, bitches!”

I almost died when they called my name and I pranced back on stage, actually kicking myself in the booty, my breasts heaving.  I had won a thousand dollars and a case of Captain Morgans.  I giggled and preened, even giving the gross host a hug and a leg kick—  I mean, this was all going to be immortalized, so I had to make it good, for realz.

When I came off stage, I got the shock of my life to see my girlfriends talking to— the guy.  The one who’d almost kissed me on the beach!  My heart fluttered, and I found myself looking at him with new eyes—  he was such a guy!  Broad shoulders, square chin… muscular but not to the point of being gross… his shirt was open, revealing rock hard pecs, and looking him over I just wanted to lick every part of him.  A few things occurred to me all at once, and my scattered girly brain filled with panic:  the girls had changed me so I like guys, and I really wanted to finish what we’d started because he was, like, the hottest guy I had ever seen.   Second, I didn’t even know his name.  Third, he had just seen me shaking my tits in front of a thousand men, and would he like, think I was a total slut?

My mouth dropped open and I put a hand to my cheek.  Be cool.  Be cool, I said to myself, but turned into a total dork, looking desperately to my friends for help.  “Oh! My God!”  I squeaked.  “Like, well… um… totes… totiness… totirino…”

“Sofia,” Kylie said, “you remember Drake?”

Drake!  Omigod!  Even his name was sexy!  “Yeah!  Hi!”  I said.  My voice sounded too loud, too squeaky.  “Did you see…?”  I gestured back toward the stage.

“Hell yes, I did,” he said, nodding.  “You were amazing!”  His eyes never left my face.  I could feel myself blushing.  Most guys would have been unable to take their eyes off the wet t-shirt clinging to my boobs.

“Amazing?”  I said, suddenly shy.  “Oh, I don’t know.”

“Take the compliment,” Drake said.  “You’re a great dancer!”

I giggled.  “Thanks,”  I said.  “That’s the traditional response to a compliment, I think?”

“She’s adorable!”  Taylor said.

“Such a Sofia,” Drake said, giving me a playful little chuck to the chin.  We all laughed.

“People keep telling me that,” I said.

“Let’s get you changed,” Kylie said.  “Drake’s buying us all lunch!”

Panic.  Omigod, I thought.  Does he know I have the hots for him? Is he going to punch my V-card?  I was equally horrified and in love with the idea, and as soon as I was alone with Kylie in the bathroom I grabbed her and said, “You have to get me out of this!”

“I’ll do no such thing,” Kylie said.  “He’s hot, and he’s a gentleman.”

I pulled my wet t-shirt off, my breasts bouncing and swaying.  Kylie handed me my bikini top.  “You do have an incredible rack,” she said.

“Thanks!”  I said, pleased as I effortlessly slipped it on, then my tank top.  “I’m scared!” I said.  “I’ve never been with a guy.  I don’t know what to do?  He’ll think I’m a spaz!”

“Don’t worry about it.  He’ll take the lead.  You just follow.”

I turned to the mirror and started fixing my hair.  “Please tell me you have some makeup in that purse?”

“Girl, please,” Kylie said, opening her purse and putting some blush, mascara and lipstick on the counter.  “Not that you need it.”

“I CAN’T let him see me without it!”  I said, my whole body gasping with relief.

“Omigod, Colin,” Kylie said.  “You are such a girly girl!”

I was brushing the lipstick onto my lips— it was L’oreal, and a good, pink daytime color— but stopped to look her in the eye.  Please. ,” I said. Call me Sofia.  It’s my name now?”

“Yes it is,” Kylie said.  “Yes, it is.”

“If I start to panic, I’m going to say, um… I need to think of something I would never say… um…”

“Bro, I need to tinkle,” Kylie said.

“I would never say that,” I said.

“That’s why it’s perfect,” Kylie said, then she took my arm. “Now let’s go hang out with your boyfriend!”

“Omigod, he’s not my boyfriend!”  I said, but I did follow her out.  I liked her telling me what to do.

“Sorry.  Your fuck buddy,” Kylie whispered as we approached Drake and the group.


As we left the Wet T-shirt contest, people kept shouting at me.  I blew kisses.  Some guy tried to come up to me, but Drake blacked him and escorted me past.  “Thanks,” I said as he slipped his arm around my waist.

“I’ll keep the wolves at bay,” Drake said.  I snuggled against him.  I liked the way our bodies fit together.

Drake led us a couple blocks away, off the main street, to one of those secret locals places.  It was an old beach house, painted in funky Carribean blues and oranges, with palm tree growing from a hole in the front porch, haciendas and cacti. From 100 feet away I could smell charbroiled meat and tangy spices, and Bob Marley was singing “I woke up this morning, looked at the rising sun..”

