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After sunbathing the rest of the morning, chatting about this and that, the girls all telling stories that went nowhere and didn’t really have an ending, Kylie used the hotel app to order lunch, which consisted of mango smoothies.  I hid my contempt for the girly food, and sipped mine, annoyed at both the lack of protein as well as how sickly sweet it was.    I found myself idly checking out the other women, feeling threatened by a few who were sooo pretty, then struggled to stop myself, instead trying to think about what it would be like to sleep with them—  if I was still a guy.  My thoughts would always get confused, though, as I would start off picturing myself as a dude, walking up to them, putting my hand on their chin and tilting their heads back…. And then I would find myself fantasizing about how good it would be to press my soft breasts into theirs, to feel my long, bare thighs entwined with theirs, to shudder as they untied my bikini top and let my…

Stop!  I forced myself to see myself as a man again, and it went like that for awhile, me imagining myself being a man, only to find myself sucking on some hot girl’s thumb as she slid her hands down onto my plump rear and. NO! Finally, I forced myself back to my Elle magazine, admiring an ad for a pearly pink lipstick, thinking my mouth would look so sweet and kissable in that shade.

“Another change will be coming soon,” Kylie suddenly announced, breaking my reverie.

“What?”  I said, suddenly afraid.

Before she could answer, a couple guys ran up to us.  “Ladies,” one of them said.  “Me and my friends were wondering if you could help us out?”

“We could really use your help,” the other one said.

Oh, GOD, I thought. Now for the come on.  Men!

“Oh, and what could you possibly need from us?” Taylor said.

“We really want to get a game of volleyball going,” the first one said.  “And we need more people.”

“Come on,” the other one added.  “We’ll go easy on you.”

“As if--” I started to say, but Taylor cut me off.

“Let’s play volleyball!”  She shouted.  “And we’ll go easy on you, cutie!”

Before I could say anything, the other three girls were out of the chairs, running toward the volleyball net the resort had set up on a flat part of the beach.  I jumped up and ran after them, my boobs bouncing wildly and my hips gyrating, as I stuck one arm out to the side trying to stop my whole body from swaying and jiggling.  I heard some guy call out, “Damn!”  I rolled my eyes, because I knew I was giving them all a Baywatch moment— and I was sexy as hell

As I ran along behind the group, I found myself taking in the men’s broad shoulders, the V shape of their backs, and their strong little butts… I idly wondered what it would be like if one of them kissed me and I got to touch that..

Stop!  Gross!  Ugh.  I pushed those thoughts out of my mind as I caught up with the rest at the volleyball court, keeping my eyes averted from those annoying boys.

Taylor and Nicole formed one team with some of the boys, Kylie and I the other. I half expected this to be a display of girly silliness, but I was soon disabused of that notion.  Nicole served, and Kylie popped the ball up and toward the net.  I put my hands together, and immediately felt my breasts squeeze  between my arms, which threw me off, but I’d always been a good volleyball player, so I shook it off.  In my male form, I would have tried to jump up and spike the ball, but I was too short now, so instead I just gave it a little punch, sending it arcing over the net.

Which is when I heard a roar like a ferocious tigress was about to rip me in half, and a shadow seemed to rise over me.  Looking up, I saw Taylor rising into the air on the other side of the net, her teeth barred, hair flying , the muscles on her arms tense and seemingly carved into her skin as she rose and rose, then brought her arm slicing through the air like a tomahawk chop, spiking the ball right at me.  To my shame, I screamed and covered my head with my arms.  The ball slammed into the sand at my feet, and I jumped away like it might bite me.  “In your face!” Taylor shouted, she and Nicole high-fiving.

“Come on,” Kylie said.  “Are you kidding me?”

“You made me girly!”  I said.  “Don’t blame me.”

“We didn’t make you girly.  We just made you love women’s magazines.”

“What?  Really?  So, you mean….?  That was all me?”

“Man up!” Kylie shouted.

The game got intense, with both sides diving to save balls, pounding over-hand serves over the net with all kinds of velocity and spin, Kylie and Taylor going to the net, blocking and spiking.  Soon, my lithe little body was slick with sweat, and when I fell backwards into the sand after saving a low shot, I got up to find my butt cheeks coated in sand.  I reached back and dusted the sand off with my hands, intent on the game, which was down to match point.

“Nice ass,” Francois, one of the guys on my team, said from behind me.

I turned, annoyed planning to tell him off-- but, oh my god.  Those green eyes. Instead of a scathing put down, I just giggled and looked away, curling my hair behind my ear.  My heart was fluttering like crazy!

The guy and his friends were all Ken dolls— tall, with chiseled features and hard, muscular bodies that didn’t seem to have an ounce of fat.  They started passing out little compliments, half put downs, and the other girls started to get all kitteny and sweet-- when not actually playing the game.

My mouth dropped open and I felt myself seething with rage.  They were totally getting all girly and flirty with these gross guys!  It was supposed to be just the girls!  And they were just begging for all the attention while the guys were ignoring me and--

I felt a slap on my ass.  I looked up to see green eyes.  Once more, any anger I had evaporated, and I felt my skin blush. “Nice serve,” he said.

