DEEP VAULT 69 [0.2.17_a] (Patreon)
2023-11-30 23:33:53
Friends, this is the second minor update!^^
What was done:
- The basic sprite of Miss Go has been updated.
- The basic Linda sprite has been updated.
- The Wipe sprite has been updated.
- Updated the chibi sprite Wipe.
- Added a full animated Linda 1 scene.
- Added a full animated Linda 2 scene.
- The Strange Store location has been added.
- The character Asuka has been added.
- Added the Asuka quest (1 scene).
- The location of the Destroyed Shelter 67 has been partially updated.
- The combat system has been partially updated.
- The VATS system has been updated in battles.
- The approximate time of passage is +~ 10 minutes.
- Added all patrons (Resident+) until today.
Thank you for your support ~Chu~Chu^^
Aaaand without further ado, the build of the game!
WIN(64) / ANDROID / LINUX (N.T.) / MAC (N.T.) -
Feel the power, Asuka!^^