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Chapter 391: Stop Scaring Customers!

Derek stepped out of his portal into the lobby of his shop. This time, he wasn’t there for any specific reason—he didn’t have to fetch a couple of immature royals—he was there for himself. He couldn’t remember the last time he was able to rest by doing more than just meditating. So, with the few days until the wedding, he planned on doing just that—resting.

He breathed a sigh of relief when his foot touched the floor of his shop. After that, he closed the portal behind him and looked around. It hadn’t been too long since he was there last to pick up Sabrina, but it seemed the shop had been very busy at that time. Now, it had mostly cleared out—there was only a couple cowering around instead of entire parties of people.

I like that the skill is really intimidating when I use it, but sometimes, it would be nice if it didn’t give off such a dreadful aura. It’s one thing to scare the piss out of my enemies or people like Edward, but it’s different when the people are possible customers, he thought to himself as he thought about what to say.

“It’s okay,” he finally said to the couple of people huddled up around a shelf of what looked like low to mid-tier swords. The two workers he’d seen before were in the lobby, too, but they were staring at him from behind the sales counter. “The skill just puts off a stupidly intense aura. There’s no actual danger from it.” Unless you happen to stumble inside without protection

The couple soon looked at each other and seemed to decide that Derek was telling the truth. They both nodded and stood back up before looking at one of the swords. However, it didn’t seem like he’d done enough to assure them, as they soon decided that they didn’t want anything in the shop and scurried out. Derek watched the door swing closed behind them, and he shrugged with a sigh.

“I wish you two would stop scaring customers,” Derek heard Malorie say from the doorway to the back rooms and stairs. “First you come and make a commotion—causing everyone to realize that the princess was the hooded figure. That was fine—in fact, it was good for business. Now rumors are going to spread that Princess Elouise was caught shopping at the Void Emporium.”

“So, there’s nothing wrong, then?” Derek said with a smile.

“I wasn’t finished,” Malorie rebuked. “Not long after that, Silvi appears with a giant pot hovering over her head. You know how scary that feeling that comes with that portal is. It chased out another number of customers, but she came back during peak hours, so dozens of people fled. Then, you appeared again, and you saw what happened. If you’re going to use that thing to come back, you should do it either in your room, an office, or in the basement.”

“I guess I should have thought of that,” Derek smiled an embarrassed smile and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. “I almost went to the basement, actually. But I didn’t want to disturb Brandi if she was in the middle of crafting something.”

 then just use Rudy’s office or your room. I already reprimanded Silvi. She’ll be teleporting directly into the kitchen from now on.”

“I’ll try,” Derek said. “I think I can be that accurate.”

“So, why are you back again?” Malorie asked. “Did you forget something
 or someone?”

“Nope,” Derek replied with a smile. “I am tired. I think I’m going to go upstairs and sleep for three days straight. There hasn’t been much time to rest since I got out of the raid, and there wasn’t a whole lot of resting in there, either—well, I guess I could have, but I mostly meditated. And, I’m sure you know, Meditation is not the perfect replacement for actual sleep.”

“I wish you would tell Brandi that,” Malorie said.

“I have. I’m sure she knows her limits. You can go a really long time on just Meditation. I don’t know, but I could probably go a few more weeks if I avoided using my traveling skill so much. It’s mentally exhausting.”

“So you’re just here to sleep? That’s it?” Malorie asked, seemingly unconvinced.

“That’s it. I’m going to rest up, then I’ve got a royal wedding to attend,” Derek said, then had a thought.

“A wedding? Is that why you popped up and kidnapped that girl?” Malorie asked.

“I didn’t kidnap her
 I had her father’s permission
 kind of,” Derek said. “Anyway, I guess you don’t really know about it. It’s all very last minute. I expect Edwin to spread the news over the next couple of days.”

“I see,” Malorie said. “And are we invited to the wedding? Where is it? Would it be good for business? I’m sure Rudy would like to attend, and I haven’t been to a wedding in
 well, I’ve never been to a wedding—not a real one, at least. We don’t have big celebrations in the villages. We just kind of got Leon’s blessing, and that was it. I’m sure a royal wedding would be amazing—even if it is rushed.”

“Actually,” Derek started. He could see that Malorie seemed to really want to go. I bet she’s itching to get out of here and do something other than business. She hasn’t been able to leave the city in
 well, since the war started. Unfortunately
 “You’re going to have to sit this one out
” he said.


“You asked where it was,” Derek said. “Well, it’s in what was formerly Astrus and will soon be Indaria. It’s basically a wedding and a royal selection, too. They will be the next king and queen. It’s also the last chance any of the noble houses, who are currently acting friendly, will have to get some revenge or pull something. Nobody’s talked about it, but I’m sure Osian and Edwin are thinking the same as me.” If not, the main focus would be on contracts and oaths. I’m sure they’re waiting to see everyone’s true selves.

“So, I can’t have any of you there if something goes wrong. I’m not worried about myself, but
 you, Thomas, Brandi, Rayna
 I don’t know if I would be fast enough to stop something happening that may instantly kill one of you, and I can’t have that—one of the noble houses I’m skeptical about is one that specializes in poison.