Once more, I giggled like a crazy person. “Thanks,” I said, my voice even higher and softer than normal. My eyes drifted to his lips.  They were big and plump, almost like girl lips, and I knew he must be an incredible kisser--

STOP!  I screamed in my mind.  What the hell! And yet, as I walked back to the line to serve again, I put a little extra wiggle in my walk.  I just don’t want the other girls getting all the attention, I told myself.  It’s not like I really think he’d get cute or anything.

I felt super self conscious at the way my body jiggled as I played, how lifting my arms to hit the ball forced me into kind of sexy poses.  And these guys were not like the creeper at all, staring while pretending not to stare.  They openly appreciated our bodies, showering us all with compliments about how hot we were, what fine bitches.  Bitches!

Although Kylie, Taylor and Nicole continued to compete— I think they wanted the guys to see how athletic they were— they also got very flirty, giggling and smiling, letting the brush the sand off their backs.

I followed their lead, getting extra feminine, letting my already little voice rise even higher, giggling constantly. When I hit the ball I would turn it into a prance, kicking myself in the butt and making a little chirpy noise.  I sucked in my cheeks when I smiled to make my dimples deeper, and I started to play with my hair, standing with a hip out to the side.  When I was in the front of the line, I even leaned forward and stuck my butt out, wiggling it, looking back over my shoulder and smiling.

Francios warm to me more and more.  First, he started high-fiving me, then he would fun his hand over my shoulder after a good shot. I tossed challenging glances at the other girls, letting them know I was hot, and I was winning over this hapless male.  At one lull in the action, I stood close to him, put a hand on his hard, flat chest and said in my best helpless little girl voice, “Would you retie my top?  I’m worried it might come off?”

“Why would that be a problem?”  He said, brushing my hair back from my face. I just giggled and shrugged, giving him a thrill at the sight of my breasts swaying.  He went around behind me and I felt the cups on my top pull tight as he undid the strings, pulled on them and then tied them again.  He let his hand slide down to the small of my back, and I knew I had him.  I looked back over my little round shoulder and smiled a bright smile full of promises. “You’re my hero,” I said.

His hand slid down and he cupped my ass cheek, giving it a squeeze.  What the hell?  The move shocked me, but I didn’t want to lose my prey, so I just giggled and pranced away, looking over at the other girls with a smile of triumph.  They were huddled close together, whispering and smiling those same smirky smiles they’d had plastered on their faces this whole trip, and I stopped, raising my palms in a “what?”  gesture. Francois was the hottest guy, and I’d totally gotten him wrapped around my little finger, so what was so…

My mouth dropped open, and as the shock of what I had been doing washed over me. The girls saw the realization and they walked toward me, giggling.  “I totally flirted with a guy,” I whispered.  Hugs and kisses.  “You were great,” Taylor said.

“I think he really likes you?”

“What did you do to me?”  I whispered, glancing over at Josh and the guys, who we’re talking while watching us.  “Did you make me want to flirt with boys?”

“Um, we made you like guys,” Nicole said.

“As in, you dig cock now,” Taylor said.

“No!  No!  You can’t-- I can’t like dick! I refuse.  I refuse to like men.”

“ You worship dick,” Kylie said. “It probably goes back to your daddy issues.”

“I don’t have daddy issues…”. I said.

“You would if he saw you shaking your ass at Francios,, girl,” Taylor said, giggling.

The guys came back over.    “There’s going to be a champagne dinner tonight in the Havana Room,” John said, once more running his hands through my hair in a very possessive, alpha kind of way.  I hated it, but due to my new need to have men lust over me, I thanked him with my prettiest smile, looking up at him, letting me eyes sparkle with admiration.  “You girls should come.”

“We should come?” Kylie said, raising an eyebrow.

“I’ll make sure you come,” Bradley, her guy, said.

We girls all giggled.

Josh cupped my cheek, looked down at me and said, “You’re pretty good at volleyball— for a little shorty.”  And with that he walked away.

“Not bad for a shorty?”  I spat, staring daggers at his back.

“He’s negging you,” Taylor said. “It means he likes you.”

“How is putting me down supposed to let me know he likes me?”

“It’s just something guys do,” Kylie said.  “You’ll get used to it.”

Our beach day done, as we walked back to the hotel I put an extra wiggle in my walk, letting my big hips sway side to side.  I now desperately need everyone— men and women— to see how hot I was, to appreciate my lovely figure, glowing skin…. And to be outside was to be performing. I hated myself for it a little bit, and my the man in me was revolted to be so— obsessed— with putting myself on display, but then I heard a woman say, “She has the ass of a goddess,” and my whole body flushed with pleasure, and the man I’d been was drowned out as the woman they were making of me thought, drink it in, bitch!

The other girls saw me kind of toss my hair and put my nose in the air in response to the comment.  “She’s coming along nicely,” Nicole said.

“Just wait till the next change,” Kylie said.

“I can fight the changes,” I said. “Willpower.  That’s why I don’t even have any interest in guys!”

“Methinks the lady doth protest too much,” Taylor said.

“I think he totally wants us to make him like giving blowjobs,” Kylie agreed.

“I do not!”  I said, putting a little extra wiggle in my shoulders as a group of guys walked past, and having all of their eyes bulge as they drooled over my awesome rack.  “I can’t believe I just did that.”

“You are such a little slut!” Nicole giggled.

“No I am not,” I said.

“Yet,” Kylie said.  “Not.  Yet.”


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