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“What are you talking about?”  I said, struggling and now feeling frustrated, demeaned.  Maybe even a little claustrophobic.  But, even as I refused to accept my weakness, I felt my whole body tingle.  It felt like it all pulled— in.  Like my feet pulled toward my head, my head pulled toward my feet, and everything in between shrink wrapped to a smaller, tinier version.  I couldn’t see myself at all, as Taylor had me pinned and was looking down into my face, smiling, but it felt like she was growing bigger, heavier, and as much as I had felt smoothed before, I now felt her strength and size more keenly.  “Get off me!” I shouted, bucking my hips.  I planted my feet and tried to get more leverage, but she was too big, too strong.  My mind reeled.  None of this was possible.

“Use the magic word,” Taylor said.

“What are you even talking about?”  I shouted.  “Get off me now!”

“Another thing— you have that little girl voice.  I’m sure it excites all the boys, but from a woman’s perspective it just isn’t a turn on.”

I felt my throat tingle.  Despite what had happened so far, how each thing she had said had come true, I still didn’t believe this was happening. “This isn’t fun,” I said, wincing as I found myself speaking in a tea kettle voice.  “My— how did you change my voice?  Okay.  Stop.”

“I thought you liked playing rough,” Taylor said.

“I— don’t like this,” I said, feeling powerless, controlled.  My arms were still pinned above my head, and I was squirming, straining to get free. “Stop.”

“Magic word?” Taylor said.

“Magic?”  Then, I realized what she was trying to get me to say.  “No.  Just.. let me go!” I shrieked, horrified at how much like a girl I sounded.

“Say please,” Taylor said.  “Pretty please.”

I stared at her, furious.  Having someone else physically dominate me, control me?  I couldn’t stand the feeling, and finally I realized I just needed for this to stop.  “Pretty please,” I sighed.  “Pretty please let me go.”

Taylor let go off my wrists and climbed off me.   I rolled off the couch and onto my feet, stumbling as the couch seemed much higher than I remembered.  I looked UP at Taylor, my mind reeling at the possibility that she was taller than me, and I backed away, confused as I looked down once more at my slender arms, my small hands.  My shoes, which were now far too big for me, slipped off as I moved. “What’s happening?”  I said.  “What’s going on?”  I grabbed at my shorts, which threatened to slide down my narrow little hips.

“You’re cute,” Taylor said.  “But you’d be even cuter if you had long, blonde hair.”

I felt my scalp tingle, and I reached up and put my hands on my head to feel my hair.  It felt short, the same, but then it suddenly started to grow.  I felt the hair lengthen, spreading, pushing between my fingers.  It tickled my cheeks and then I felt it pour down over my shoulder in syrupy waves even as bangs dropped into my eyes.  I was wearing a tank top, the silky hair tickled my shoulders. My hands were already buried in my now golden locks, so I pulled it back, then brushed the bangs back from my eyes.  I grabbed a length of the hair and looked at the shimmering blonde, tugging, feeling it yank at my scalp.    My brain had started to shut down.  None of this was possible.  None of this could be happening.   I was so stunned I didn’t even realize my shorts had now slid down and lay at my ankles.

Taylor took a step toward me, and I stepped back, leaving my shorts behind.  My tank top fell down to mid-thigh now like a dress, and I could feel the cool hotel room air on my bare legs.  “Stay away from me!”  I said.

“Colin,” Taylor said, making a sad face.  “You don’t need to be afraid of me. We’re friends, remember?”

“I’m not afraid of you,” I lied.

Taylor lunged toward me, and I screamed, jumping away from her.

“Oh,” she said, putting her hands to her cheeks.  “Poor baby!  I love how smooth your skin is, by the way.  Did you get a bikini wax?”

I could feel it happening, and it was still a shock when I looked at my arm and saw the hair pulling back into my skin, leaving behind a smooth, bright skin.  I looked down to my thighs and saw the same, brushed my fingertips against my now silky skin.

I was starting to get some ability to think back, to process.  My brain told me that none of this could possibly be real.  “Did you drug me?”  I said.  “Is that how you—- made me think this is real?”

“It is real,” Taylor said.

Just then, the connecting door to the next room opened and Kylie and Nicole came into the room.  Kylie held a small statue in her hands that seemed to be glowing.  The two women squealed at the sight of me, so small and skinny with my gorgeous blonde hair.  “He’s so cute!”  Kylie said. “maybe we should keep him this way?”

“You’re all in on this?”  I said.

“Your voice is soooo sexy,” Nicole said, delighted.

“Shut up,” I said, pushing his hair back from his face.

“He sounds just like my little sister,” Taylor said.

“Guys!”  I whined.  “Stop, already.  Okay?”

“He’s missing something,” Nicole said.

“I agree,” Taylor said.  “Now, what is it?”

I backed away, shaking my head, my long blonde hair swirling around my face. “Boobs?”  Kylie said.

