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"Jack, I promise you the ancestor you'll jump into this time is athletic, tough and very popular."

"I know there's some catch, Raines," Jack said, taking a last drag on his cigarette. "But there are Trancers to terminate."

As usual, the body Jack had jumped into had fainted. He came to, hearing voices. "She okay?" Someone patted him on the cheek. "Hey, hey,  Kitty? Kitty? Take it easy now?"

Jack sat up and felt his chest sway. "Kitty?" He said, and he had a squeaky, high-pitched voice to go with his long legs that stretched out before him and ended in a pair of stiletto heels. Thet audience gathered around the stage consisted entirely of men, and he was topless. "Oh, hell," he said as he connected the dots. "I'm a stripper.."



Taylor Galen Kadee

For those unfamiliar, the Trancers movies were low budget time travel films that came out in the 1980s and 90s. The initial concept was that people could jump back in time by inhabiting the bodies of their ancestors. The early movies had some TG in that a character named McNulty jumped first into a little girl and then a teenage girl. Later, Jack, himself, was to jump into his own daughter. These movies were campy and never seemed to take themselves too seriously, though they did launch the career of an actress called Helen Hunt who went on to win an academy award and four emmys. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090192/


Why didn’t I hear of this?