“That’s the reason I’ve been doing all of this. Once this wedding happens, every
 system user threat on this continent to all of you will be taken care of. Bringing one of you only for something to happen to you would make things pretty meaningless, don’t you think?” he explained.

Derek spilled what he had been thinking ever since he joined the war to Malorie—the person he trusted the most. He thought after creating his shop in Savannah and handing Gerald Torith off to the kingdom, while also being on good terms with Natalie, would make it where his people could do what they wanted and live their lives to the fullest without worry—except for those who chose to battle monsters, but monsters were a much lesser threat than people. Monsters—most monsters—were unable to plan or carry grudges. A monster would go after Derek, but a person would know they couldn’t match Derek, and go after those he cared about.

He felt that if his people—specifically Jacks, Rayna, and Thomas—chose to run dungeons and something happened, then that was their fate. Obviously, he would feel terrible about it, but those were things he couldn’t control no matter what he did. They would have to increase their strength on their own. If something happened because of something he did or something he could have controlled or prevented, that would be different.

So, once he got everything built and ready in Savannah and helped take care of the internal threats, he was able to go into the raid without worry—which turned out to be wrong. After that, when he got out of the raid, he decided that he wouldn’t stop until everything was taken care of. He believed that once the wedding was over, new leaders were selected, and the three kingdoms allied under Cydaria’s rule, there would be no more problems from the continent they were on.

From what he had learned about Vallum, they were a nose down kind of kingdom. Other than trade, they stayed to themselves in their own little crafting world. They were completely neutral to everyone and everything.

After the wedding, he truly believed he would have done everything he could for those under him. Thomas could focus on his studies at the academy, Jacks and Rayna—and now even Bones and Ogre—could dungeon dive to their heart’s content, and Brandi, Mal, and Rudy could do what they needed to. I may have to visit the Assassin’s Guild because of Bones and Ogre, though.

“So,” Malorie said, breaking Derek out of his thoughts. “You’re saying we aren’t strong enough? That we’re too weak to even go to a wedding celebration?”

 necessarily,” Derek balked, and Malorie looked at him sternly. “Well, yes.”

“I know,” Malorie said with a smile. “I was just joking with you. That’s why you’ve helped us so much as it is, so we can become strong enough on our own in whatever field or craft we choose.”

“And that is why you’re the manager and I pay you the big bucks!” Derek replied. “Uh
 what do I pay you again?”

“Pretty much whatever I want,” Malorie replied. “Which isn’t a lot because I’ve been so damn busy.”

“Makes sense,” Derek said. “You should give yourself a bonus. Maybe buy a new pair of shoes or some skills or something. I’m sure you could find something you want.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I plan on taking a nice vacation just as soon as everything settles down,” Malorie said. “The two kids, Dina and Lance, do a pretty good job. They’d be able to run the shop for a few days by themselves. And with the way Bones is progressing in such a short time, he’ll be able to take care of everything else.”

Derek took a quick glance behind him at the two workers that Malorie had hired before. They were doing their best impressions of being statues behind the sales counter close to the door. Finally, he turned back and laughed. “That’s good. I’m happy that you found some good employees, and I’m glad that Bones is doing well. I really wasn’t sure when I first decided to
” What do I say? Take them in? Keep them? They aren’t pets

“Allow them to live and employ them?” Malorie finished what he was trying to say.

“Yes, that,” Derek said. During their short talk, Derek had seen both Jacks and Bones appear for a moment, then disappear once they realized that they weren’t needed. “Well, if you don’t mind, there is a shower and bed upstairs with my name on them. I need to crash.”

“Go ahead.” Malorie nodded, then stepped to the side so Derek could get past her. As he walked through the hall to the stairs, he heard his manager from in the distance. “You two, stop acting so stiff when Mr. Hunt is here. He’s not going to do anything to harm you. He’s a good man who just happens to have some
 scary skills. And the same is true with Silvi. If you pet her and give her scratches, she’s not going to kill you. She enjoys it. And another thing

Derek turned and made his way up the stairs as Malorie’s voice got quieter and quieter until, finally, he could no longer hear her. Finally, he made his way to his bathroom, where he was able to have one of the greatest showers of his life because of how hot and pressurized the shower runes could make the water. There’s just something about the Cleaning skill that just doesn’t cut it. Nothing beats a nice hot shower.

Tossing all his previous gear inside his storage ring after drying off, he threw on one of his remaining pair of shorts and headed to his room to sleep. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out. It had been a long couple of months.


Braden Moody

Good rest for him and good character interaction!


I appreciate the chapter, but think Mal needs to put her foot down. She does Need to go to the wedding. Even if she is Derek's +1. Orrrrrrr Derek needs to suprise her and take her. I appreciate all the intrigue but Mal and her daughter should get to attend as +1 & +2. After all, sometimes it's handy to be the most powerful guy on the continent.

Chris Weber

Even being one of the strongest, you can't stop everything. It would be a good twist to have him bring mal and her die.