“Oh, that’s right,” Taylor said.  “You boys love jugs, hooters, ta tas, right?”

“I bet he’d love to have his own bongos,” Nicole said.

“Okay, guys, let’s just hit the pause button…”. I said.

“Let’s give him a pair of cute little a-cups, shall we?” Nicole said.

“Oh, no…” I said, even as I felt my chest and nipples tingle.  Looking down, I saw the front of my tank top start to swell until I had a pair of Hershey’s Kisses poking proudly from my chest.  “Boobs?” I said, unable to resist the urge to cup them with my hands, to squeeze and lift, the same way I had done to more than a few girls back in my middle school days.  I felt my hands on my breasts, felt a weird tingle of pleasure as I squeezed them.  I yanked my hands away.  “You gave me boobs?”  I screamed.  “Stop!  Fix me!”  I stomped my foot and felt my chest bounce.  I look down in horror.  It was the most emasculating change of all.  I mean a guy might be short and skinny, weak, and he could even have long hair.  But a guy did not have tits, and I now had tits.

“He does look cute with those little A cups, but he is a woman, not a little girl,” Taylor said.

“He should have at least B-cups,” Nicole added.

“I should make them bigger,” Kylie said.

“B… no, don’t make them bigger!  Get rid of them.”

“Are you a little girl, Colin?  Do you want little bitty titties like a tween girl?”  Kylie asked in a mocking tone.

“Yeah, are you a little girl?” Taylor said.

“I’m not a little girl,” I spat back, and seeing them all grin I realized my mistake.  “That doesn’t mean I want..”

“B cups!”  Kylie sang out.

“No….  Oh, no…” I said as my perky little breasts started to tingle.  I covered them with my hands, trying for some insane reason to hold them in, to stop them from growing, but instead I just felt as the little cones swelled and rounded in my hands, filling my palms.  I could feel them more fully on my chest now, and they started to strain against the fabric of my tank top.  I took my hands away to see firm, round breasts swaying on my chest, stretching out the words “Sun’s out Guns Out.”  I raised my shoulders and felt my breasts lift, sway, felt my nipples rubbing against the coarse fabric.

“Sexy,” Taylor said.

“He’s blossoming into quite the fetching young lady,” Nicole added.

“Like a high-school hottie,” Kylie said.

“In other words,” Taylor said, finally addressing me.  “You got great tits, girl.”

I wrapped my arms around my newly grown breasts, feeling their soft weight in my arms, the pressure of them on my chest.  It was totally humiliating to have these women checking out my tits.  My fight or flight response kicked in, and flight won, hands down.  “I’m out of here!”  I said, keeping my arms wrapped around my jiggling breasts.  I scurried toward the door.  Taylor, who was now a couple inches taller than me, stepped into my way.  Remembering how easily she’d dominated me, and I have to admit I felt a little scared of her, scared she would pin me down again and make me feel helpless, I stepped back, making a little squeaking sound.   This isn’t me, I thought.  I’m not scared of girls!

It was not me, as I said, but with my blonde bangs dusting across the tops of my eyes, and my soft new breasts cradled in my little arms, I had to admit that I was NOT me anymore.  Not at all.

“A guy like Colin really loves the well endowed ladies,” Nicole said.  “Women with those hooters, missiles, maracas…. What else do you call them, Colin?”

“Jugs,” I answered without thinking.  “But only in the most respectful way.”

“Let’s give him some jugs he can really respect,” Taylor said.

“I’m fine, really… “ I said, feeling the terror in me growing.  “These are more than enough..”

“I’m thinking C cups,” Kylie said.

“Right on, sister,” Taylor said.

“I am begging you…” I said, but my manageable little b cups were already swelling, pushing my arms out… I let them fall, looking down in horror as my tank top expanded and expanded… I felt my boobs getting bigger, felt the weight of my chest and threw my shoulders back against the tug of gravity… my breasts now jutted out from my body, it looked like… and they were sweet, gravity defying breasts that rested high and proud.  They stretched out the collar and sides of my tank top, and the shoulder straps were now digging into my narrow little shoulders.  I could feel cool air against my side boobs as they pushed out the sides of the arm holes.

These were great boobs.  Just the kind I loved— on a woman.  I was struggling to comprehend that they were mine, that I now had a pair of huge, gorgeous breasts.  Inexplicably, my now big, fat nipples got hard, poking at the fabric of my shirt and sending all kinds of girly feelings through my body.

“Looks like someone’s excited,” Kylie said.

I held my hands over my nipples, not touching them as I was terrified at how sensitive they were, the entirely feminine feelings I experienced when touching my breasts.  I just shielded them so the girls couldn’t see my erect nipples.  I look at the three women, who were all grinning, checking me out, looking me over like I was a hot new dress on sale.

“Feeling shy?” Taylor teased.

“Stop looking at my … breasts,” I said, weirded out to have all these women staring at the tits I shouldn’t have.  That, of course, just brought amused laughter from the girls, who all loved having turned the tables on me.