“Drake!” The hostess called right away when she saw him. “Come on!”  She led us to a back deck that overlooked a tropical garden with old, moss covered fountains nestled amongst wild ferns.  Colored lanterns hung from ropes that stretched across the yard.

I found myself in a fuzzy daze as we ordered rum runners, sipping and laughing, plates of stone crabs and shrimp and lobster tacos seeming to appear before us.  We ate and laughed.  Drake was the perfect gentleman.  We stared into each other’s eyes, and when he found excuses to touch me his hands were confident, gentle, and he knew just how far to go without going too far.   He touched me knee, my thigh, my arm…. and each time my skin tingled, and I felt something inside me clench, some need growing within me…  I needed to be filled….

Some other guys showed up.  They started hitting on my girlfriends, and someone suggested we keep the party going back at the hotel.  We all gathered in Nicole’s room for awhile, Drake and I were there, but we were really together, just the two of us.  He told me about his dreams.  His business leading extreme tours in tropical jungles.  I-- lied.  I told him I was a model. He didn’t doubt it.  He told me he knew an agent who could help me get work, and I swooned.

I handed Drake my keycard. He took me by the hand and led me to my room, opening the door for me, putting his hand on the small of my back and guiding me in, leading me. As soon as the door closed he turned me and grabbed me, pulling me to him, smothering my surprise in a hot, wet kiss that left me seeing stars.  He lifted me off my feet, and I instinctively wrapped my long legs around him, kissing him, my arms around his neck.  The tension had been building for hours and my body just burst into flaming heat, aching, craving in ways I had never felt, never imagined.

Drake’s eyes were burning, too, hot and aggressive like a bull’s. He lay me down on the bed, grabbing at the button on my shorts, popping it and pulling them down my legs.  I yanked my top off, my breasts bouncing free, my nipples so hard, aching, hurting but so good, and when he put his hands over my breasts, squeezing I gasped and moaned, throwing my head back in ecstasy.   My hard little nipples were pressing against his palms, and they were on fire, which is when he grabbed them between his thumb and fingers and pinched..

“Yes!  Oh, God!  Yes!” I screamed, an intense pleasure/pain sending shockwaves through my body, and I could feel myself getting wet, so wet down below, and I found myself reaching down, trying to grab his cock, to shove it inside me.  I could feel it pressing against my soft thigh.  It was so hard… so big…  I needed it.  Some part of me, that last little bit of Colin, was terrified and ashamed, but those feelings only seemed to intensify my need now as a woman, as Sofia, to have that huge dick thrusting…

But just as my desperate fingers brushed against the tip of Drake’s penis, he grabbed both of my wrists and pulled my arms up, over my head, pinning them there.  I struggled, wanting to test him, to see how strong he was, and I sighed and gasped with even greater need as I found myself powerless, dominated, unable to resist him at all.

Drake saw it in my eyes-- feminine surrender-- he kissed me on the lips, then on the neck, between my breasts and them he took one of my nipples in his mouth and bit-- just hard enough to drive me into a frenzy, wrapping my legs around him, trying to pull him into me.  “Please…” I whimpered.  “Please…”

Drake grunted.  He let go of my wrists, slipped his arms under me and effortlessly flipped me onto my belly.  I was face down now, my face buried in the pillow.  I felt Drake grab my hips and yank them up, and I shivered as I realized what he was doing, what he wanted.  He was about to take me doggy style, and though as a man I had wondered why women didn’t find this demeaning, I now felt myself get even hotter and wetter at the thought of him mounting me.  I only wanted to please him, to obey him, and I would let him fuck me anyway he wanted, and I knew i would love it.

I pushed myself up onto my hands, tossed my hair to one side, reverse arched my back like a cat so my ass rose, inviting.  He grabbed my panties and I heard them tear as he ripped them off me, and then he put one hand on the small of my back, moved into position and then-- omigod… omigod…  I felt him enter, felt his manhood slide into the hot, wet slit between my legs… and I almost fainted as waves of impossible pleasure rolled through my body…

I started making small little mewling sounds as he began to move in and pull back, gentle at first, but them getting faster, harder… his hips slamming into my soft ass… his dick pounding into me now, deeper and deeper…  I pushed back with my arms, wanting more, deeper… needing more and deeper...

“Unh!  Unh!  Unh!” I felt something building inside me.  At first it was like a tiny little pebble of intense pleasure, but it seemed to get bigger, stronger.. and I felt Drake explode, hot and sticky, inside me, and the ball exploded, too, and I saw stars and my whole body shook as I screamed, “Yes!  Yes!  Yes!”

Drake pulled out, slapping me on the ass, and I collapsed, rolling onto my side, hugging my knees to my chest, gasping, panting, sweating…

Drake collapsed next to me.  I felt him massaging my back, kissing my shoulder.  “Was that good for you?”