“Turn around, cutie,” Nicole said.

I thought she meant so they couldn’t see my hooters anymore, so I turned.  “Good idea.”

“That way we can get a look at that sexy ass of yours,” she said.

“Oh, no.. not another change…” I said glancing back over my round little shoulder, my blonde hair trailing all down my back. “Not that…”

“He needs to have a bubble butt,” Taylor said.

“High and firm,” Kylie agreed.

“A really sexy, big ass that just gives every guy a boner,” Nicole said.  “Yes.  That is just what he needs.”

I closed my eyes.  I knew what was about to happen, and I was about worn out emotionally from this whole crazy experience.  I felt my hips spread, felt my sadly flat booty swell, straining against my jockey shorts, pushing back, lifting my tank top. The jockeys were way too small for my ass, and I felt them riding up my ass cheeks, exposing the bottoms to the cool air of the room, giving my goosebumps. I looked and my ass was now so big I could actually see the inviting curve, and I felt myself getting a little horny as I pictured my own sweet ass, saw myself with these supple tits, that banging ass.  I was inside a hot piece of ass, I was a hot piece of ass— almost— and the thought both humiliated me and turned me on like I had never been turned on before.

“That is a gorgeous booty,” Nicole said.  “Guys see you, they are going to be thinking doggy style.”

“That will never happen,” I said, turning back to face them, deciding having them check out my bust was better than having them busting on my ass.  It felt off even to turn around, with my big hips and plump ass.  My whole body felt wrong, out of balance and … fat.  I had body sticking out all over, and I was used to being all flat.  “So, what the hell is this?”  I said, one hand hovering over my hard, aching nipples while I used to other to once more brush my annoying hair out of my eyes.  “I thought we were friends.”

“We are friends,” Nicole said.

“Girlfriends,” Kylie agreed.

“That reminds me of something,” Taylor said.

“Me, too.” Kylie said.

“I know!”  Nicole snapped her fingers.  “This trip is for friends.  Girl friends, to be precise.”

“We did tell you you would be one of the girls,” Taylor said.

“And you would need to wear a bikini.”  Kylie crossed her arms and nodded.  “That was part of the deal.”

“So, you want me to put on a bikini and be all girly or something?”  I said.

“All girl. Good idea,” Taylor said, pointing toward me.  “See?  Just because you’re a blonde with nice tits, that doesn’t mean you’re dumb.”

“He does need to be ALL girly,” Kylie agreed, nodding.

“ALL girl. Obvs,” Nicole said.  “We need to gift him his girlhood.”

“Get rid of that hot dog” Taylor agreed.

“Give him a bun,” Nicole laughed.

I felt a chill settle into my groin and my knees went together, even as I reached down and cupped my junk with my hands.  I could feel my breasts pressing against the insides of my arms, but my new puppies were the least of my concerns.  I still felt on some level that this was all an illusion, some trick, but hearing the words chop it terrified me. “Do not do whatever you are thinking about doing!”

“You see?  That’s the last reason I can’t make out with you,” Taylor said. “I really like guys who have boy parts, and you have a vagina.”

“Bye, bye,” Nicole said, blowing me a kiss.

“Time to say goodbye to your little friend,” Kylie added.

“Oh, god no!”  I cried out, sounding like a tea kettle.  “Not this!  Not my dick!”   I felt it tingle and then start to grow smaller and smaller, shrivelling up like in a cold pool of water, shrinking  from a kielbasa to a hot dog and then a cocktail Weiner, and as it shrank it felt like my balls pulled up into my torso, my shame and terror growing as even the cocktail weiner vanished, and I felt my hands covering a mound of soft, female flesh. It didn’t seem possible.  I felt only emptiness where I’d always expected to feel-- something.  It felt like someone punched me in the stomach, could feel ovaries, a womb opening up inside me, and my knees went weak as I struggled to keep from collapsing, shaking my head… no…. No… no… “My dick…” I whispered… “You can’t be gone….  You can’t….”  Desperate to disprove this nightmare of what I was experiencing and no longer even thinking about these women, I lifted my tank top and shoved my hand down the front of my underwear, feeling stiff, bristly hairs, a vulva,,, lips…. I felt my fingers brush the lips of MY vagina, and I screamed.  “You killed me!  You killed me!  Oh, my God, you left me with nothing!”

I felt something inside me clench then, and a scraping sensation, and I knew instinctively I was forming a womb, ovaries, that I was becoming completely female inside and out.

It was the last straw.  My brain broke as it was overwhelmed with impossible sensations from body parts I wasn’t supposed to have— the weight of my breasts, the feeling of my cotton tank rubbing against my hard, ultra-sensitive nipples, the thick, heavy hair tickling my shoulders, sweeping across my eyes…. The empty space between my legs…. The feeling of my fingers touching my vagina.. I made a high pitched little “eeek!”

And then I fainted.


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