I looked back over my shoulder, my hair all in my face, still panting. My skin was covered in droplets of sweat. I didn’t know what to say, but my body told me. “Fuck me again,” I whispered.  ‘Please.”

Drake laughed.  “Just give me a minute to catch my breath.”

I giggled.  I’d never felt more happy. Drake could have been an Olympic athlete of sex.  We went three more times that night, each time seemingly even better than the last. I was lost in a haze of pure feminine pleasure, completely absorbed in our bodies, our lovemaking, feeling like I had passed into some timeless dimension where nothing mattered or ever would matter-- a world of pure pleasure.

We sat on the balcony sipping our steaming cups of coffee and watched the sun rise. We didn’t talk.  We just stared into each other’s eyes, each one amazed and puzzled and delighted into this insane connection we’d made.  I had totally just, like, imprinted on Drake.  I was crushing on him like a 13 year old girl, which I guess wasn’t strange since I’d only been a girl for a day or two, and he was my first.  I just wanted us to stay together forever, talking, laughing, making love.

But, it had to come to an end.  Drake sighed.  “I have to go,” he said. “Duty calls.”

I pouted over my coffee mug. “Stay?  Just a little longer?”

“Gotta go, babe,” he said.

I felt this sudden rush of fear and shame.  I was just a fuck to him, wasn’t I?  Here I was getting all mooney over him like some silly girl, and to him I’d just been a good time.

But, then he came over and took my chin in his hand, tilted my head back and looked me in the eyes. “I want to see you again,” he said.

“Oh,” I said, caught off guard, having already started down a path of total emotional meltdown.

“I mean, if you want to.  I didn’t mean to presume.  It’s just--”  It was the first time he’d seemed vulnerable, unsure, and my feminine heart fluttered.  It was so cute, and I loved that he was feeling a little insecure now about us, about what all this meant.

“I want to see you again,” I said. “I-- you’re amazing.”

“You’re amazing,” he said, his confident smile returning as he kissed me, and that kiss told me everything I needed to know. That was a kiss that sadd-- you’re my woman, now.  “Be good,” he said as he left.

I covered my face, giggling, stomping my feet, and then I grabbed my phone and texted Kylie.

The girls, of course, had to give me a hard time. We ordered room service and sipped mimosas as they ribbed me about being the catcher instead of the pitcher, asked me how it felt to have my feet in the air.  I took it all in good nature.  The afterglow from my night with Drake left me in s state where I think I would have smiled right through passing a kidney stone.

Once they finished teasing me, they finally got around to asking me the question I think they’d really been obsessing about the whole time.  “So, girlfriend,” Kylie said, putting her hand over mine.  “Seriously, which is better?  Sex as a guy or sex as a girl?”

I bit my lip.  “Um, it’s not even close,” I said. “It is so much better as a girl.”

They all laughed.  “You owe me 20 bucks!” Kylie said to Nicole.

“Yeah, with a guy like Drake it is,” she said. “But he should have to sleep with a drunk loser before he decides!”

“Pay up!”

“You cost me 20 dollars!”  Nicole said.

“Sorry,” I said, doing my cute little shrug.  “Sex as a girl is just… Oh!”

They all laughed.

“Well, honey, I hope you enjoyed it because vacation time is over, and it’s back to being a boy soon,” Nicole said.

“Um, about that?”  I said.

The girls all looked at me.  They knew what I was about to say, and I could see they were all a little surprised by it.  I took a deep breath.  I was really nervous and scared by what I was about to say, and I almost chickened out, but no.  I knew what I wanted.

“I’d like to stay a girl.  I want to be Sofia.  For the rest of my life.”   I took a sip of my mimosa, my eyes sparkling with mischief.  “Even if I am a slut.”

The girls laughed, but then they got serious.  “Colin…” Taylor started.


“Sofia, um, remember that we made you think of yourself as a woman.  We made you all girly-girl.”

“And life as a woman isn’t going to be one big vacation where you hook up with super hot guys,” Kylie added.  “It’s work and running errands…”

“Getting cat-called, dealing with sexism…” Nicole chimed in.

“Periods.  Have you thought about periods?” Taylor said.

“I don’t care,” I said.  “I’ll take the good with the bad.  I mean, I know you made me like this, and I know you made me like men and think of myself as a woman.  But- I like it.  I like what you made me, and I think-- I know-- I will be happier as Sofia.  I am a woman.  I want to be one- good and bad.”

“You’re sure?” Kylie said.  “In another two days, the spell will become permanent.”

“I’m sure,” I said, a sense of relief sweeping over me as I said it, as I realized this could and would become permanent.  “Now, one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“Let’s get into our teeny-tiniest bikinis and hit the beach!”

The girls all whooped, and I whooped with them.  I was one of the girls now, and I’d never felt more at home.



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